#and his dragon kitty



Y’all. Douxie. How beautiful of a character he is to get to know.

I rewatched a couple of his scenes and I remembered… how absolutely delightful he was. How wonderful the few short episodes he’s a main character in are.

Like, he’s good. I know there’s more to him, but I love how embracing the story is of his good heart, how they didn’t need to add any grittiness or dark themes, and how sweet and caring he is.

Rewatching the scenes I got hit so hard by my initial feelings of watching him, and like… those feelings are unparalleled. I’ve never before felt such bliss to watch a character’s journey, a journey that’s focused on him being a good person. Like I know it sounds lame, but it’s not; especially in the time Wizards came out, his characterization was like a breath of fresh air. And I don’t know if I’ll ever get to feel something similar again, to watch a character so pure, sweet, relatable, and unabashedly himself be the center of a story and not have those traits bullied out of him. To persist and stay true to himself and his values.

I wish I could forget everything about him so that I could watch the show and experience the feeling of knowing him all over again.

THIS ^^^^
