#andrew does care


Colored pens


I like to think that Neil switched his major to mathematics after the books have ended; or at least took another course relating to it.

I also like to think that Renne gave him three colored pens as a gift because she didnt need them anymore.

Neil used them a lot in his notes, andrew sometimes saw them all over Neil’s table in his dorm- not understanding most of them but reading over them anyways

Andrew looked at Neil’s pens and saw that each one of them was dying except for the black one.

So Andrew decided to get Neil a gift.

He got Neil a set of colored pens and put it in Neil’s school bag without him knowing.

When he came back to the dorm that night there was a note on his pillow; a drawing.

Two foxes with jersey’s on them, one having 3 written at the front and the other 10, one holding a colorful exy rocket and the other an ice cream cone with 10 scoops of different colors.

Andrew will not admit he kept it in his wallet.

Neil hates sweets

Its true!

Neil josten doesn’t like sweets.

Andrew, on the other hand, breaths and lives on suger.


If there’s a dessert Andrew won’t ever eat, it’ll have to be Thai Banana Roti (because the banana texture grosses him out)

On the other hand, if there’s one desert Neil would eat, it’ll be Thai Banana Roti, even though he doesn’t like the dough.

It works great though, Neil would eat the bananas and Andrew would eat the dough.

For you, I’ll quit.

Andreil fluff+happy ending

*Not medically correct

It started small, Neil would open the car window on his side as well when Andrew smoked on drives. Later, Neil would go on a run whenever Andrew smoked inside the dorm. Andrew didnt mind it at first, but he started suspecting something was.. wrong.

When Andrew smoked on the roof, Neil wouldn’t sit as close to him. When Andrew kissed Neil after smoking Neil lookes out of breath much quicker. Andrew noticed that. After games, Neil would hurry to the locker room

One night Andrew woke up to Neil’s breath being short and uneven. Something was really wrong, but Andrw didn’t wanna push Neil to tell him. Then Neil got a cold, and Aaron sprained his ankle, and Renne catched a cold from Neil and Andrew’s nose may have been running.

So the four were sitting miserably on the bean bags with a true crime movie playing on the TV which Andrew found himself enjoying.

Neil sneezed three times and than started coughing, the cup with hot tea Neil was holding spilled all over the bean bag and Neil’s clothing.

Renne got up quick to get papers and Andrew took the tea cup away from Neil. Then Aaron asked a question “Neil do you have asthma?”

The next week Andrew took Neil to a doctor to get checked, they waited for three hours before they got called to hear the results. Andrew and Neil walked to Dr.Aven’s office and sat in the chairs. The doctor gave them a warm smile.

“Well, Neil you have intermittent asthma. Its not dangerous, no need to worry. You can still play exy and run but I need you to get an inhaler for yourself in case of emergency. I need you to stop smoking as well, it can make your asthma worse.”

Dr. Aven printed a piece of paper and gave it to Neil after signing on it “here you go, drive safe kids.” Neil and Andrew left the office. When Andrew and Neil got out of the building Andrew pulled the pack of cigs out of his pocket and held it infront of Neil “why didnt you tell me its bothering you?”

“It doesn’t”

“859%, Josten.”

Neil sighed

“because I didnt want you to make a deal out of it. It doesn’t bother me, I can handle it.”

“Its dangerous for you. You can get sicker.”

Neil bite his lip anxious and shrugged. Andrew sighed and continued walking to the Maserati, throwing his new pack in the trash can on the way “Drew!- why did you? Its a new pack”

“I’m quitting.”


Andrew bought lollipops and gummies, a lot. And gums. For the first week Neil tried getting him to have a cigarette but Andrew won’t budge and Neil gave up. Neil did get better

50 things to do with Neil Josten before we die, probably soon because of the Japanese mafia.

By Andrew Minyard.

  1. Learn a new language together
  2. Run a marathon
  3. Buy 10 scoops of ice cream
  4. Grew fruits together
  5. Buy matching Keychains
  6. Cook q meal together
  7. Buy an apartment
  8. Watch the sunset
  9. Picnic date
  10. Go to a mitski concert
  11. Spit on Nathan’s grave
  12. Learn pottery
  13. Have a campfire in winter
  14. Win gold
  15. Ice skating
  16. Buy a lot of chips and eat them
  17. Buy a house
  18. Make homemade bread
  19. Teach Neil how to swim*
  20. Stop askin yes or no.
  21. Get matching piercings
  22. Say ‘I like you’
  23. Go to a double date with Dan and Matt
  24. Ride a horse
  25. Go to the hot springs
  26. Buy a custom painting
  27. Tie dye
  28. Get a cat, or two.
  29. Learn to skate
  30. Go to a horror movie
  31. Dance in the rain
  32. Kiss in the rain
  33. Build a snow man
  34. Go skiing
  35. Slow dance
  36. Teach Neil to use a knife
  37. Make q birthday cake together
  38. Baking
  39. Get a tattoo
  40. Go to a spa
  41. Eat spicy food
  42. Cuddle
  43. Let Neil drive
  44. Do a Marvel marathon
  45. Sing karaoke
  46. Go paintball
  47. Go to a forest, camp and scream.
  48. Meet Stuart
  49. Get Wymack’s blessings
  50. Buy a ring.

*I think Neil knew how to swim in the past but after his mom died he was scared of the water
