#tfc headcanon


Andrew carrying Neil’s bag after an away game because Neil’s legs wint stop shaking from how fast he ran

Holy shit

Holy shit I just came up with the best follow up headcannon on why Neil and Andrew don’t wear their wedding/promise rings on their fingers but instead hang it on necklaces/keychains:

Tilda always wore the promise ring the twins’ dad gave her, even if the promise was broken.

Mary and Nathan both wore rings, and rings hurt pretty fucking bad on skin.

Neil doesn’t want him and Andrew to end up like Mary and Nathan or Tilda, Andrew caught on these and agreed and thats why

Andrew Minyard

  1. Andrew is the kind of person that xan write with both hands
  2. Andrew is the kind of man who doesn’t like football or sports
  3. Andrew is the kind of person that has one notebook for all of his classes
  4. Andrew is the kind of person that sits on his bed for 30min before getting up
  5. Andrew is the kind of person that likes green mashed potatoes
  6. Andrew is the kind of person that brushes his hair with shampoo
  7. Andrew is the type of person that shaves his legs because the hair makes him feel like he has bugs crawling over him
  8. Andrew is the type of person that has long eyelashes
  9. Andrew is the kind of person that hates the yellow highlighter
  10. Andrew is the kind of person that can either read an entire book at three hours or five months
  11. Andrew minyard is the kind of person that doesn’t get cavities
  12. Andrew is the kind if person that us basically a glow stick because his bones crack all the time

I dont care what you say, Andrew and Aaron sometime mixed up their kfc buckets and Andrew almost died because it was spicy.

Panda is my favorite kind

Hurt/comfort(?), happy ending, fluffish.

TW: MENTIONED SA (not graphic)

Andrew is twelve. He sits on the swings at a park almost an hour away from the spare house family; his body aches where hands touched him without his consent.

A pack of cigarettes lays on the floor near his dangling feet, empty. There were earphones in his ears, repeating the same six songs downloaded into his phone. He was swinging back and forth, not looking down.

He noticed the little girl trying to sneak around, and when she came close enough she spoke. Andrew removed one earbud, bored expression. “Did you say something?” He asked “You’re too big to swing on those” the young girl said, holding a panda bear stuffie and a piece of bread before hopping to the other swing’s seat “I’m not” Andrew answered.

He couldn’t understand why he answered the girl and put his earbud back. She kept talking. Andrew took the earbud off again, slightly annoyed. “What?” He asked “what’s your name?” The girl asked again “Andrew.” The girl hummed “my brother’s name is Andrew too” This girl was annoying.

“Where are your parents?” Andrew asked, the girl swinged her feet, getting higher “they drove somewhere. I’m staying with grandma” Andrew clicked his tongue “why isn’t she here with you?” Andrew asked “grandma went away to visit my other grandma. Can you stop me?”

Amdrew didnt know why but he got up and stopped the swing for her. The girl hopped off, the piece of bread forgotten on the floor “can you play with me?” Before Andrew answered she continued talking. “nobody ever playes with me”

“Dont you have friends?’ Andrew asked "everyone is mean to me.. they say I cry a lot which is not true” the girl put her hand out “play with me?” Andrew took her small hand in his and she pulled him to where the slide is. “Okay, the first one that touches the hammock first wins”

the girl counted from one to three then ran, Andrew walked slower behind her and stopped when she layed on it “swing me” she asked and Andrew did. “Whats your name?” Andrew asked “Noya” the girl answered

“do you have any siblings Noya?” Noya nodded “why aren’t they here with you?” Noya looked up at Andrew, green hazel eyes looking into his own “they aren’t here. I’m visiting grandma”

“So you are here alone.” The girl smiled up at him “can we play catch? The one who catches Bobo is the winner” she held the stuffed animal to Andrew’s face “okay.” Andrew asked her questions, in return she gave him answers when she catched the toy.

“What’s your favorite kind of bear Andrew? Mine is panda” Andrew hummed at the innocent question, “I dont know what mine is.” Andrew stayed with the girl untill the sun went down.

Andrew urged her to go home and she did, running to the entrance of the park before turning back and running to Andrew, holding the stuffed bear to him and only talking once andrew took it from her small hands

“I wont ever forget you, thank you for playing with me! Keep Bobo so you wont forget me too” before Andrew could respond she ran away. Andrew looked down at the panda bear stuffie that had a tear in his nose before tucking it in the bottom of his bag and walking away,

years later asking Eric to fix the ruined doll in exchange for the gift Nicky wants for his birthday, always tucking it in the bottom of his bag like a well kept secret from then on.

“Andrew” Andrew looked at Neil “are you okay? You spaced out.” Renne looked at her friend, cheeks flushed from playing truth dare drink with the foxes. “What was the question.” Andrew says calmly, Matt answers “what your favorite kind of bear” Andrew didnt miss a beat.

“Pandas are my favorite.”

Neil Josten

  1. Neil Josten is the type of person that wakes up at 5am and falls sleep at 1am
  2. Neil Josten is the type of man that is scared of bugs
  3. Neil Josten is the type of person who doesn’t like coconut
  4. Neil Josten is the type of person that thinks everyone should do what they can do
  5. Neil Josten is the type of man to wear the same pants for weeks and only change shirts
  6. Neil Josten is the type of person that eats ice straight out of the freezer
  7. Neil Josten is the type of person that prefers eating cheeses instead of meat even if he’s lactose intolerant
  8. Neil Josten is the type of person doesn’t mind wearing makeup
  9. Neil Josten is the type of guy that will always lend you a pencil
  10. Neil Josten is the type of guy that eats everything unsalted
  11. Neil Josten is the type of person who actually likes carrots
  12. Neil Josten is the type of guy that cant remember if he locked the door or didnt.

Yes I’m aware that number 12 is not that realistic but I think it fits

Matt, sitting on the floor drunk:*sobbing*

Neil, coming back from midnight practice: what happened?

Matt, through tears: I killed a mosquito! They probably had a FAMILY I’m a mUrDeReR

Neil: nono, my dad is a murderer you just killed a mosquito

Matt: *sobs harder*

50 things to do with Neil Josten before we die, probably soon because of the Japanese mafia.

By Andrew Minyard.

  1. Learn a new language together
  2. Run a marathon
  3. Buy 10 scoops of ice cream
  4. Grew fruits together
  5. Buy matching Keychains
  6. Cook q meal together
  7. Buy an apartment
  8. Watch the sunset
  9. Picnic date
  10. Go to a mitski concert
  11. Spit on Nathan’s grave
  12. Learn pottery
  13. Have a campfire in winter
  14. Win gold
  15. Ice skating
  16. Buy a lot of chips and eat them
  17. Buy a house
  18. Make homemade bread
  19. Teach Neil how to swim*
  20. Stop askin yes or no.
  21. Get matching piercings
  22. Say ‘I like you’
  23. Go to a double date with Dan and Matt
  24. Ride a horse
  25. Go to the hot springs
  26. Buy a custom painting
  27. Tie dye
  28. Get a cat, or two.
  29. Learn to skate
  30. Go to a horror movie
  31. Dance in the rain
  32. Kiss in the rain
  33. Build a snow man
  34. Go skiing
  35. Slow dance
  36. Teach Neil to use a knife
  37. Make q birthday cake together
  38. Baking
  39. Get a tattoo
  40. Go to a spa
  41. Eat spicy food
  42. Cuddle
  43. Let Neil drive
  44. Do a Marvel marathon
  45. Sing karaoke
  46. Go paintball
  47. Go to a forest, camp and scream.
  48. Meet Stuart
  49. Get Wymack’s blessings
  50. Buy a ring.

*I think Neil knew how to swim in the past but after his mom died he was scared of the water

I feel like Aaron is the type of person that..


Aaron: we’re going to the doctor right fucking now Day you probably have lung cancer.

Aaron: *stuffy nose, fainted twice, feverish, dizzy and nauseous*

Aaron: it’s just the weather

*sitting on the bathroom floor at 4am with ‘no body, no crime’ by Taylor swift playing in the background*

Renne: did you get the roots from behind?

Andrew: yes I did

Renne: are you sure you got all of them?


Renne: super sure?

Andrew: I’m gonna stab you with this hairdye applicator.


Renne: so you did get them all?
