#and sinker



annoying: chapter 9

iwaizumi hajime has hated you, his assistant athletic trainer, since he knew you in high school. you on the other hand have bothered him for fun for as long as you knew him, not realizing your romantic feelings for him had manifested in that way. what happens when you two blockheads finally come to terms with how you feel?

a/n:written content for this one!! also yes i’m reposting bc i fucked up the tags and tumblr wouldn’t let me edit

“y/n relax! it’s ok!” bokuto turns you so your facing him, a hand on each shoulder. the rest of the team has just barely made it into practice, so the only other people there are atsumu, yaku, iwaizumi, and sakusa. he can see your hand trembling with anxiety, and his kind eyes and reassuring words just barely reach your ears.

“i am calm!” you shoot a nervous smile towards him before turning back to filling up the water bottles with shaky hands. you hear bokuto sigh behind you before turning towards the rest of his teammates as they steadily flow into the gym.

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