#aph baltics


Baltic trio with liquors which names are based on their capital cities!

Estonia : Vana Tallinn 50%

Lithuania : Vilniaus Džinas (Vilnius Gin)

Latvia : Riga Black Balsam Cherry

its the hypocrite who suppressed the unscrupulous words with a tie.


We decide whether to laugh or hurt.

I drew it while listening to this song, and the tension goes up!


The Baltic States celebrated 100th years of independence in 2018.

How about it on your travel?



This year’s illustration celebrating the Baltic States was a return to our roots.

I still love the three of you!












I have always drawn birthday illustrations every year.

However, what we have been able to do every year as a matter of course will not last forever. It made me sad to think about the future when I won’t be able to do it anymore, so I decided to end it now, when I still love them the most.

Regardless of the anniversary, I will continue to draw the three of them freely.

I hope you will stay with me until you get bored.

I love you.

Thanks for watching!















⚡️You are charging with tears⚡️

It shows the world view of the song, so please listen to it!











Wow! A story is being created for my drawing!

I’m so happy~ Thank you so much♪☺️

The three friendly Baltic countries are cute, aren’t they?❤️

I have no idea how to do a quote reply, so I used this method to post this.sorry!

❤️He is hugging cats

I’ll be doing a Latvian birthday countdown on Twitter at @87sta.

❤️↓Use this tag↓❤️

#トーリス誕生祭 #エドァルド誕生祭 #ライヴィス誕生祭

Day 21 - Happiness. This is still the nerdiest of ideas but…. Continuing the “high school nerds put on a play because student council president russia said so” AU. With bonus Poland and Belarus. Honestly I have no right to put this much effort into an AU and not make a fic out of it. Anyway my headcanons here are 1) Latvia takes emotions out of a scene with him, 2) Belarus is the opposite, she puts her real emotions into a performance and then gets embarrassed about it, 3) Liet legally cannot say “fuck”, 4) Estonia is only here for extra credit or whatever, and 5) Poland doesn’t even have to try with this role because he naturally exudes Alana Energy.

I feel like I should have said this way earlier but I apologize if anything is out of character! I haven’t been super into Hetalia in forever but I’ve always loved this gang so. Do with that info what you will.

Day 20’s theme is Sadness, but I couldn’t think of anything sad except dressing them as characters from an actual sad show. And then like the nerd I am I came up with a whole AU where they’re all in school, and student council president russia decides these bois are gonna put on a play. Pff it’s totally not like I’m still obsessed with dear evan hansen or anything…. Anyway. Latvia and Estonia are opposite moods, and Liet’s just happy to be here.

I think tomorrow’s technically today’s since it’s 2am drawing will be another of this AU!

So I just found out about this Hetalia drawing challenge dedicated to the Baltic bois, and I had to get in on that because I used to love these three back in the day. I still do tbh, Lithuania has always been a fave. I didn’t quite make this drawing in time for the 18th (it’s like 1am the next day oof) But I’m overall happy with it. I’ll hopefully be able to keep up with the rest of the week too!

The prompt was Holiday, and I picked Christmas because I get warm wholesome vibes from these guys. Latvia thinks he’s sneaky wrapping presents for his bros.

bookworm555: It’s my birthday today, so I only had time to quickly color a very scrawly traditional


It’s my birthday today, so I only had time to quickly color a very scrawly traditional sketch I did earlier in the week. 

It was fun drawing (and coloring) some canon outfits that I barely draw these three in. (Except I messed Ed’s up, oops. I realized after I inked that his outfit in the Nyotalia episode was a blazer, not a sweater, X’D)

…Also, sorry, Raivis, I messed up his hair as well 0__0. And Liet’s hair is a little too short, oops.

Despite all of this, I do somewhat like how it looks as a colored sketch? 

Under the cut are the usual extras (the trio’s original anime eye colors, as well as Raivis w/ purple eyes):

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Baltic trio with liquors which names are based on their capital cities!

Estonia : Vana Tallinn 50%

Lithuania : Vilniaus Džinas (Vilnius Gin)

Latvia : Riga Black Balsam Cherry

bookworm555: I always draw these three looking sad, so I decided to try drawing them with happier ex


I always draw these three looking sad, so I decided to try drawing them with happier expressions. (Because they deserve everything good ksdhfjsdf)

I know when I traditionally draw lineart, it’s not as clean and polished as my digital lineart, but I feel like I can draw expressions better. (Same with hair; I for some reason, the hair always turns out better when I draw it traditionally.)

And since I already had the lineart sketched out, once I scanned it, I had more energy to focus on coloring. (Digital coloring is so much fun!)

I had a lot of fun with their outfits! Each one was loosely (some more than others) based off of one of their alternate canon outfits (which I will add under the cut).

Other stuff under the cut will be the usual alternate versions (Liet with fluffier hair, these three’s Seasons 1-4 anime eye colors, and Raivis w/ purple eyes, like he was shown with in older artwork).

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