
Went gallivanting in my new mini cooper sport as it’s been sat on my driveway and I needed to

Went gallivanting in my new mini cooper sport as it’s been sat on my driveway and I needed to blow away some cobwebs.

Cool iron age double-banked hill fort. Amazing that people lived here around 1000 - 2000 years ago.

Watching the eerie mist engulfing the settlement  and surrounding  forest. Great ro get into nature again  and walk amongst the trees and along the wye valley trail



#trees #forest  #forestofdean  #caplercamp #brockhampton  #herefordshire #ironage #ironagehillfort #ancientsite #wyevalley  #wyevalleytrail #wellbeing #freshair #misty  #minicoopers minicoopersf56  #mini  #roadtrip #nature #gallivanting #jaunt #countryside #britishracinggreen #lateautumn

(at Capler Camp)

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