#haikyuu x female reader


‣‣‣RUN2U !!six

“ no matter who you are, over and over

it’s okay if i get hurt, i’ll run to you „

series masterlist|next

the house was eerily quiet. yachi could probably hear the sound of your heart thumping from across the apartment. any attempt at calming yourself would just resort to your heart beating even faster.

you didn’t really know why you were so nervous. it was just suna you were talking to. over the past few weeks the two of you had become close, and fast. though, nearly all of your communication had been through texts with the occasional voice message thrown in, never phone calls. what were you even gonna say to him? what was he gonna talk to you about? was this even appropriate? it’s not like it’s easy to get any advice on your situation. hell, you didn’t even know if there was a situation anyways.

after five minutes or so, you finally got the courage to press the call button.

“hello?” the sound of his voice nearly made you jump out of your skin. you knew what he sounded like. you heard his voice countless times. why now was your heart fluttering. “not gonna lie, i thought you got scared and chickened out” the slight chuckle in his voice didn’t go unnoticed by you. he was amused, obviously.

“i’ll be honest, i didn’t think this through fully” you admitted bashfully. him agreeing really didn’t cross your mind. the idea popped into your head and without a second thought you texted him. if you had actually thought about it you most definitely would’ve chickened out. though, your logical thinking seems to go out the window whenever you talk to him.

there was a bit of shuffling in the background before suna replied again, “you? not thinking things through fully? no way” he replied sarcastically, something you learned he likes to do a lot. “but why are you awake anyways? you’re an early bird.”

another thing you’ve learned about him is that he knows just how to get you to say what’s on your mind. you knew your friends had good intentions, but they often treat you like a child. things you say don’t normally get taken seriously. sometimes you feel like they don’t listen at all, only hear what they want to hear just so they can tell you to “be careful.” suna however, he listens to you. he doesn’t undermine your feelings and he actually offers useful help. it’s helped you in the last few weeks.

you knew he would listen to you, but you couldn’t go to suna with all of your problems. especially not the problems you’re having with his best friend.

your friends are done hearing about osama. they don’t like him and they don’t think you should be with him. the only advice they’ll offer to you about him is to cut him off, and you’ve thought about that. a lot. you also really care about osamu. he hasn’t been the best boyfriend in the past, but he also hasn’t been the worst. you love him, you just don’t know if you’re in love with him anymore.

and that sucks because he’s trying really hard for you.

“oh, it’s about osamu right?” by now suna knows that you only hesitate when it comes to osamu. he’s not so different from you though, he doesn’t really like to bring him up either.

anytime he thinks about him a wave of guilt hits up. the two of you haven’t done anything but playfully flirt, but it still feels wrong. suna knows something like this would hurt osamu. that’s why he was hesitant to even pick up the phone. imagine how bad i’d be, getting caught talking to your best friend’s kinda ex at two in the morning. it’s a bad look. how would he even explain it? the last thing he’d want to do is hurt his friend, one of the only people that’s there for him. is he really willing to risk that for a bit of flirting with you? would osamu really be that upset over it?

“yeah. he and i went out today and i just wasn’t feeling it” you told him quietly, interrupting his train of thoughts.

“we had this discussion that has me thinking: oh! maybe we shouldn’t be together” you said, frustrated that you were still stuck on the events from earlier. you tried to move on, you really did, but for some reason your mind kept bringing you back to that one conversation.

“what was the discussion?”

“it’s silly.. i honestly shouldn’t even be upset” suna could almost hear the frown on your lips. he wishes he could see it. “osamu said he doesn’t wanna get married. he thinks weddings are a waste” you bit down on your lip.

whenever you talked to osamu about being in a relationship, it was always long term. talks about living together, growing old, and even kids. but oddly enough, the two of you have never talked about marriage. well not until that convo happened. osamu doesn’t want to get married, he’s got a negative view on it and doesn’t plan on changing his mind. you on the other hand, enjoy the idea of marriage. to you, it’s a beautiful celebration of love. you’ve always envisioned yourself getting married to him. sadly, the thought probably doesn’t cross his mind as much as it does in yours.

“you want to get married, right?” he asked and you hummed in response. “then, that’s not silly at all,” he spoke again after a few seconds. “if getting married is something you want in life.. be with someone who also wants it. you shouldn’t have to live your life longing for something you could’ve had” another wave of guilt washed over him. he knew how much osamu loves you, yet here he is, encouraging you to find someone else. “but you know, you could always talk to your partner and work on it together. you’ve got to compromise sometimes right?”

“you’re right, i should’ve just talked to him about it instead of silently being upset” you pressed your lips together, trying to piece together what he told you. “but, since we’ve got to compromise and all, doesn’t that mean i should as well?” you questioned.

suna laughed a bit. it made you smile, you definitely wanted to hear it more often. “shit, you’re right. i told you that i don’t really know what i’m saying. so just ignore that last part and focus on the first one” he said. “you should be with someone who wants the same things as you in life, long term speaking of course.”

“hmm, do you want to get married suna?” you decided you were done with the problem talk and switch to something more fun. you knew he’d reply with some corny pick up line. they never failed to make you laugh.

“if i get to marry you, then yes,” and if your heart didn’t speed up for that, his next line definitely got you going. “call me rin, please?”

you nodded with a grin , even though he couldn’t see you. “should we start planning the wedding then, rin? do you wanna be added to my wedding pinterest board?” you giggled, now kicking your feet like a schoolgirl with a crush.

him responding “what the hell is pinterest?” only made you crack up even more.

a/n. sorry for all the delays! i wont be updating for the next few days so this is all i’m leaving everyone with? </3. hope you all enjoy the chapter!


‣‣‣RUN2U !!four

“ no matter who you are, over and over

it’s okay if i get hurt, i’ll run to you „

series masterlist|next

a/n. hiii, i hope you all like this au so far. i’m gonna be going on a trip later this week so i’ll be taking a little break from posting chapters probably. thursday will be the last update before my trip. also please check out loona’s intro performance for queendom!! thank uu <3


‣ ‣ ‣ RUN2U !!series masterlist

“ i’ll cross the line over and over

it’s okay if i get hurt, i’ll run to you „

‣ summary: after four months of being away, your ex boyfriend returns and tries to get you back. you probably would’ve took him back with quickness if it weren’t for his best friend getting in the way.

pairings: suna rintarou x f!reader, osamu x reader but not much

genre: drama, romance, social media au, forbidden love

warnings: cursing, mature content but probably no smut, kinda cheating? not really though

status: upcoming !!

‣ cast !!group project|the trio

‣ chapter index !!



















annoying: chapter 9

iwaizumi hajime has hated you, his assistant athletic trainer, since he knew you in high school. you on the other hand have bothered him for fun for as long as you knew him, not realizing your romantic feelings for him had manifested in that way. what happens when you two blockheads finally come to terms with how you feel?

a/n:written content for this one!! also yes i’m reposting bc i fucked up the tags and tumblr wouldn’t let me edit

“y/n relax! it’s ok!” bokuto turns you so your facing him, a hand on each shoulder. the rest of the team has just barely made it into practice, so the only other people there are atsumu, yaku, iwaizumi, and sakusa. he can see your hand trembling with anxiety, and his kind eyes and reassuring words just barely reach your ears.

“i am calm!” you shoot a nervous smile towards him before turning back to filling up the water bottles with shaky hands. you hear bokuto sigh behind you before turning towards the rest of his teammates as they steadily flow into the gym.

Keep reading


annoying: chapter 13

iwaizumi hajime has hated you, his assistant athletic trainer, since he knew you in high school. you on the other hand have bothered him for fun for as long as you knew him, not realizing your romantic feelings for him had manifested in that way. what happens when you two blockheads finally come to terms with how you feel?

a/n: this is one of my FAVORITE chapters so i hope y’all enjoy :)


“good morning sleepyhead,” suna’s voice sounds from behind you, and you groan in protest at the thought of having to fully wake up. you hear him chuckle behind you, his arms around your waist tightening so that your back is pressed fully against his chest.

Keep reading


annoying: chapter 12

iwaizumi hajime has hated you, his assistant athletic trainer, since he knew you in high school. you on the other hand have bothered him for fun as long as you knew him, not realizing your romantic feelings for him had manifested in that way. what happens when you two blockheads finally come to terms with how you feel?






annoying: chapter 11

iwaizumi hajime has hated you, his assistant athletic trainer, since he knew you in high school. you on the other hand have bothered him for fun for as long as you knew him, not realizing your romantic feelings for him had manifested in that way. what happens when you two blockheads finally come to terms with how you feel?




y/n and suna ^^^

do i sense jealousy coming soon from iwa? and YES Y/N!!! you are a bad bitch also i love bo, tsumu, and yaku best friends ever

“KISS ME MORE!” pt. 2 

⇢ sakusa kiyoomi, bokuto kotaro, miya osamu, kozume kenma, kuroo tetsuro x f!reader

part 1 

synopsis: the one in which you ask him to please kiss you more

ʚɞ SAKUSA Kiyoomi | collapses next to you on the sofa after a long day at practice. Your fingers weave through his curls, hands gently massaging his scalp as he melts into your touch. He peeks up at you tiredly, “thank you, my love. what can I ever do to repay your kindness?” He smiles gently, a rhetorical question that expected no answer. So imagine the surprise on his face when you responded with a “well, you could kiss me more…” He looks at you and sees the seriousness in your eyes. Your husband laughs, suddenly reenergized. He pats his laps invitingly, which you gladly accepted. “are you comfortable?” he murmurs, lips brushing against yours. “mmhm.” His fingers playfully tugs at the hem of your shirt, “you’re a little brat you know that?” “your little brat.” “mmhm.”

ʚɞBOKUTO Kotaro | is the happiest man when you ask him for a favor like this. “Baby Ko!” You open your arms wide as he happily jumps into them. “Baby y/n!” He mimics you, “how’s my pretty wife doing?” You press a light kiss on his nose, “better now that you’re here.” He hums happily, strong arms engulfing you as he wraps himself around your waist and pulls you in close to him. “what are you thinking about?” “about how you should kiss me more.” Bokuto snaps his head up to look at you, a shock look in his eyes before breaking out into a goofy smile. “oh?” He raises a brow before kissing you on your forehead, your nose, your cheeks, then finally your lips. He giggles as you giggle. “more!” “alright, another round of kisses for my princess!”

ʚɞMIYA Osamu | You watch as your husband wipe down the kitchen counter and prepped the ingredients needed for the restaurant tomorrow. He smiles as he feels your stares, “’m almost done, princess and then we can do whatever ya want, sound good?” You walk over gleefully and wrap your arms around him, peeking up to look at him. “anything I want?” Samu nods, smiling down at you. “what if I want you to kiss me more?” Osamu doesn’t answer, but you suddenly find yourself spun around, your back gently hitting the counter as his face inches closer to yours before pressing a light kiss on your lips. “well I did say anything ya want. Yer wish is my command.”

ʚɞKOZUME Kenma | “kenma!” “yes?” He sets down his cup of coffee and looks up at you as you stand before him, arms crossed. “What flavor is your coffee?” Kenma looks down at the cup before looking up at you, confused. “what do you mean? its coffee? um…vanilla I guess. It’s just the one you got yesterday.” “can I have a taste?” He lifts up his cup to you invitingly but you shake your head. “why don’t you show me the flavor another way?” you winked suggestively. Kenma blushes a deep shade of red but nonetheless opens his arms invitingly as you sink down onto the sofa. “you’re very creative…” he whispers just before leaning in. “did you get a good taste?” You giggle and shake your head no. He sighs playfully, “looks like I have no choice but to kiss you again.” yes please!

ʚɞKUROO Tetsuro | stands up to stretch, holding out his hand to you. You look at his invitation before looking away. Your husband looks down at you, amusement dancing in his eyes. “what’s wrong, pretty face?” “it’s just…” another sigh as you begin to quote Doja Cat, “we hug. And yes, we make love. Then we always just say good night.” Kuroo sits back down, ready to entertain your antics. He’s absolutely aware you’re quoting Doja cat, after all, this song has been on replay for you this entire week. “oh yeah? and you don’t like that?” He inquires. “no I do but…” He grabs your chin, tilting you up to look at him. “but you want me to kiss you more?” Before you could respond, Kuroo presses his lips into yours before pulling away, leaving you slightly dazed. You pout as he laughs, “what? you want more? okay, I’ll kiss you more any time, y/n.” 

reblogs are greatly appreciated <3 

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