#anna todd


How To Run From The Mess You Made | 7

Make Me Choose

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven


I know I shouldn’t have left so suddenly last night but I just couldn’t stay. Regret was ripping through my chest from the inside out and I was starting to think that I wasn’t going to survive the night. Coach won’t think anything of it but I know Elizabeth heard me leave. As soon as I did she switched on her bedroom light.

A great shame overwhelms me. I’m searching for any good reason as to why I am still here on this godforsaken planet. I survived the crash… but at what cost?

My father was a good man. Yes, he got a little angry sometimes but now I realise it is only because he really cared about me. He cared about my future, he cared about my grades, he cared so much about me that he selflessly searched for me when I was rebelling against him. He loved my mother so much… and she loved him. I took that away from her. I destroyed my family.

My mind glitches with dark thoughts, just like an old broken computer screen, as I sit with my head thrown back against the uncomfortable seat of my photography class. My eyes are closed and all I can see is my fathers face etched onto the insides of my eyelids. I can’t escape from the memories awake or asleep.

“Psst… Hunter…” I hear a soft call of my name, like someone is trying to bring me back from my darkest hour- like someone is trying to lull my demons to sleep. I open my eyes with caution and effortlessly tilt my head to the side. Elizabeth has scooted into the seat next to mine and I’m not sure if I should just get up and leave before she pisses me off or if I should stay and listen to whatever bullshit she has to say. I don’t think I have ever seen her in this class before…

“What do you want?” I ask with a groan and she leans in closer to me, keeping her voice low as the lecturer carries on with their lesson.

“You left really late last night… and I don’t appreciate the fact that you woke me up again. Why did you leave?” She tries to disguise the worry in her voice but I can hear it clear as day. I sit up straight in my seat, bringing my face as close to hers as I can and I smile wickedly. Her doe eyes are trained on my face and I can hear her breathing begin to quicken. As soon as my face is mere inches from hers I say, “None of your fuckin’ business, blondie.”

Her small natural smile quickly dampens and I smirk at her as her eyebrows come to tighten together in both anger and confusion, “Okay. Be that way, but just so you are aware, our assignments are due today and I hope Professor Amber has your ass.” She huffs back against her seat and I roll my eyes at her childish behaviour. Moments later she swoops her bookbag up from the floor and bolts for the classroom door, the dismissal bell soon following after her exit seconds later. Strange…

I don’t allow myself to think too much about it… about her. She is right about the assignment, I haven’t completed it yet and it is due for today. I know that if I hang back after school and beg Professor Amber’s for some extra time then she will most likely give me it. She gets so flustered when I talk to her- she probably has a thing for tattoos.

I’m feeling like utter shit today and Elizabeth’s little strop didn’t make my migraine any better. I have a tonne of shit to do today and I absolutely need to start training or I am going to fall behind. I’ll complete the assignment tonight as well, even if I have to stay up to do it.

After visiting the Professor I head for the gym, however when I arrive the entrance door is swung wide open and I contemplate the possibility that we may be actually getting robbed this time. As I stalk my way further into the building I realise that I am mistaken…

Elizabeth is sat near one of the benches by the ring, her olive coloured sweater is pulled over the palms of her hands and her legs are crossed, “Why the fuck is the door just laying open like that?” I throw my bag down onto the ground and she just shrugs her shoulders, her eyes remaining on her mobile phone.

“It smelt sweaty in here. Needed to air the place out.” She replies after some time and I sigh. I really hope that I am not stuck with her tonight… Her presence is overall distracting and everything she does seems to frustrate me in one way or another.

I walk my way back over to the glass door and close it over, keeping my back turned to Elizabeth I ask, “Where’s Coach?” I tilt my head slightly, catching a glimpse of her with the corner of my eye as I look over my shoulder.

“You mean my dad?” Her tone is daunting and I don’t know how much longer I can cope with her cockiness, “He’s busy. You know… he has other priorities besides training someone like you. Like bills, groceries- Oh!-” She trails on for a moment and I slowly turn back to face her, my eyes narrowing, “-let’s not forget the most important one of them all. Me.” She smiles at me and I can feel my blood begin to curdle like warm milk beneath my skin.

Who the fuck does she think she is?

“Quit being smart with me.” I snap. Her eyes settle on my face, emotionless, and I watch as a shit-eating smile stretches across her pink lips. She finds this amusing.

“Or what, big boy?” She stands to her feet, full of confidence and I am rendered speechless, however actions have always spoken louder than words, right?

My feet move quickly towards her, swooping her thighs up into my arms and slamming her against the wall. Her chest rises and falls rapidly with both surprise and confusion, and I bring my lips close to her neck, pressing a chaste kiss right onto her quickened pulse.

“Why do you always have to be so bad, huh?” I whisper huskily, my eyes glare into hers and I watch closely as her eyes seductively begin to close. I stroke my thumb against her bottom lip, dragging the plump skin slightly with the pad of my finger. My cock twitches in my pants and I smirk slightly at how quiet she has become. The warmth of her body pressed against mine is too much to handle. I drop her back to her own feet and I walk away, forcing myself to the other side of the room before I do something that will fuck up everything. Elizabeth stands there for a moment, her cheeks are dusted a rusty shade of pink and I try to tame my wild thoughts. She smelt amazing… just like the blanket from the other night.

“Look…” She coughs to clear her throat as she speaks after some time of silence, “I didn’t come here to argue with you… I’m not a child. But I do have something to ask you.” She steps closer to me but I keep my feet planted firmly where I am.

“What would that be?” My tone is teasing and I can tell that she is still trying to recover from the moment that happened just seconds ago. Depending entirely on what she says next I may or may not have an easy going night ahead of me.

She has come to me. Of all the people that she knows… something isn’t adding up. We barely know one another and we are always at one another’s throats… literally.

“This might sound weird.” She warns and I cock my head to the side, intrigued. I’ve never seen this side of her. She seems so soft and… almost shy, “Just… don’t laugh.”

I blink solemnly at the anxious blonde girl in front of me, “I won’t.” I half promise… maybe it is something totally ridiculous?

“Would you-” She stutters, bringing her fingers down to play with the soft fabric of her jumper, “-teach me how to box?”

“I-” I find myself recoiling slightly, totally taken back by her question, “What?” I finally manage to ask. Why would she ask me? Her father is the perfect individual for a task like this… why wouldn’t she just ask him?

“Will you teach me how to box?” Elizabeth repeats but the words go right in one ear and then right out the other. I’m finding it hard to process this,

“I want to learn how to defend myself.”

That sentence alone makes me feel uneasy… in fact, it takes me off guard. Defend herself? From what? Or who?

“Why?” I push further and a lot more harsher than before, my eyebrows scrunch together in what is now concern. “Is something going on?”

“Everything is fine.” She attempts to wave my worries away with an inattentive flick of her hand but I’m not buying into her bullshit. I take a few steps towards her, my eyes narrow as they study her face. She is refusing to meet my gaze.

Elizabeth is lying, I quickly come to realise, right through her pretty fucking teeth. I refuse to pry further, it would be a dick move if I made her tell me something that she is uncomfortable with… besides, this is the first time I’ve had the company of a female in a while.

“Okay.” I say lowly, even though I am still unsure of this whole situation. I guess I can try and help her out…

I watch as the light springs to her eyes and just like that I can’t look away. Something about the way she is looking at me is addicting… it makes my chest airy and my brain mush. I shake the thoughts and groan silently.

“What do you want to learn exactly?” I eventually ask, shoving my hands into my black jean pockets.

“Well-” she says breathlessly, “-anything… everything!” She exclaims a little too excitedly and I feel my lips twitch.

I bring my hand up to scratch at the back of my neck, “I don’t have a set in stone rota just yet… between general training and actual matches it may be hard to fit ‘everything’ in. You have to be a little bit more specific, Elizabeth.”

“I know… I’m just really unfamiliar with it all.” She says understandingly.

“We have school.” I continue, bringing two of my fingers up to briefly scratch my itchy eyebrow, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

She nods instantly, “Yes. I’m positive…” her voice is desperate and I can see something burning deep within her eyes… something I am unfamiliar with, “I just want to train. We can do it after hours? I can help you with your assignment…” She states and I stare at her for a second, frozen. How does she know that I haven’t done it yet?

Noticing the look on my face she continues, “Please, Hunter.” She takes a step towards me and her words swirl around in my mind. How can two words possibly excite me this much? Her eyebrows curve into soft arches as she frowns, “I’ll help you and you can help me. Just… Please don’t tell my dad. He can’t know.” She says and that’s when I fully remember that I am talking to my Coaches daughter… fucking hell. This just complicates things. She is asking me to keep secrets now.. a lot of secrets.

“Alright.” I swallow thickly, treading over to my duffle bag I dig out a piece of paper and a pen and I hand it over to her, “Write your number down and I’ll text you with mine. I’ll message you on nights that I am free… and if you aren’t too busy then we can meet here.” With a soft touch she takes the small tear of paper from my fingertips alongside the pen. She scribbles down some digits onto it and I contemplate the possibility that she may be giving me a fake number.

“I’ll write your assignment for you tonight, I completed mine last week.” She promises and hands me back the piece of paper, of course she completed her assignment last week, “I know about the big fight coming up… congrats on getting accepted.” Her voice is warm for a change and I nod my thanks in response. She is acting so differently…

The two of us stare at one another for a long, silent moment. The spell is soon broken, however, when Elizabeth takes a small step away from me, clearing her throat and diverting her eyes to the ground in front of us.

“I think I should go…” She says and I cumple up the piece of paper in my hand and shove it into my pocket.

“Yeah. You should.”

“Just remember to lock up, loser.” She says as she steps towards the exit and I stare at her, unamused. If she wants me to teach her how to behave then I can definitely do that, too…

“Obviously.” Whatever civil ground there was between us has now vanished and I can physically feel my mind turning cold.

“Goodnight.” Elizabeth murmurs but before I have the chance to say anything back she is gone, retreating to the dark streets outside.

Deal | 6

Make Me Choose

Chapter Five

Chapter Six



The drive back home was wary and silent. Elizabeth made no snide remarks and I am thankful for that. I can’t believe how fast I managed to lose control- my brain is frightening and sometimes it is hard to distinguish the difference between reality and what is replaying inside of my mind. I was careless, I was selfish to endanger us both and when push came to shove I was a wuss. I couldn’t hold myself together. Everything I have been running from, everything that haunts my dreams just flashed before my eyes all over again and I just couldn’t keep my grip from slipping.

When we arrived back at Vieve Springs, empty handed, Coach wasn’t pissed. He understood, even though he had no idea what the actual truth was. I lied through my teeth and said that the Nathaniel guy didn’t bother to show up with the paperwork which he believed instantly. Elizabeth didn’t say a word which has left me nervous.

It is now Thursday morning and the events of last night have been repeating themselves over and over inside of my head. At college I manage to arrive a little earlier than usual. I don’t have to shower this time but I do need to speak with Elizabeth- and considering she is always here on time I am guessing she is hiding out somewhere until classes begin. I check the library first, I know that she enjoys reading so that is the first place that comes to mind. When I enter the room, silence reaches my ears and straight away I begin to scan around, looking for the blonde girl that I despise so much. She should be easy to find, judging by her awful fashion sense and her dry humour. Unfortunately for me I can’t seem to spot her in the small number of students that are situated at a couple of the tables, happily reading. Fuck. Where could she be? She doesn’t seem like the type to enjoy sports so there isn’t much point in me searching for her in that department.

I run a hand down my face in both exhaustion and agitation. She knows too much about me and I know absolutely nothing about her. She holds too much power over how people can come to view me. My reputation can be ruined and all she has to do is open her vile mouth. My hands twitch into fists and I strongly consider punching the brick wall to my left when something blue involuntarily catches my eye. I look ahead of me, witnessing Elizabeth round the corner from Theatre Studies and slowly walk down the hallway towards me. She is alone. Her hair is pinned back into a messy braid and some fly away strands of hair frame her face. She is wearing a pale blue and pristine white stripy t-shirt with some dark denim jeans and the same little ankle boots from a few nights ago. Her pink bookbag is slung messily over one of her shoulders and I stare a little too long for it to ever be considered polite. I don’t think I have ever seen Elizabeth wear something that isn’t a sweatshirt… or loose.

Without hesitation I charge for her, taking the soft flesh of her arm firmly into my hand. I drag her alongside me and push her into an empty classroom. She stumbles slightly before quickly regaining her footing and glaring at me narrowly, “What the fuck?” Her voice is bitter and she shoves her hands against my chest but I don’t budge, instead I take hold of her again and push her to the nearest wall. Her back slams against the hard surface and her eyebrows soften, her eyes are now blown widely as she looks up at me.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Her voice is a hushed yell and I gently press my fingertips into the bone of her jawline, holding her soft face steadily in place as I move my mouth down to rest at the shell of her ear.

“If you tell anyone about what happened last night on the highway-” I whisper, my grip around her jaw tightening slightly as I hold her face in place, “-i’ll fucking ruin you.” I finish lowly and full of honesty before I pull my face back and away from her, looking her dead in the eye to make sure my words have been taken on board. Something dark swirls in her blue eyes and her plump lips are pressed together shakily. She nods at me silently and I ignore the shame that shrinks my chest. I should be protecting this girl, not threatening her. But what choice do I have?

“Okay.” She croaks quietly but I can tell that she is not afraid and I finally step away from her small frame, allowing her to leave if she really wants to. She slowly steps towards the door of the classroom, toying with the strap of her book bag with one of her hands and gripping the handle and throwing the door open with her other but before she leaves she twists her head over her shoulder to look at me, “But just so you know-” She pauses briefly, “-threats can work both ways, asshole.” And then she leaves.

Threats can work both ways.

Threats can work both ways?

Her words ring in my ears and I tense my jaw. She is challenging me and yet she has no idea what this game looks like. She hasn’t had so much as a glimpse into the rule book. No one fucks with me and I can assure that Elizabeth Douglas will soon come to know this. After a moment or so I follow her out into the hallway. We are both in the same class first period and I know just what to do to make her life difficult. No one at this shitty school has any idea what she is really like- everyone thinks she is immaculate and untouchable but I know different. Maybe if I push her buttons hard enough she will crack under pressure. She will reveal herself as what she actually is- A raging bitch.

In class my mind conveys from one thought to the next as my eyes land on Elizabeth, how can one person be filled with life and then be empty? Where does it all go? I want to bury myself into her brain. I want to know what makes her tick and what keeps her awake at night. I want to know everything and anything. What was her life like before I got myself involved with her father? Where is her mother and why is she never around?

I suppose she and I have a lot more in common than I thought. We both have one absent parent however she was left with one that is incredible… I haven’t been that lucky. I can only dream about having a family as great as she has, yes it is only her dad and herself but it is better than being alone… better then being invisible.

I know she can feel my gaze on her because she discreetly turns to face me, her features remaining soft and her eyes unwavering. She looks tired- genuinely tired. Did she sleep last night? Was she awake like I was? With Elizabeth it is so hard to tell. She can smile and laugh but even when she is trying to hide her emotions she forgets that eyes can always talk… and right now they are begging me to go easy on her. On my short and angry walk to this classroom I planned on publicly embarrassing her- but how can I possibly do that when she is looking at me like that. With those big blue trusting eyes.


I turn my face away from her and break our line of eye contact. Why is it so difficult to hate her? She is condescending and a liar… however I find myself thinking about her way too much. There is a side to her that even I am unsure of. She showed me last night that she can care when she wants too and I blew her off like it was nothing. I know how hard it is to show how you feel and to be shot down so harshly must have left an unpleasant mark.

My thoughts drift and I realise Coach and I have a meeting arranged with one of the executive hosts of the Worldwide Boxing League Championships tonight. Glen and Zion are old friends and apparently he owes Glen a favour, so he agreed to squeeze us in on his busy schedule. I am always going to be forever thankful for all the shit that Glen has done for me. To this day he continues to surprise me with the awesome stunts that he is able to pull, like meeting with one of the most important people in the boxing industry. Without him I would probably be in a prison cell or in a crack house right now. Class is soon dismissed and I head off to complete the rest of my school day, keeping my mind occupied so I don’t have to think of Elizabeth or the nerves bubbling in my stomach about the events that can unfold tonight. I can do this, I remind myself, then,

And even if I can’t, I have to.


Before I have any time to blink the clock strikes twelve and Friday morning is fast approaching. My head buzzes from the liquor and I find it hard to concentrate on words that are slipping from Glen’s lips.

“He is the best in the business! Trust me, fellas… this boy-” Glen grabs my right shoulder tight and shakes me slightly, rattling my brain in the process, “-he is gonna be somebody. Give him a chance.” He sounds confident, but behind that facade I can see the desperation deep in his eyes. Elizabeth. My drunken mind wanders to her, all because she and her father share the same colour of eyes.. hers are prettier, though. Coach wants this deal more than I do… but I trust Glen. He knows what he is talking about.

“Fine. Only because I like you. Don’t let me down, Douglas.” Zion- the host of the championships- speaks with such hesitance that my eyes shoot open with shock. Holy shit. Did he just… he couldn’t have…

Glen springs to his feet and holds out a firm hand towards Zion, “Thank you, this opportunity will not go unnoticed. You won’t regret this.” They clasp their hands together and shake one another’s arms for what seems like a lifetime.

I slowly rise to my feet to greet Zion in the same way before Glen and I are hastily led out of the champagne room and down a grand spiral staircase towards the exit of the massive luxurious building.

“You’re fighting, H! You’re fucking fighting at the big leauges!” Glen smacks a hand down onto my back as he chuckles wildly but I am a little too drunk to be responsive. We have been drinking since we left his house earlier… It seems to have worked in our favour but I am going to be so hungover for school- or even worse, I will show up still drunk.

In my haze I hear Coach ramble on about how I cannot afford to be distracted and that we should start training tomorrow night but I find my eyes focusing on the sky above us. The navy blue clouds swirl and turn with one another in the most artistic way and I wish that we could see the stars from here- unfortunately New York generates a shit tonne of light pollution so those odds are extremely low.

I wrap my arm around Glen’s shoulder and I turn my face to meet his, “You are one stud, you know that? You got me into the fucking championships!” We both sway back and forth for a second and I almost fall onto my ass, luckily Coach provides me with some leverage.

His nose twitches as he smells the strong scent of alcohol on my breath but I just smile, “You can crash at our place tonight. I’m not letting you walk home like this.”

Our place. For a moment I had forgotten that he totally ditched his own daughter for this deal earlier. She is such a pain in my ass- always so bitchy and serious… lighten the fuck up, am I right?

She is livin’ the dream. A dad, a house- a bed! She has nothing to be complaining about…

“Hunter?” I blink my eyes open, only now realising that they have been closed for god knows how long.

“Yup?” I look around, beginning to recognise the street- we are close to home.

“Just checking, bud, thought you were passing out on me.” I hear Glen laugh and I join in. I’m not usually much of a drinker- I haven’t had a drink in a year but tonight is a special occasion. I just got accepted to fight. That is a pretty big fucking deal to me.

We fall through the front door together and I snort a laugh as I crash into a cabinet in the hallway, causing a loud disturbance to occur. Rushed footsteps come from upstairs and I hear the stairs creak with weight as someone sprints down them.

“Uh oh- here she comes.” I gasp, quite amused with myself. Glen has disappeared into the darkness and I feel my way around the walls as I struggle to manoeuvre my way into the living room. A bright light is turned on and my eyes sting at the sudden exposure. Both Coach and I turn to the doorway and squint at Elizabeth who is responsible for the abrupt outburst of light. It takes my eyes a moment to adjust but when they do I can tell that she isn’t happy. She looks fucking pissed.

She is wearing a thin white tank top with some pink fluffy pyjama pants and I can’t help but notice the stiff peaks poking out from her breasts. I suck in a tight breath and force my gaze to the ground where I observe that her feet are bare… I almost feel bad for waking her.

“Where the hell have you guys been?” She scolds and I take in how soft and tired her eyes are. I hold back an irrational laugh, she looks so funny when she is angry- not one bit intimidating.

“You think this is funny?” She strides towards me and I raise both of my eyebrows, challenging her to continue, “I thought we were getting robbed!” She pokes at my chest and I wave a hand nonchalantly at her before wobbling over to the sofa to sit down. Her eyes watch me before she turns her attention elsewhere.

“And you.” Glen watches as the scene begins to unfold and I can’t help but compare it to a shitty movie I have watched once, “You are drunk. You blew me off for the third time this week and I have school tomorrow!” She yells and I bring my hands up to cover my ears. She is killing my buzz and giving me a fucking headache. I want to say something to her. I want to tell her to stop being such a party pooper and to maybe join in on the fun instead of being a twisted little bitch- but I decide against doing so. For Glen’s sake.

“Look-” Glen slurs and I can tell that Elizabeth is seconds away from ripping his head off, “-go back upstairs. Hunter is going to sleep on the couch and I am going to bed. No biggie. No robbers.” He tries to throw in a joke but Elizabeth isn’t for taking any of his shit. Just as I believe she is going to go ape-shit again she sighs a little too heavily.

“Fine. But if I hear anything else you are out and so are you.” She looks between Glen and I and I shrug my shoulders before casually folding my arms behind my head. Glen sneaks away to his bedroom and I open one of my closed eyes to see Elizabeth still standing in the living room.

“What?” I bite out and she rolls her eyes, picking up a folded blanket she purposely throws it over my face.

“I want you gone before I wake up.” Her voice is cold and I almost flinch at her cold tone, “And don’t think for one second that I have forgotten about your little stunt earlier in the classroom. You are lucky I value my dad’s happiness or I would have thrown your ass to the curb by now.”

“Whatever. Don’t act like you don’t want me here.” I peel the blanket from my face and smirk up at her.

“Don’t be a fucking smartass. I don’t like you, in fact, I fucking despise you. Stop trying to push me because I can and I will shove you back.” The words roll off of her tongue so sharply, like it caused her physical pain to hold them for much longer in her mouth and I remain silent, my mind swirling with drunk thoughts.

Little prick.

She drags her gaze from me and I kick my shoes from my feet so I can lay comfortably on the sofa. Thankfully, it doesn’t take blondie long to fuck off back up the stairs to the protection of her bedroom.

The scent of a flowery perfume fills my nostrils as it beams from the fabric of the blanket folded against my chest and as much as I hate to admit it, it smells really fucking good.

Sleep quickly captivates my drunken mind and before I have any recollection of my day I am sound asleep. Blue eyes stare at me from behind my eyelids and I try to blame the alcohol. Nothing on my mind except…


Him | 5

Make Me Choose

Chapter Four

Chapter Five



I think the saddest people are the ones who always try to make everyone feel included and loved, because they know how miserable it is to feel utterly worthless and alone. So they try their best every damn day to assure that no one else ever has to feel that way. My dad and I are best friends, I look after him and he looks after me.

For a long time money has been tight and the stress just piled onto me throughout the years, so when my dad least expects it I  like to sneak away to parties to hang with people I have no intentions of talking to again.

When I burst into the gym the other night I had no idea Hunter would be there. The party I was at got crashed by people that weren’t invited and a fight broke out. A gun was shot off and my vision blacked out- I just ran until my legs eventually started to give out. The gym was my safe haven… it was the closest place I could hide. I thought Hunter may have been one of the guys that showed up at the party and followed me into the gym, that’s why I was so terrified when he tackled me to the floor. As much as I hate to admit it, when I realised it was Hunter I immediately felt safe. He has this undying loyalty for my dad and I knew he would have protected me if he needed too.

I’m not a bad person, I am just a very stressed person who struggles to find ways to wind down. I don’t smoke and I have never really liked drinking alcohol… but when I surround myself with people that are a little bit like me, it brings me comfort.

We are all just people made up of broken pieces.


The bookcase is ornate, as if carved by someone with a profound love for literature. The engravings are of leaves, of autumn berries and birds with spanned out wings- so sublime as if to invite the fingers to take in the art just as much as the eyes.

The musky smell of old worn pages fill my nostrils and upon the shelves that line the library walls are the rainbow spines of a banquet of books. The ink filled pages hold stories greater than real life, stories that are able to take you from one universe to the next. I often find myself lost in the world of words, picturing myself a happy ending where everything is still and calm.

My ending would be peaceful- alone in a field with the love of my life, we are laughing and talking and messing around.. we would be gazing up at the bright sunny sky and that is where my story would end. I’d be happy…

The clock strikes 7 p.m. and I have never been happier to leave the library. After school hours I work shifts at the local library not too far from the college campus, the pay isn’t extortionate but it does help my dad and I on a rainy day. I usually help reorganise the shelves into genre and dust and polish the bookcases, it is time consuming but it keeps me busy… I like to be busy. It keeps my mind from wandering to places it shouldn’t.

Winter air engulfs me in an unwanted embrace and I am so thankful for the gloves that cover my fingers and the grey beanie that is pulled across my scalp. I yank my coat tighter around my torso, clinging onto any sort of warmth that I can. I head for home, my father and I haven’t been very lucky in life- sure, our house is small and boringly decorated but it is better than being homeless. We are just thankful that my mother signed the house over to us before she passed away…

My dear mother.

I never got the chance to meet her… she died giving birth to me. Pictures of her and my father litter the walls of our house but that is the closest thing I have to remembering her. Crumbs… literal crumbs of what was once an amazing human being. My father has always said that I have her smile, and that I definitely have her personality. He would joke about how much of a perfectionist I am and knowing that my mother was the same brings me some sort of comfort.

I sigh out softly and allow my eyes to scan my surroundings analytically. Paranoia begins to seep into my brain and I choose to walk a little faster. This city is dangerous and I have to be aware of what monsters may be sneaking around in the shadows.. Luckily for me I’m only around 7 minutes away from my house. I walk this route every day, day in and day out, and each time it gets a little bit quicker. The music buzzing through my headphones never really seems to last as long as it used too.

When I was little my dad tried to get me into boxing but I just couldn’t take to the sport. As a little girl I was more interested in sparkly ponies with bright coloured hair and barbie dolls, not sweaty boxing gloves and punching bags. I regret not taking him up on his offer, I know that if I did I would feel a whole lot more secure walking home alone…

Instead of him trying to force me into something I hated he would take me ice skating every Friday after school. He would pick me up from the school courtyard and we would just drive straight to the ice rink. It was the highlight of my week… but when I started highschool it just stopped. He got more occupied with business and I tried to understand. Disappointment became a regular occurrence in my life and I learned the art of independence. I went off on my own and I stopped relying on others for company… I taught myself how to not need anyone.

I push forth through the chilling wind and eventually I am met with my front door. I hear my father chuckle loudly from inside and brush it off, blaming it on the fact that he may be watching something funny on the television. Before I enter inside I kick my shoes off from my feet and step into the warmth of my house- only for my ears to be met by the laughter of one other person. He is here with someone.

“Hey, sweetie! We’re in the kitchen!” My dad booms loudly as he catches his breath from laughing so hard and I remain silent as I stalk my way through the living room and into the kitchen.


“You remember, H…” My eyes land on the lean brunette who is sitting in my spot at the dining table and I nod, smiling briefly.

“How could I forget?” I peek around my fathers frame and notice that the stove is cold.. “I thought we were going to eat when I got home?” My eyebrows soften as disappointment seeps into my chest. He hasn’t done this before… I’ve gotten used to my father disappointing me with certain things but this is new and it hurts.

“Shit.” He brings his fingertips up to press the crease between his eyebrows, his eyes are closed tightly with frustration, “I forgot. I’m sorry, El… ” His eyes land on me and I allow my shoulders to slump as I physically relax at the sound of my nickname. I know how busy he can get sometimes… especially when he and Hunter get together.

“It’s fine, Dad… Why don’t you throw something on now while I go and take a shower?” I drop my book bag down onto the kitchen table and I can feel Hunter’s eyes following each move I make. He is such a weirdo. My stomach clenches with hunger and I clear my throat to mask the grumble that comes from it. I ate breakfast this morning but other than that I haven’t eaten anything else… I’m starving.

“I could give you some cash… I think Mr. Peterson’s store is still open. You can grab something from there.” I watch closely as he plunges his hand into his coat pocket and I find myself questioning why he still has his jacket on. Is he planning on leaving? Why is Hunter even here?

“And what about you? Won’t you be eating anything?” He hands me a ten dollar bill and I take it from him hesitantly, frowning slightly as I await his answer.

“Not tonight, Honey. Hunter and I have some errands to run.” My jaw flexes at the mention of Hunter’s name and I let my eyes flicker to the tattooed asshole seated in the corner. He is already staring at me and he spares me a smug smile- a look that say ‘fuck you and eat by yourself’.

“Brilliant.” I snap, frowning deeply and turning on my heels to head out of the kitchen. My father’s feeble attempts to call my name go unnoticed and I am persistent to continue on with my rant.

I bound up the staircase, stomping my feet purposely hard on each step that I walk up until I reach the top. I know I am overreacting but I just can’t control the anger bubbling up inside of me. It’s not just anger, it is hatred and hurt. I slam my bedroom door closed and pace around the floor. I can hear the muffled sound of Hunter and my dad talking down the stairs which only aggravates me more. The ignorance of that man makes me want to scream- and I am not talking about my father. Hunter knows exactly what he is doing, he is pushing me and pushing me because he knows that he has something to hold over my head. Something he can easily tell my dad. I can’t react to him in the way I want to, not when my dad is present anyways, and he is aware of this. Why can’t he just piss off and interfere with someone else’s family?

I grab a pillow from my bed and whack it against the wall. Urgh! I hate him. He has gotten his stupid nails wedged so deeply between my father and I that there is literally nothing I can do about it. About him. My dad is treating him like he is a part of this family- like he is the son he never got to have. Fucking Morales.

Epinephrine floods my bloodstream and I try to control my sharp and fast breaths. Life was fucking great before that idiot showed up. I never got caught doing anything- I could do as I please without consequences but now that has all changed. Hunter has crashed into me like a meteor strike and my life is in diabolic ruins. He needs to go… or something has to change. I need to know more about him, where he came from and how long he intends on fucking around.

Concentrated and calm I head back down to the kitchen, walking in at what seems to be the perfect moment, “Coach, I can’t drive- well, I can but I don’t want to. There is no way you can take us because you’ve already had one too many beers. Let’s just wait until morning-” An idea rockets into my mind and I step further into the room.

“I’ll take you. I’m sure you are a delight to spend a couple of hours with.” Hunter shoots me a questioning look at my sarcastic tone and I shrug my shoulders. This is the only opportunity I have to get a bit more information about him and I’ll take whatever chance I can get.

“Meet you out front in 5 minutes.” I give both of the boys a tight lipped smile before I head to the front of the house. Luckily my shoes are easy to slip on and I am outside in the matter of seconds. I juggle the car keys in my hand before I click the small black button to unlock the vehicle. It is a silver Toyota Prius, the 2010 model. It isn’t the flashiest car in the world but it is cheap to run and the maintenance isn’t too bad. It gets us to where we need to be so I’m not complaining.

I slip into the driving seat and immediately I turn on the air conditioning, setting the dial to hot as I try and warm the car up a little bit. Hot air blasts through the vents and I relax into the padded seat. With the corner of my eye I see something dark charge towards the car, and I barely have time to realise it is Hunter before he is diving into the passenger seat. A scowl rests heavily on his face and I smile at him.

“What is your problem?” He asks harshly but I simply ignore him and I turn my head away from him to look out onto the dark road in front of us. We haven’t even left my house yet and he is already talking too much. Shoving the key into the ignition keyhole I turn the key to start the engine. It takes two tries but eventually the engine roars to life. I shift the stick into gear and we speed off into the night. Hunter’s breath catches in his throat and I glance at him vaguely.

“Put your seatbelt on, Elizabeth.” I look down at myself, only now realising that I actually don’t have the protective belt strapped across my body. Doing as he asks, and for my own safety, I clip the belt into place. Clearly it puts Hunter at ease as he is now not tensing up like he was before.

“Where are we heading?” I ask with both hands slackly gripping the steering wheel I keep my eyes trained on the road, reading any road signs that flash up at me and sticking to the speed limit.

“Uh…” Hunter hesitates for a brief moment, clearly wracking his brain for the answer, “Think he mentioned something about picking up some paperwork from a few towns over. A guy named Nathaniel is going to meet me with it.”

“Hmm, okay.” I reply back and nod my head in agreement. There is some common ground between us… for now, anyways.

“So… when will you be abandoning ship then? A couple of weeks from now or-?” I watch as Hunter’s face wrinkles with both confusion and distaste. I go on to say, “Just because no one sticks around forever, ya know? You seem like one of those guys that just goes wherever they please.” My blows are hidden by the neutral tone in my voice but that doesn’t stop Hunter from overreacting- as always.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” He almost growls and I grip my fingers tighter around the steering wheel, my knuckles turning an icy shade of white. The air is beginning to feel thick between us already and I don’t know if I should blame myself or the air conditioning but I don’t stop.

“Don’t you have a family of your own?” instead of trying to steal mine, is what I want to say but I don’t. For a moment his features darken and I feel a pang of regret hit my chest. Maybe I’m being crazy and harsh… maybe he is just a boxer and my dad is just his coach.

“You know fucking nothing about me, blondie.” He fires back lowly after some time and I gulp down a growl.

“Stop calling me blondie!” I yell, totally enraged at his lack of interest in my questions. He doesn’t seem to care that I am asking him these things, but he is being ignorant with his answers.

“Would you shut up and quit yelling, I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live.” I turn my head to him and the look on his face sends me flying over the edge. I grind my teeth uncomfortably tight and glare at the road passing us by.

Kiss my ass.

Hunter releases a gravelly laugh and I breathe out heavily, trying to calm my raging inner emotions. I don’t think I can even stand to be in this car with him for much longer, but this was my idea. Maybe I do make bad decisions…

To my right, Hunter starts to dig around blindly in the glove compartment of the car and I glance between him and the road a couple of times, both confused and a little bit angry that he is mindlessly going through our things, “What the hell are you doing? Stop touching stuff that isn’t yours!” With one of my hands I reach for him over the centre consol and struggle to close the compartment whilst also keeping control of the moving vehicle.

“Chill out, I’m just looking for some CD’s.” He carelessly remarks and I scoff.

“You’re going to make me crash!” I say seriously and Hunter freezes. His entire body comes to stiffly sit in place and I retract my hand from his side of the car and focus back on the road. His breathing becomes gripped and deprived and I look at him worriedly. What is up with him?

“Thank yo-“ I go to say.

“Stop the car.” He pants harshly and I can hear the panic entwined in his voice.

“I can’t just stop the car, moron, we are on a highway-” I try to argue back but he frightens me by doing something that nearly sends me spinning off of the road.

“I said stop the fucking car, Elizabeth!!” He reaches across the console and grabs at the steering wheel. I scream and push his hands away forcefully, my heart and mind racing frantically. We swerve from left to right and I feel my body begin to shake.

"OKAY! OKAY!” I wail loudly and pull over to an empty spot on the side of the busy road. Hunter is fast to unclip his seatbelt and plummet out of the car and I instantly follow behind him, basically falling out of the driver’s seat. He nearly got us both killed!

Furious, I open my mouth to scream at him but what I see stops me right in my tracks. Hunter is curled over on the ground, his hands are pressed flat against the floor and his fingers are splayed out across the concrete. I can see the rapid movement of his back muscles as he breathes in and out briskly. He is having a panic attack. It is painful and scary to watch him lose control of himself.He needs someone… and I am the only one here.

I crouch down next to him and place a caring hand on his buff shoulder, letting him know that he is not alone and that I am here for him, whilst also leaving some distance between us both, “Hunter…” My voice is quiet against the roar of the traffic and my chest tightens when his teary eyes meet mine. Impassiveness shrinks his irises as terror gleams through his forest  green eyes and he rises up from his knees and to his feet, “Don’t.” He says coldly, “Just don’t.” There is a warning behind his words and I respect his boundaries.

Maybe I went too far.




Angst- * Fluff- • Smut- +

Make Me Choose Chapters (OC x OC)

This story is about an odd paring- Hunter Morales is a dedicated boxer with strong hopes of one day going pro, and Elizabeth Douglas… she dreams of stability. She wants a good education and a job to support all of her wants and needs. When the two clash things don’t go all that well. Both of them have nasty secrets.. how long can they keep the truth buried? (READ MORE BELOW TO FIND OUT)

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Hardin Scott x Reader

Bad Neighbours

This is the one where Hardin encounters the Reader who has moved next door to him, however it doesn’t go all that well.

Bad Neighbours|| 2

A continuation of the first part (which is featured above) with a fluffy twist.

You’re Mine, Understand?+

The one where Hardin gets overly jealous at the Readers study ‘date’ with Jace.

Nobody Like You•+

The Reader is Smith’s regular babysitter and a family friend to the Vance’s which only leads to the Reader having to keep Hardin out of trouble.

Just Like The Movies

This one is a sweet story about the one and only Hardin Scott falling for the quiet girl which is the Reader. After trying to win her over he succeeds and in return for her accepting his offer of going on a date with him, takes her to her favourite place.


At a party a rather observant Reader is approached by Hardin Scott after accidentally staring at his ‘group’ for a little longer than intended. Whilst in mid conversation with the Reader Hardin overhears some things he really shouldn’t..

Rumours|| 2

A continuation of the first part (which is featured above) which includes a whole lot of cuteness.

Yes, Daddy..+

The one where the Reader rebels against her older sister, Molly. The Reader ends up at a party near by and sat in a room privatly with a boy she knows well. However when Hardin finds her kissing another mans lips he just couldn’t help his dominant side from surfacing and showing her what a real man is.

Words Unspoken*•

The one where Hardin falls victim to Tessa’s controlling ways and only wants for to see the Reader more.

What Goes Around Comes Around*+

Upon the Readers literature teacher assigning class projects to the class the Reader ends up being paired with her all time campus crush, Hardin Scott. Something bubbles between them both however it’s not what it seems..


At a party some college girls are beyond horrible to the Reader about both her weight and outfit. Luckily Hardin is there to make her feel better.

Slip Into My Space…+•

(Contains DDLG!)

The one where Hardin walks in when the Reader is in little space.

Beyond The Fury*+•

This may turn into a series featuring a Mobster!Hardin Scott that finds himself hooked on the Reader.

Beyond The Fury|| 2*+•

Continuation of the first part (which can be found above.)

Beyond The Fury|| 3*+•

Third part to the series. (Chapter 1&2 can be found above.)

Beyond The Fury|| 4 +•

Fourth chapter to the series. (Read above.)

Beyond The Fury||5 *

Fifth chapter of the series. (Read above.)

I Wish It Were Me*•

Plus!reader x Hardin where Hardin kisses Tessa and the Reader becomes insecure.

I Thought My Secrets Were Safe With You*•

Hardin gets drunk and brings up the Readers past trauma. (This contains trigger warnings do not read if they are unpleasant to you!)

But You Aren’t Tessa*•

Based roughly on the song ‘Drivers License by Olivia Rodrigo.’


Hero Fiennes-Tiffin x Reader

Can I Ask You Something?

The reader is an aspiring journalist that has just freshly started in the field, when asked to go to a scene and try and get some information on the After star she doesn’t hesitate to jump at the opportunity immediately. However she isn’t as ‘media’ like as she seems… and Hero seems to really like it.

Can I Ask You Something?|| 2*•

A continuation to the first part (which is mentioned above) however there are some trigger warnings! And a sweet ending.

Home Is With You

A lovely quarantine one shot with an adorable ending!

Black And Blue*•

Hero and The reader together are a spark found in even the darkest of times where light seems impossible (trigger warnings!)

Too Real.

On set Hero gets nervous at what a great actor you are.


After Movie via Instagram:“After We Collided family dinner #afterwecollidedmovie”

After Movie via Instagram:

“After We Collided family dinner #afterwecollidedmovie”

Post link

New video behind the scenes of “We Collide”.

Josephine at Anna’s son birthday party.

Josephine at Anna’s son birthday party.

Post link