#toa archie


Ok, here are some theories I wanted to share and get off my chest (part 2/2):

This one is driving me crazy!


Is Aja gonna train Jim how to use one?! (I’d love to see how Claire and Steve handle that one lol)

They may be in New Jersey by this point, cause it’s looking like he’s about to face off with someone in a (very beat up) train, or bus.

I’ll be honest, it feels kinda weird that Claire isn’t here with him for some reason to me. But the fact that it looks like he’s facing someone alone with a weapon we’ve never seen him use will be just something I’ll be on the edge of my seat for!

Is that a Heartstone?!

This looks like their in Arcadia, or at least Douxie and Claire are for all we know from this pic. They probably all are, they’re probably just at another part of town.

The two siblings we’ve come to know looking both sexy and badass, something this fandom is absolutely LOVING

But the heartstone, or evil magic, whatever that is behind them is making my head turn.

This one has had sooo many theories.

It could be of another random place in the world, it could be associated with the enchanted forest Nari represents, they could be getting ready for something to attack them from that way, or the lake could even be associated with Arthur, or the resting place of the lady of the lake.

It could be any one of those, or others too.

This I’d love to hear theories about in the comments, cause other than her maybe getting ready to fight against the hero’s looking at them, or plotting a plan against them in her base, or layer, I don’t got much.

Now, I really wanted to add this gif for the last one:


People are debating if this Is in New York, or New Jersey, but with how much those billboards look like their from Times Square, I’m pretty sure this is in New York.

I keep getting confused if that if a train, or a bus with the length I’m thinking It looks like.

There’s a LOT to ask about this one.

Like about the blue magic and the reason this whole train needs to be stopped, if the blue magic is helping this or causing this, and If Jim’s in that bus or train with the Serrator like in one of the previous photos.




Gather your friends close—just 15 days left until Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans! Who’s excited?


Some things I would love to see in Trollhunters ROTT:

• Flashbacks to when Jim met Toby, and Claire.

• Flashback to when Jim’s dad left.

• Jim feeling upset and weak after wizards events with the amulet being destroyed, and then given a motivational speech from his friends.

• Jim wielding Excalibur like a pro.

• See or learn even just a little more on Jim’s dad. Maybe if there’s even a possibility that there’s another reason to why he left (maybe).

• A bunch of references from the previous shows, just to make it all feel more like the end.

• Toby and Jim moments we haven’t seen since Trollhunters.

• Jim, Claire, Toby, the original trio have some scenes together we miss so much.

• The Steve and Eli, and Staja reunion.

• The original gang taking off Jim’s Vespa armour, and getting brand new armour for the battle (everyone else getting some too would be cool, but I just feel like it’d be cool to see Toby and Claire in brand new armour too).

• See if any of the underground wizards we all heard about share the same magic as Claire, or if it’s just her and Morgana that wield shadow powers.

• Maybe see Zoe, Douxie and Claire all become Wizard friends.

• The whole gang, all the kids of Arcadia taking time with each other, taking a break to relax with all they’ve been though up to now.

• Barbara and Jim reuniting, or just close times together like they always used to have.

• Jim and Claire’s wedding

• Javier calling Jim his son, meaning a lot to Jim (I know Blinky’s more of his father figure, but you can’t tell me Jim wouldn’t take that to heart).

• Jim and Claire’s kids

• The gang in the future, and what their futures individually end up looking like.


Only five days left until the premiere of Rise of the Titans… Until then, our weekly Fan Spotlight recognizes Paris @tales-of-hisirdoux, a wonderful artist who also enjoys singing and acting! You can find this lovely piece here, along with more artwork on her Tumblr page. Thanks for being part of the TOA family, Paris!


Archie: Douxie, call me when you get this.

Douxie: One minute. I can’t find my phone.

Archie: Ok

Ten minutes later.

Archie: You are killing me. You know that? You are KILLING your familiar.


Previous Chapter

Author’s Notes : Final “Titanhunter” chapter! Let’s see what Doux and the others are up to, yea? Hope you all enjoy.


Titanhunters (Part 3)

They stepped out of the shadows, arriving at a village bordered by rainbow hills and valleys. Strokes of green and purple, blue and beige, pink and ochre painted the great mountainsides, vibrant and breathtaking even under a host of dark clouds. Like a flying beacon the white Heartstone shone, casting its glow over the harlequin landscape.

“You okay, Douxie?” Jim asked.

Douxie nodded. His head wasn’t feeling fantastic, but after fumbling through a few more healing spells it was at least bearable.  

“Hurts a little but I’ll be alright, thanks,” he said, giving Jim a soft smile. He then gazed around and admired the beauty of the land while he had the chance. “I’d seen so many photos of these mountains.”

Archie pondered, “Yes, what were they called again…”

“Quebrada de Humahuaca,” Claire said. “My parents told me we had distant relatives from around here. Great, great, great, aunties and uncles.” 

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This is what archie looks like, no I will not be taking criticism at this time

This is adorable!

TrollDouxie TrollZoe and TrollArchie from my version of Trollhunter!TrollJim AU (every humans characters in that AU are trolls plus the canon trolls from the serie)

TrollDouxie is incredibly tall. Still TrollMerlin apprentice, he’s learning troll magic, same chill attitude but also mischievous and adventurous (he’s the type to go above ground at night and prank humans for fun).

TrollZoe owns a shop in Trollmarket selling regeant and trinkets. She’s secretly a changeling but doesn’t want anything to do with Bular/Gunmar. TrollDouxie and TrollArchie know about it but the others don’t, since there is a lot of prejudice about changelings and TrollZoe would be cast aside or hunted if they knew. She’s TrollDouxie’s partner in crimes when it comes to go to the surface and mess up with humans (nothing awfull, only pranks like “borrowing” a car to go for a ride or sneaking up on kids on Halloween)

TrollArchie is almost the same as canon except he also got troll blood that gives him a imp-ish body (NotEnrique mixed with his dragon form). Still the son of Charlemagne the Devourer, met TrollDouxie while travelling and they quickly became best friends. He’s as usual the one with the braincell.


Jim: You lying, cheating @&X!&?/X&@! F'ing $@&!$X%£¥}!!!!

Claire: F'k you Jim! You backstabbing tyrant asshole!

Douxie, absolutely aghast at the words coming out of Jim’s mouth: Uhhhhh….. where did Jim learn to curse in Draconic?

Archie: Who thought a game of Risk was a good idea after what happened with Monopoly?? You know Risk is even worse!

Strickler, side eying Claire: Yeah… I admit this was not my best idea… Young Atlas, perhaps you sh…

Jim: F'ing Back off Strickler!

Archie: Uhmmmmmm Douxie?? Maybe we should break this up…..

Douxie, noticing Claires eyes: Oh fuzzbuckets….

I had a thought…. since monopoly gone wrong has been done and banned already. what if… Strickler introduces the team to Risk (which he has never lost) hedging on his many years as a spy, strategist, history teacher, and head of the Janus Order to give him the upper hand, only to forget about how competitive Claire can be, and even more shocking… finding out dear, sweet, good boy, make enemies into friends/family Jim is an absolutely ruthless cutthroat tyrant hellbent on (board game) world domination.

Don’t worry though, in my head, this ends in one of those anger turned to well… you know… make out sessions… where the angry parties get closer and closer and suddenly kissing, like happens in the movies, totally oblivious to the fact that other people are still there and embarrassing everyone.

Fun fact, as this is Strickler’s game, I figured he bought it new when it first came out, so I did the original 1950’s aqua box.

Bonus closeups below

Lake family game night goes very wrong.

Jim: You lying, cheating @&X!&?/X&@! F'ing $@&!$X%£¥}!!!!

Claire: F'k you Jim! You backstabbing tyrant asshole!

Douxie, absolutely aghast at the words coming out of Jim’s mouth: Uhhhhh….. where did Jim learn to curse in Draconic?

Archie: Who thought a game of Risk was a good idea after what happened with Monopoly?? You know Risk is even worse!

Strickler, side eying Claire: Yeah… I admit this was not my best idea… Young Atlas, perhaps you sh…

Jim: F'ing Back off Strickler!

Archie: Uhmmmmmm Douxie?? Maybe we should break this up…..

Douxie, noticing Claires eyes: Oh fuzzbuckets….

I had a thought…. since monopoly gone wrong has been done and banned already. what if… Strickler introduces the team to Risk (which he has never lost) hedging on his many years as a spy, strategist, history teacher, and head of the Janus Order to give him the upper hand, only to forget about how competitive Claire can be, and even more shocking… finding out dear, sweet, good boy, make enemies into friends/family Jim is an absolutely ruthless cutthroat tyrant hellbent on (board game) world domination.

Don’t worry though, in my head, this ends in one of those anger turned to well… you know… make out sessions… where the angry parties get closer and closer and suddenly kissing, like happens in the movies, totally oblivious to the fact that other people are still there and embarrassing everyone.

Fun fact, as this is Strickler’s game, I figured he bought it new when it first came out, so I did the original 1950’s aqua box.

Bonus closeups below

Some then and now Douxie and Zoe shenanigans! And a bonus magic thing cuz I realize I haven’t drawn much magic usage lately and that is a crime. Gona finish up those Jlaire wedding illustrations next, will try and get that up soon! Love me some Bebe zouxie interactions tho

Zoe, Douxie & Archie at Jlaire wedding! Lookin fancay and then some photobooth shenanigans! ThisZoe, Douxie & Archie at Jlaire wedding! Lookin fancay and then some photobooth shenanigans! ThisZoe, Douxie & Archie at Jlaire wedding! Lookin fancay and then some photobooth shenanigans! ThisZoe, Douxie & Archie at Jlaire wedding! Lookin fancay and then some photobooth shenanigans! ThisZoe, Douxie & Archie at Jlaire wedding! Lookin fancay and then some photobooth shenanigans! ThisZoe, Douxie & Archie at Jlaire wedding! Lookin fancay and then some photobooth shenanigans! ThisZoe, Douxie & Archie at Jlaire wedding! Lookin fancay and then some photobooth shenanigans! This

Zoe, Douxie & Archie at Jlaire wedding! Lookin fancay and then some photobooth shenanigans! This is part 1 of this series, more Zouxie art of this evening coming soon (after wedding on way home/ at home, some super soft cute ass shiet)! Added some close ups in the thread in case it’s hard to zoom in. Enjoy!

Post link

Some Zoe and Douxie back in the day and Zouxie shenanigans have this HC of her learning to electrify metal blades (with exposed handles) and other weapons as more concealed use of magic. Have some more cute zouxie stuff coming later today :)


Some then and now Douxie and Zoe shenanigans! And a bonus magic thing cuz I realize I haven’t drawn much magic usage lately and that is a crime. Gona finish up those Jlaire wedding illustrations next, will try and get that up soon! Love me some Bebe zouxie interactions tho


My brain thought of a sad :’(  Nari sings an old song and Douxie can’t remember what he’s forgotten…

I’ve been taking a needed break from my RoTT rewrite but fret not! Rika’s going back on the grind lol
