#anakin skywalker smut


House Of Memories (13/?)

Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader

Warnings: bad dreams, angst, confessions?? kinda idk

Summary: You travel with Anakin and Padme to the planet of Tatooine, hoping to find Anakin’s mother before something bad happens. You begin to feel more anxiety about Obi-Wan’s position, wanting to leave your station to help him.

A/n: i hate this chapter, it’s kind of a filler to move along the plot, anyways literally don’t even read it, disregard it completely.

Words: 2k

Anakin had mediated that morning, feeling a horrible feeling about his mother, outside of the world of his dreams. It was a reality, she was going through something awful, and he needed to get to her. Anakin had insisted to Padme that she should stay on Naboo, with you as her security until he could return, but she protested, her true feelings showing through when she told him she would come with him.

That’s how you came to be here, after a long flight, sitting in the home of the Lars family farm. Owen, Anakin’s step sibling as it would come to be, was a very good and gentle man, you quite liked being in his and his girlfriend’s presence. They led a much simpler life than you, not one you quite envied, but one you could see yourself one day settling into upon leaving the Order. You swore you never would, but seeing the galaxy in full, you began to wonder if maybe it could be a possibility, to explore, and to settle, eventually.

Cliegg, the man who had married Anakin’s mother, was sitting at the head of the table, telling Anakin what had happened to the very person he had come so far for. The natives, the sand people in the desert, making homes out of the dun sea among other places on Tatooine, had capture her, held her hostage in their camps. Anakin seemed outraged, but he was of course too sensitive to take it out on the poor family who had actually been around her when it happened.

“Where are you going?” Owen asked, his head tilting up in a curious manner. You knew exactly where he was going.

“To find my mother.”

“No, Ani,” Padme tried to stop him, knowing it was dangerous, and that he was treading out to meet an unknown enemy. You knew he would be fine; you just hope that he didn’t massacre an entire race because they kidnapped his mother. Perhaps you should go with him?

“Your mother is dead, son. Accept it,” Cliegg tried his best to keep the young Skywalker from going out alone, and you didn’t have the guts to tell him he shouldn’t, but you were slightly concerned for him should he not find what he’s looking for.

“I can feel her pain, and I will find her. I know she’s alive.”

With his last word, you knew you had to let him go. You understood what it was to feel the pain of someone you love and be expected to shut it out for the cause of the mission. You were trying your absolute best to hold out on hope that Obi-Wan was alright, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was hunting him.

“Thank you for letting us into your home, you’ve been very gracious,” you thanked them, seeing that Anakin and Padme had abruptly left the room, no other words being said.

“Of course, anyone who was connected to Shmi is welcome with us.”

You stood up, nodding to the three that were left around the table before making your exit also, offering as warm smile as you left, heading out to one of the ledges that overlooked the sandy dunes. Anakin was mounting a speeder-bike, ready to ride away at a moment’s notice. Of course, he wouldn’t leave without an encouraging embrace from Padme, whom you suspected got over her intense argument with him over their relationship.

You crossed your legs, placing your hands over your knees. You closed your eyes and inhaled deep breaths, the way Obi-Wan had taught you to meditate. He’d taught you so well, and it was the very reason you were able to reach out to him right now, trying to find out if he was alright. You searched the far corners of the galaxy, other signatures coming in and out of your range, but none of them being familiar enough for you to hold onto. You finally reached the space that you’d found his presence lurking in last time, but it wasn’t there. It wasn’t even close. You kept searching, brows furrowing as the vast expanse kept blowing past around your mind. It was like his signature no longer existed on an ethereal plane. You knew it wasn’t gone, because part of it was still calling out to you, from where, you had no idea, but it had to be alive and strong for him to project it that far away. Perhaps the danger was past, and now that he felt safe, he tried to find your signature again. You were trying your best, but every attempt seemed to only be getting you further away from success.

You huffed, trying to focus, and let the force guide you, rather than you use the force to guide yourself.

You felt a flicker of light, and a feeling of warmth, but it wasn’t physical, it was purely in your mental state. surrounding you, making you glow from the inside. You thought that maybe you’d found him, and were about to hold tight to his signature, branching your own out to perhaps get a feeling back from him, something, anything to indicate that he was alright. You extended your presence to him like a hand pulling someone away from trouble, but as soon as you made contact with the signature, it spit you back out like the days before.

You opened your eyes, feeling you heart rate climb and your hands begin to shake. He really was in trouble. You hoped Anakin would not take too long, because you wanted nothing more than to leave this planet and go find wherever Obi-Wan was.

“Pardon me, Jedi?” you heard a soft voice beside you, and you jolted at the sudden interruption of your mind. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

It was that sweet girlfriend of Owen, her name was Beru, you think. She smiled timidly in your presence; her hands folded like she was carefully contemplating something to say.

“It’s alright,” you shook your head a little, hoping she didn’t get the idea that you were a rude Jedi. “What can I do for you?”

“Well, I hate to bother you, but we seem to be having trouble with our heater… Owen’s father said that perhaps you wouldn’t mind using your abilities to help us get it working.”

“Of course, I’ll see what I can do.”

When she led you inside, she pointed to the stove burner, which had completely been turned to the highest level it could be, without a single flame protruding.

You walked up, and upon closer inspection, the connecter to the gas lighter was broken horribly. You weren’t very good at fixing things like Anakin was, your mechanic abilities were rather underdeveloped, as Obi-Wan so kindly put it. Truth be told, he didn’t want you to focus on the more technical things, for he believed a consular of your class would excel to assignments far greater than mending a broken stove burner… but, here you were, wishing you’d taken Anakin up on his offer to learn at least a few simple things.

“I’m not sure I could fix it for you,” you told them, a little embarrassed at being a Jedi learner, standing in the kitchen of another family and looking like a complete idiot. “What is it you need heated?”

“Just this kettle,” Owen showed you, holding up the large metal caldron that was hanging over the heater before it had broken.

“That’s not too bad,” you said, taking it from his hands and hanging it back on the hook above the stove. You closed your eyes again, hoping you hadn’t exhausted your force abilities by trying to find Obi-Wan.

“What are you going to do?” Beru asked, very excitedly coming over to witness. She had never met a Jedi before today, and by now she’d had the pleasure of bringing two into their home.

“Something I had to learn to do when Anakin took all the hot water from the ‘fresher,” you joked, raising your hand and closing your eyes. That was technically the exact reason why you’d learned you could do this but figured it best to remain as a joke. You inhaled, focus, and exhaled, heating the inner contents of the kettle without having used any help from the heater.

They all looked on in amazement, thankful for the help they had received. You lowered your hand and shook your head a few times to snap out of it. You were definitely pushing your limits with how many needless uses of the force you were making yourself endure.

You politely excused yourself, going to the room they’d assigned for you and Padme. She was still awake, but lying down in one of the small cots, looking as sleepy as you supposed you were.

“You seem to be popular among our hosts,” she said, looking up and resting her head on her elbow.

You really didn’t want to talk, because you knew you would probably make no sense in your dreary state, so you just smiled, rolling your eyes playfully at her in response and then laid down in the cot across from her.

“You’ve been thinking about him today, haven’t you?” She asked, picking up on your subtle clues but deciphering them slightly wrong. It was technically the reason you were so tired; the strength was drained from you by your overuse of the force, and what you were using it to find.

“Yes,” you turned to face her, though your eyes were falling fast with every minute passed. “I think he need’s my help, I don’t want anything to happen to him.”

“I understand. You feel greatly for him, it must cause you pain to feel what he feels,” she paused, laying back down and looking at the ceiling, which was purely drab compared to what she was used to. It was simple though, and humble. “How does it work?”

“How does what work?” You kept on, knowing that the moment you fell asleep it would probably be into a nightmare about Obi-Wan.

“Your bond to him, how you can feel him when he’s not even there?” She was so curious, and she held a childlike innocence in the way she asked you these things.

“I’m not really sure. It’s been there since I met him, so I’ve never been without it. I haven’t really asked him about it, either. It always just seemed so natural, I guess it never crossed my mind that there was a reason for it.”

It seemed to fascinate her, how you had used this ability all your life, but didn’t know much of it, and didn’t realize how much of a gift it is.

“I just know it’s always been a comfort to me; he’s always been a comfort to me,” you fell deep into the feelings you held for him, the love, and the admiration. They embraced you, and helped you feel a little at ease, though it was hard to keep that sense of calm when the next moment you were raking your mind of why these thoughts were so important. “That’s why I feel that something is badly wrong. I can’t lose him, Padme.”

“He’s your Anakin,” she summed it up, finally admitting to herself, and out loud to you about her strong feelings for your fellow padawan, while addressing your love for your Jedi Master.

“He’s everything.”




*in aoc voice*shout out to all me fellow rAdiCals

ok but seriously guys this is a sort of important announcement for my page. other the summer and fall and start of winter my interests have drifted a bit from criminal minds. i barely watch it anymore. and with that writing for spencer has been hard. now don’t fret I will still write for him but probably way less. I have a list here of new people I will write for

MCYT such as

• Wilbur Soot



•Karl Jacobs

• Tommyinnit (only platonic since he’s a minor)

And any body you request.

Star Wars

•Anakin Skywalker

•Obi Wan Kenobi

• Padmé Amidala

•Ahsoka Tano (young only platonic, older can have romance)

•Luke Skywalker

•Han Solo

Again, pretty much anyone you would like to request.

I hope you guys understand and can enjoy my new content. I would really like some requests to get me going but I will have some Wilbur Soot ones out soon! ❤️ I love you all.
