#anti transmisandry



“Transmascs are pressured to be feminine” “transmascs are pressured to be masculine” two things can be true at the same time.

From a young age, we are pressured to be feminine, because ultimately we are pressured to be women. Society does not want us to be masculine because it wants us to be feminine women, which is what is expected of all AFAB people.

Once we come out as transmasc, we are still pressured to be feminine because people still want us to be cis women. Our identities are not respected and people want us to fit into the binary as feminine women. That is why gender-conforming transmascs are pressured to stop being masculine.

For people who accept that we are not women, but still uphold a system of binary gender roles and transphobia, the only way they will accept we are not women is if we denounce femininity in every way. The only way they will accept that an AFAB person could be anything but a women is if that person is the antithesis of everything society perceives women to be. That is why GNC transmascs are pressured to start being masculine.

TL:DR; transmascs are pressured to be feminine, AND transmascs are pressured to be masculine. BOTH are true.
