#apex legends pathfinder


Redraw of This >:)

I’m so happy it’s almost one year of revfinder aaaaahhhh xD


I’m sure later I’ll upload it colored ^^

My lovely boy with him new skin

⚜️The Angels can be demons

And the Demons can be angels✨



Ö that mwah,love them! ❤️


I found your two ideas adorable, so I made them C-:


Love it,It turned out cuter than I imagined!


Tysm for you ideas, I was late in publishing this blog since I have homework ✊

HEY Kaleb stop there!

They aren’t food!

Possibly later I will bring dessert

<(- 3 -)√

Some doodles based on my favorite parts of the pathfinder’s book

HAHAHAHAHA I loved the potato part xD

And thiiiiiisss


Lollipop Simulacrum

Same Energy

I could not avoid it! xD

imagine that bandage is a syringe, I think the lighting gives an atmosphere of a nostalgic sunset, it’s perfect u.u

Draw for @sanguineequinox i love your art is very beautiful and your pathfinder mini comics with raincoat are very cute

I uploaded it on Twitter but here too u.ub
