#toa wizards


“Did you feel that?!”

A gust of chilled wind preceded Skrael as he burst into Bellroc’s chamber, a wild, triumphant gleam in his eyes. Bellroc smirked.

“Of course I did. That wizard…he went sloppy.”

It had been nearly 10 years since Merlin’s old apprentice had whisked the traitor Nari into hiding. Unfortunately, Nari’s presence was crucial to their plan. It should have been easy to track her down; like all the members of the Arcane Order, her magical signature was ancient, strong, and distinctive. But that blasted wizard, he’d put some sort of masking spell on her. Neither Bellroc nor Skrael had been able to pick up even a hint of her trace, and as such had no inkling of where she could be.

Until today.

They didn’t know how, they didn’t know why, but somehow, just now, the wizard slipped up. His masking spell faltered. It wasn’t for long, and as if realizing his mistake, Nari’s signature winked out of detection as quickly as it had appeared…but it was long enough.

They now had a location to chase, and it they moved fast enough they’d be able to catch up before the wizard could relocate.

“Come, brother,” said Bellroc, flicking her bird-like mask into place as she rose to her feet. “Let’s go collect our third.”

Continue reading on Ao3!


Why yes, your honour, @jlaire-zine is going to emotionally destroy me.

All artists are watermarked on their perspective pieces! I thought it would be easier than a long list down below here, and all can be found/ are tagged on the @jlaire-zine Instagram and tumblr pages.


shoutout to the people working for hours on content that only gets ten notes. i’m kissing you tenderly on the forehead as we speak



Jim: When it comes to this relationship, there is no “I”, only “we”

Claire: Okay, “we” are bisexual

Jim: Damn right we are


WAIT wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me that in season 3 of Trollhunters, when the gang first wakes up Merlin him saying to Jim:

Is all because HE’D ALREADY MET JIM IN THE PAST WHEN HE WAS HALF TROLL? And was like what?? Why are you so small and fleshy?? Is that why he was so insistent that Jim change forms? To prevent a TIME PARADOX?????

This makes SO much sense!! And according to Aaron further up in the comments, it sounds right

Jim after Wizards getting home:

Jim: Oh my god! I can eat human food again!

Jim: *looks to Claire*

Claire: *deeply sighs*

Claire: I’ll go make the guac.

Jim: Thank you☺️


Hello Jlaire fans!! After a few months of art and writing production, we can delightedly announce that ‘Eres Tú’ will be open for preorders on April 1st!! More details to come!

Our amazing, beloved, hardworking, glorious artists and writers have created so many pieces for the zine. Please give them some love in this contributor announcement!

As of tomorrow, we’re going to start showing off zine previews, starting with our insanely GORGEOUS wraparound cover by @kurocyou . Expect a couple of sneak peeks before we reveal the full image!

As I write all this out, I’m filled with so much joy. Me ( @faerie-ana ) and @/cicely.wright have been pouring our hearts into organizing this passion project that we can’t wait to share with the #talesofarcadia community.

To everyone reading this, thank you for all the support you’ve shown this account thus far. To make the zine a proper success, please comment on and save posts, and share the news if you can!! This book is going to be so beautiful!

As always, keep it crispy!!

I can’t tell you how excited I’ve been for this!! I’m so excited to see all the zine workers works, they’re all such amazing artists and writers, this should be a beautiful book any fandom would be overjoyed for

Ok, I’ve been thinking about this part.

I know we all know how much Claire loves Jim. We’ve seen it, heard it, and love seeing her show how much she does. But after reading this a few times, I kept thinking how much they really showed it in Wizards (more moments that I guess went over my head in Wizards).

Jim’s said here during an interview, after wizards was released, that love and compassion were really more of the true elements in resurrecting Jim. But the fact that only one tear drop from Claire brought him back not only from the dead, but back to his normal self (after connecting with his soul in the shadow realm as well). There was that much love for Jim in only one of her tear drops.

This girl is seriously in love with this boy and it’s warming my heart so much


Ok so yeah r*tt fucking sucks but the song at the end credits kinda slaps ngl

I really can’t bring myself to say that I don’t agree ‍♀️

Rise of the Titans Theory:

Even though he was injured at the time…I feel like because of the small kiss Claire gave Jim just after going into the Killahead battle in Wizards, there could be a “before going into battle” kiss before a large battle with the Arcane Order.

It lifted Jim up so much before going off again into battle, that I just see it happening in the movie once the battle comes.

Ok, this is something that’s been bothering me for a while. I’m not about to say all this to criticize others opinions, this is just what’s on my mind.

The whole thing about Jim being turned back into a human doesn’t make sense to a lot of people. Especially the people who liked troll Jim more, or just didn’t see the reason to change him back. I’ll be honest, it didn’t at first to me either. I mean in trollhunters, Merlin literally said there’s no going back, and made this whole build up leading up to it in the bath tub scene. But if you really look at the whole thing, the whole trilogy (well at least trollhunters and wizards) it starts making sense the more you think of it.

In my opinion, the more I see people say “the purpose of the show was for troll Jim to stay troll Jim and finally be enough to defeat Gunmar”, it kinda frustrates me (again, no offence I swear). Cause in my own opinion, the show was never meant to turn him into a troll, it was to have Jim, not only be the first human trollhunter, but to be the first trollhunter to defeat Gunmar. With everything about Gunmar, we all knew he’d at some point defeat him, but the whole show was showing us his training and whole journey that would lead up to him being strong enough to do so.

Him becoming and being a troll, came up to be more of the main focus of the show in the last four episodes of the entire show. To me, it feels like by the middle to the end of season three when he was about to become a troll, they just said “ok, he’s still not strong enough, let’s just combine troll strength with his human strength, even though everything we’re gonna put him through in the show is supposed to make him strong enough by the end, as a human, to conquer Gunmar”. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike troll Jim. The journey was unforgettable. But with everything else in the show (trollhunters), we notice one of Jim’s biggest fears is losing his humanity. Which was a crazy, but right sacrifice to make.

The one sad thing I noticed though was, Even though we didn’t see much of troll Jim, he only looked his happiest with Claire. Not gonna complain, I need my daily dosage of Jlaire everyday, but there’s not many times since Jim became a troll that he’d look as happy as Times he would in his human form. But I understand why he came back.

With every sacrifice he made, facing his biggest fear and purposely losing his humanity to save others, saving all of his friends by getting that huge death blast from Morgana, sacrificing his half troll form to be full troll to, again, protect others… I’m sure there’s more but I shouldn’t list more than the biggest ones. Doing all that and with the help of Claire’s magic, and finding his soul in the shadow realm, I can see how he earned it back.

I’ve also seen a lot of people saying things like “I wish Jim could’ve stayed a troll, he looked so much hotter”. Again, I don’t hate troll Jim, I’ve just tried looking as best I could in his head. Tryna put my feet in his shoes. Dude. He was living in a reality that was a fear of his. Which probably would’ve took some getting used to.

In the “a house divided” episode, Merlin literally said “the amulet chose you to become the first, human, trollhunter, but you were never destined to remain so”. That confuses me still. Instead of making history by having Jim be the first human trollhunter till someone else is chosen, Merlin decides to turn him into the form of what every other trollhunter was, within only the first few months of Jim being chosen.

I’ve seen some places also that people have said things like: “What was so special about Jim being human anyway? A lot of people want him back to his human form, there’s billions of people that are human on earth rn, that’s not special”. Yeah…there’s billions of people on the planet, and probably thousands of trolls underneath where those humans in this planet live too. But the special thing about Jim, is that he’s not like every other trollhunter that’s come to be. He’s the first, and only up to today’s date, HUMAN trollhunter. No other trollhunter ever up to this point has been a human. No one out of the billions of humans is. More than a few trolls have been trollhunters. But never human before. And that’s what makes Jim beyond special as a trollhunter.

Sorry, that was my long rant. Just my opinion, and wondering if anyone else thought anything someone had the same back.

Anyone else kinda want ‘children of the sun’ to play aat some point in trollhunters rise of the titans? I feel like that’d be a nice call back to add it in at some point in the film.

I’ve been seeing some theories on Instagram that Jim couldn’t pull out Excalibur because he actually didn’t want to.

With everything he’s been through recently, it could’ve stressed him out a little hearing he should Wield it after all the responsibilites that’s been put on him for a while, and definitely recently.

Especially after turning back into a human, something he never thought would happen, could’ve made him think now, at least for a little bit, he can just, finally exhale (if that makes sense).

I didn’t know if I believed them too much at first, until I watched the last episode of wizards to watch him attempt to pull it out. And, in my opinion, his facial expressions just prove those theories:

(His face also shows that he literally feels like he’s not strong enough at the time to do so)

Look at the expression on Jim’s face in these two pictures very closely.

I noticed this watching trollhunters today. It melts my heart to see that everytime Jim is about to experience the biggest thing in his life, Claires always the one that makes him make the most upset and/or guilty face when it’s about to happen. It always happens to be Claire that makes him feel the guiltiest about not telling her when it came down to anyone finding out, or anyone knowing what’s about to happen to him


Archie: Douxie, call me when you get this.

Douxie: One minute. I can’t find my phone.

Archie: Ok

Ten minutes later.

Archie: You are killing me. You know that? You are KILLING your familiar.


New ToA fanzine coming soon! Applications will be opening in early April so keep an eye out for more info coming your way.

A little something @daylightsamulet and I are organizing! Follow and spread the word!


Person who doesn’t watch Tales of Arcadia: Why do you love this Douxie somuch?

Me: *shows them this*

Yes I spent the whole day editing this and I regret nothing!


Previous Chapter

Author’s Notes : Final “Titanhunter” chapter! Let’s see what Doux and the others are up to, yea? Hope you all enjoy.


Titanhunters (Part 3)

They stepped out of the shadows, arriving at a village bordered by rainbow hills and valleys. Strokes of green and purple, blue and beige, pink and ochre painted the great mountainsides, vibrant and breathtaking even under a host of dark clouds. Like a flying beacon the white Heartstone shone, casting its glow over the harlequin landscape.

“You okay, Douxie?” Jim asked.

Douxie nodded. His head wasn’t feeling fantastic, but after fumbling through a few more healing spells it was at least bearable.  

“Hurts a little but I’ll be alright, thanks,” he said, giving Jim a soft smile. He then gazed around and admired the beauty of the land while he had the chance. “I’d seen so many photos of these mountains.”

Archie pondered, “Yes, what were they called again…”

“Quebrada de Humahuaca,” Claire said. “My parents told me we had distant relatives from around here. Great, great, great, aunties and uncles.” 

Afficher davantage

Can’t say he’s not trying hard

TrollDouxie TrollZoe and TrollArchie from my version of Trollhunter!TrollJim AU (every humans characters in that AU are trolls plus the canon trolls from the serie)

TrollDouxie is incredibly tall. Still TrollMerlin apprentice, he’s learning troll magic, same chill attitude but also mischievous and adventurous (he’s the type to go above ground at night and prank humans for fun).

TrollZoe owns a shop in Trollmarket selling regeant and trinkets. She’s secretly a changeling but doesn’t want anything to do with Bular/Gunmar. TrollDouxie and TrollArchie know about it but the others don’t, since there is a lot of prejudice about changelings and TrollZoe would be cast aside or hunted if they knew. She’s TrollDouxie’s partner in crimes when it comes to go to the surface and mess up with humans (nothing awfull, only pranks like “borrowing” a car to go for a ride or sneaking up on kids on Halloween)

TrollArchie is almost the same as canon except he also got troll blood that gives him a imp-ish body (NotEnrique mixed with his dragon form). Still the son of Charlemagne the Devourer, met TrollDouxie while travelling and they quickly became best friends. He’s as usual the one with the braincell.

One night, in the Trollhunter!Douxie universe…


Since we are feeling nostalgic and refuse to let these two go, @emsprovisions and I are hosting a Zouxie week! Feel free to participate, wether you ship zouxie romantically, platonically, or just enjoy the characters in general. Keep an eye out for the next announcement with the official dates and prompts!

Special thanks to @tenyai for the lovely artwork


Douxie: Look, here’s my impression of you.

Douxie, with a half assed Californian accent: I like my tea iced, dude.

Jim: I don’t say that!

Douxie continuing: I don’t use the metric system!

Jim: You lying, cheating @&X!&?/X&@! F'ing $@&!$X%£¥}!!!!

Claire: F'k you Jim! You backstabbing tyrant asshole!

Douxie, absolutely aghast at the words coming out of Jim’s mouth: Uhhhhh….. where did Jim learn to curse in Draconic?

Archie: Who thought a game of Risk was a good idea after what happened with Monopoly?? You know Risk is even worse!

Strickler, side eying Claire: Yeah… I admit this was not my best idea… Young Atlas, perhaps you sh…

Jim: F'ing Back off Strickler!

Archie: Uhmmmmmm Douxie?? Maybe we should break this up…..

Douxie, noticing Claires eyes: Oh fuzzbuckets….

I had a thought…. since monopoly gone wrong has been done and banned already. what if… Strickler introduces the team to Risk (which he has never lost) hedging on his many years as a spy, strategist, history teacher, and head of the Janus Order to give him the upper hand, only to forget about how competitive Claire can be, and even more shocking… finding out dear, sweet, good boy, make enemies into friends/family Jim is an absolutely ruthless cutthroat tyrant hellbent on (board game) world domination.

Don’t worry though, in my head, this ends in one of those anger turned to well… you know… make out sessions… where the angry parties get closer and closer and suddenly kissing, like happens in the movies, totally oblivious to the fact that other people are still there and embarrassing everyone.

Fun fact, as this is Strickler’s game, I figured he bought it new when it first came out, so I did the original 1950’s aqua box.

Bonus closeups below


There I did a Galavant x Wizards thing a year late

Here is a sweet little Zouxie moment! I kind of imagined Douxie & Zoe took a rare moment off to just sit at a park somewhere & just quietly observe ppl, muse on life maybe, or maybe they’re at one of Steve’s varsity games (cuz big bro D is sweet supportive Bebe) And Zoe gets an affectionate hand smooch goodyyy, enjoy!

Some then and now Douxie and Zoe shenanigans! And a bonus magic thing cuz I realize I haven’t drawn much magic usage lately and that is a crime. Gona finish up those Jlaire wedding illustrations next, will try and get that up soon! Love me some Bebe zouxie interactions tho
