#anti disney


Sweet baby corn! The Ghost and Molly McGee is incredible, dafaq????

Disney, stop treating your TV animators so badly.

I’m so tired

To translate what it says in English:

Benny Emmanuel wants to be Miles Morales in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The Mexican actor stated on his social media his interested for the awaited role

Colorism has gone so rampant to the point we have people boldly out loud proclaiming anti blackness. The fact that he has said this twice already (despite already existing a Mexican spiderman;check his Twitter account) and refuses to see that this character was NOT MADE TO BE INTERPRETED BY PEOPLE LIKE HIM makes me gag and my skin crawl.

They already put a light skin Mexican (super young) actress to play America Chavez, a character majority displayed dark skin/black who adopted the Puerto Rican culture.

I think what bothered me was the Mexicans in the Twitter thread defending this twat, being in (black) Puerto Rican business. Saying shit like “Josh Brolin isn’t from Titan” or “Tom Holland is British”. Pretending to be purposely obtuse.

I just find it hard to be believe daily in hispanic solidarity with these clear messages. The anti blackness was rampant in the twitter thread and quotes, not to mention the complete disregard for Puerto Rican culture and our feelings of constantly being erased. But are the same people that enjoy Puerto Rican music and our colloquial languages used in said music. The same people that have these traperos and wannabe reguetoneros appropriate our language.

And you know what…I find it hard to believe that marvel wouldn’t pull some shit like this. I mean why not? People blindly and stupidly cheered on for the casting of America Chavez surely they can pull it again. No…who knows. They got away with her but there would be riots and arson if they tried to pull some bullshit with Miles. Miles at this point is a Puerto Rican icon.

I’m so bitter though. The amount of Mexicans and Hispanics roasting and rationing on Twitter concerned Puerto Ricans was disturbing.

You can not blame me or anyone else who feels like me to NOT believe in any of this Hispanic solidarity bullshit.


Alex Hirsch is this close to fucking losing it and going on a murderous rampage through Disney’s corporate offices

antidisney: The Disney Company has made it’s back-catalog of work the foundation of the corporation


The Disney Company has made it’s back-catalog of work the foundation of the corporation since the 90′s. While at the same time, distancing themselves from the ugly realities that plague the companies history. Covering them up in hopes that the public forgets. Racism, animal abuse, and their now-obscure, former-superstar, young Bobby Driscoll. 

The Disney Company, while so-often celebrating their “masterpiece collection” of films, and “Disney Legends” such as Mary Blair, Annette Funicello and Kathryn Beaumont, the name Bobby Driscoll remains conveniently left out. This is entirely intentional.

Who is Bobby Driscoll?


Discovered in a barber shop at the age of 5, Bobby was the first actor to ever be signed under-contract by Disney Studios. In 1946, his starring role in Song of the South made him an overnight sensation. At one point, he was the highest paid child actor in Hollywood. Soon, he was Disney’s golden-goose, with films like Melody Time,So Dear to My HeartandTreasure Island. He even won an Academy Award for his performance in the film noir, the Window.

Today, he is best remembered as the voice and live-action model of the titular Peter Pan.

What Happened to Bobby Driscoll?


Despite his success, Bobby could never seem to please his parents. They physically abused him, and kept him locked in a closet for hours at a time. Sometimes, all night. When Bobby was around 9, the beatings became so bad Disney temporarily moved the boy in with the family of his co-star, Luana Patten. They could not shoot, after all, if their star was battered and bruised.

When shooting wrapped, he went back home. Child abuse was still extremely normalized during this time, and was also an accepted method of getting a good performance out of a child. Many of Bobby’s contemporaries describe being slapped in the face or being manhandled by adults as every-day occurrences on set.

Around this time, Walt Disney himself became fixated on Driscoll, Marc Elliot stating Walt often referred to Bobby as “the living embodiment of his own youth.” He saw the child as an extension of himself, and ignored Bobby’s own identity. Bobby was susceptible to the attention and latched onto Walt as a father figure. He came to see Disney Studios as a family, and indeed “Uncle Walt” encouraged this idea, especially among his child performers. One former animator described feeling uncomfortable by seeing higher-ups kiss Bobby on the face and mouth.

During Bobby’s pre-teen years, he was signed to a new 7-year contract and given a substantial raise of $1750 per week. Bizarrely, Bobby was now making the most money he ever would, while actually working less than ever before. 


He was cast in the leading role of Peter Pan, as both the voice and visual inspiration for the character. Peter had Bobby’s wide eyes, and upturned nose. If you watch any Bobby Driscoll movie, and then watch Peter Pan in motion, you can easily see the character’s every facial expression and mannerism taken directly from Driscoll. His expressive eyebrows, nose-scrunching, even down to the way he positions his wrists.

As Bobby got older, Walt stopped speaking affectionately of him in meetings. He stated Bobby was no longer likeable enough to play protagonists. Meanwhile, Peter Pan was released, and is a massive hit.

In 1953, Bobby began to hear rumours he would be fired. He tried asking the higher-ups he was formerly friendly with, but none would speak to him. He went to Walt’s secretary, asking to speak to Mr. Disney. She refused to call him, and when Bobby asked again, she abruptly told him he was no longer needed and to get out.

Stunned, Bobby burst into tears. She called security, and had the boy escorted off of Disney property. Disney Studios told the press they had let Bobby go due to an extreme case of acne, which sullied his image with other movie studios. 

Personally, I don’t buy the acne explanation. Acne can be covered, and Disney was focusing heavily on television at this time, which had terrible picture quality compared to film. Not to mention, Walt had already talked about shifting Bobby into playing unlikeable bully characters. But the true reason for the cancellation of Bobby’s seven year contract may never be known.

Unable to find work, Bobby’s parents enrolled him in public school. He was mercilessly bullied for his Disney roles, being beaten up by his classmates constantly. He stated he “became afraid all the time”, and it was at this time he began experimenting with drugs.

After being imprisoned for possession of marijuana, he was eventually sentenced to a “rehab centre”. The so-called first of it’s kind, employed no doctors or nurses, and used abusive psychiatric practices now outlawed.

During this time, Disney was making millions off of the heavy merchandising of Peter Pan. Bobby never saw a dime from this, despite his likeness being used.


Bobby’s life remained difficult, and although he had a few more acting roles, and became a talented artist in the beatnik scene, he just couldn’t make enough money to get by.

He died on March 30th 1968, aged 31, without a penny to his name. Alone, and forgotten. He was found on a dirty cot in an abandoned building. His body was unidentified, and police could not find anyone who recognized him. He was buried in a mass grave, unmarked, on Hart Island. 

Eventually, his mother asked Disney to help find him, and he was finally identified through finger prints. Although, his remains were not moved to a cemetery, which would have been possible at the time.

The public did not learn of Bobby’s death until 1973, when Song of the South was re-released in theatres.  After his death had been reported, actress Jane Wyman insinuated in an interview that Bobby had been sexually abused while working for Disney.

Erasure of Bobby by Disney


As mentioned above, Bobby has never been named an official “Disney Legend”, despite fan petitions and letter-writing campaigns since the start of the program in the late 80′s.

Both the Peter Pan VHS, and DVD making-of featurettes only mention Bobby Driscoll in passing. Compared to the Alice in Wonderland DVD, which features an entire documentary about Alice’s voice actress.

The DVD release of So Dear to My Heart was cancelled without explanation. Years later, it was quietly released as a Disney Movie Club Exclusive. Making it rare and difficult to find.

Fan requests for a memorial to Bobby Driscoll in Disney Parks have also gone unanswered. Disney will likely never own up to Bobby Driscoll, or what the company did to him. His story is tragic, and paints the company in an uncomfortable light, going directly against it’s branding of love, family and happy endings. After all, if the average joe-blows and Karens of the world knew what happened to Bobby Driscoll, they might cancel their Disney+ subscription. And Disney certainly doesn’t want that to happen.

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The Star Wars twitter account/Disney releasing this statements using Finn pretending to care about black representation is meaningless until they.

1. Acknowledge that they sidelined Finn and mislead John into believing that his character would be the male lead and get co-protagonist reputation/material throughout the trilogy.

2. And they vow to make up for it through focusing on giving Finn plenty of  Star Wars content.  Focusing on developing his story and giving his arc the full potential and representation that they refused to give him in the trilogy. 

Actions speak louder than words and their actions shows me that they still don’t care about what they did to John Boyega and still aren’t focused on giving Finn the treatment that he deserves.

explorerrowan:addictofcinema:odd-vox:yimra:glass2hold: Bruh why they green screen a bar ??? They can






Bruh why they green screen a bar ??? They can afford a set hello?

This isnt even the most egregious example, they cgi’d a tranquilizer gun in one of the spider-man movies

PDs, art directors, set decorators and set dressers have unions.

Post houses are run like sweatshops.

Fuck disney

That. That’s why Disney is all green screen and CGI now. Because all the traditional methods have unions, but digital artists don’t. It’s predatory as fuck, and why a lot of people outside the digital artist industry have been really pushing for them to unionize, because their lack of a union undercuts the jobs of everyone else.

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Disney+ daredevil is gonna be a 6 episode action comedy featuring a brand new cg costume, half a dozen cameos, references to the mcu movies, and having half of the story based around setting up future spin offs. Thanks feige

Anyway here’s who’s writing the Disney+ daredevil series:

Thanks a lot for canceling the original series and replacing it with this shit Kevin feige you greedy bastard

I feel like if these guys watched an actual horror movie, they’d simply pass away


a mystery for the ages


not disney trying to beat every type of content creator to the punch so no one but them can even reap youtube views off their products

They’ve been doing this since Iron Boy: No Way Home. It’s really quite nauseating
