#and might turn them off entirely


amourduloup replied to your text post:

thank you for replying and welcoming disagreement. the only thing i have to add is that i understand the desire to respect how people choose to describe themselves and to not police their personal choices. however, these terms do carry meaning that are socially and politically important. also, and i say this not knowing anything about you, but if it is the case that you don’t identify as lesbian, bi or trans, it’s fine not to have a definite opinion! i appreciate you deciding to look for more information.

This reply makes me really happy. It means a lot that it’s possible to discuss these sensitive, and very personal, topics without assuming the worst of each other. I appreciate you and everyone else who took the time to reply so thoughtfully. 

wormieworms replied to your text post:

As a trans/bi person I will probs have to unfollow. Labels don’t exist in a vaccum and ppl cant identify as them just cause they “want” to. Ignoring these criticisms does not fight the terfs, it just ignores what real trans/bi/lesbian people are saying.

I’m sorry you feel that way and I’m sorry to see you go. I appreciate you sharing this. I don’t feel I’m ignoring these criticisms, but I understand why it seems that way to you. It really sucks feeling you’re not heard, and I’m sorry I made you feel that way. 
