#apex wraith


KNY characters’ Apex Legends Mains

I come back from my slumber only to share this cuz I’ve been obsessed with Apex recently.


Tanjiro - Lifeline.He’s definitely the kind of person to want to help out his teammates to the best of his abilities. Usually the one to calm down any raging teammates, although he gets a bit agressive over Ultimate Accelerants.

Nezuko - Lifeline/Loba. Nezuko is a cute and badass girl, and she likes cute and badass girls. Nothing to it.

Zenitsu-Wattson/Loba. Do I even have to explain this one? But he’s also just a camper and Wattson allows that technique. He’s actually pretty good when in a fight but you know. He gets spooked easily.

Inosuke -Octane. This boy is the definition of an Octane main. Runs in blindly, gets downed and rages, but at least he’s having fun. He’d play Pathfinder to go faster but he can’t figure out the grapple so he rage-quit.

Kanao -Bangalore. I just feel like she’d enjoy a nice, balanced legend that’s badass and reliable.

Genya -Crypto/Pathfinder. I don’t really have an explanation for my choice of Crypto for Genya. I just feel like he’d like the cool vibe Crypto has. And he’d play Pathfinder solely for the Watermelon Skin.

Giyuu -Gibraltar. He rarely ever plays and only plays Gibby cuz Zenitsu told him it’s the best legend (pre-buff). He doesn’t get why Shinobu makes fun of him.

Shinobu -Lifeline. Their energies are so similar that it would be a CRIME not to put them together. Just the badassery and cuteness of them both?? Chefskiss.

Mitsuri -Wattson/Mirage. She mostly plays Wattson becouse she’s scared of confrontation and gets startled easily, plus she thinks Wattson is suuper cute. Her second main is Mirage just cuz she thinks he’s handsome and an interesting character.

Obanai -Caustic/Bloodhound. Usually plays Caustic while playing with Mitsuri, but his true main is Bloodhound. Artur makes him think of Kaburamaru.

Uzui -Loba/Revenant. He wants that flamboyant look on his mains, and Rev’s and Loba’s Legendary skins offer just that. He used to not really play while Rev was out, but once Loba came out, he’s been playing non-stop. He loves her personality and aesthetic. Owns the Gold Digger skin on Loba and the False Idol/Shadow of the Sun skin on Rev.

Muichiro -Wraith. The signature, tryhard, TTV Wraith. Definitely has both the heirloom and all the legendary skins. Don’t get me wrong though, he’s probably the most skilled player out of all them.

Himejima - …he’s blind. But he’s very supportive of Genya. He’s the definition of that “Are ya winning, son?” meme. Doesn’t really get what’s going on but he’s trying his best. His favourite would probably be Bloodhound becouse of how respectful they sound.

Sanemi - Pathfinder/Revenant.He doesn’t play much, but when he does, he usually plays one of these two Legends. Owns both of their Watermelon Skins but won’t admit that he got them cuz he wants to match with his little bro.

Rengoku - doesn’t have a main? I feel like he’d be pretty versatile with the Legends he plays. Maybe he’d mostly play GibraltarorWraith? He’s not really here for the Legends, he just wants to play and have fun.

Now you see me… print available HERE 

Now you see me…

 print available HERE 

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fansites sure are persistent, and the girls have lots of fans who likes to have pictures of them! (tfansites sure are persistent, and the girls have lots of fans who likes to have pictures of them! (tfansites sure are persistent, and the girls have lots of fans who likes to have pictures of them! (tfansites sure are persistent, and the girls have lots of fans who likes to have pictures of them! (t

fansites sure are persistent, and the girls have lots of fans who likes to have pictures of them! (their receptiveness to their pictures getting taken varies, however)

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 they’re like, celebrities with media following them around, i guess

they’re like, celebrities with media following them around, i guess

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out for errands, may or may not be a date 

out for errands, may or may not be a date 

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this dimension is looking upprint available here<3

this dimension is looking up

print available here<3

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tumblr murdered the quality </3 pls click on it

Some doodles based on my favorite parts of the pathfinder’s book

HAHAHAHAHA I loved the potato part xD

And thiiiiiisss


I don’t know how to draw gore, it’s just an experiment xD

TIME TO DO AN ART DUMPPPP. I used to have a tumblr account a few years ago but I deleted it, why? Don’t ask questions you don’t wanna know the answers to. Anyways because of that I need to give some context to my art, and what’s a better way to do that than to post a bunch of it all in one night lol

Here’s a bunch of drawings from a project that I may continue in the future where I take Apex Legends Characters and try to give them more exaggerated and shape language-based designs.

These are a bit more simple than what I typically go for but I like them a lot. Apex is a game that I love with characters that I also love, and it was a lot of fun being able to represent them in a new light.

See y’all for the next part of the dump!

…Our poor friend Wraith XDSorry @thekingsparty, you know it was probably me.

…Our poor friend Wraith XD

Sorry@thekingsparty, you know it was probably me.

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Translation 1: 4x8 sniper scope and a skull piercerTranslation 2: barrel stabilizer and a stock, posTranslation 1: 4x8 sniper scope and a skull piercerTranslation 2: barrel stabilizer and a stock, pos

Translation 1: 4x8 sniper scope and a skull piercer

Translation 2: barrel stabilizer and a stock, possibly a mag too

…in conclusion the party chat short hand has gotten out of control.

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apex wraith
apex wraithapex wraith
apex wraith
apex wraith

Emergence Sexuality Graph Update

Figured after two whole seasons I’d update the graph now that Seer was confirmed as Pansexual!

Few clarifications regarding some comments under my last post from the start of the year when Fuse’s sexuality was confirmed:

Valkyrie’s confirmation:


Seer’s confirmation:

Twitter post link:

Some darksparks pride for @giraffe-lesbian!Like this? I’m closing my pride sale for now but you can

Some darksparks pride for @giraffe-lesbian!

Like this? I’m closing my pride sale for now but you can check out my regular prices here


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Wanna know how much you really know about gaming? Go into a game discord and see yourself get obliterated by all the abbreviations and terms you have never heard of.
