#aph estonia

bookworm555: @ironbiohazard03​ saw the first B.altics shirt color swap and thought I should do it ag


@ironbiohazard03​ saw the first B.altics shirt color swap and thought I should do it again, but with Ed in red, Raivis in green, and Liet in blue, so here that is.

(I was busy this week and weekend, so I just swapped the colors on the earlier drawing, since I didn’t have time to draw a new one.) 

This time, Raivis and Liet look fine, but Ed looks weird wearing red, XD.

Under the cut are the usual extras (Liet with fluffier hair, these guys’ old anime art colors, and Raivis with purple eyes):

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I don’t think I need to explain


Title:  you and I remain the same
Author: MementoMoriPontifexMortis
Fandom: Hetalia 
Warnings:  human names used bc I’m a sucker, some hidden angst, 
Relationships: DenEst
Characters: HWS Den, HWS Est, 
Tags: fluff, minor angst, 
AO3:right here!

Summary: confessions under a starry sky.

Notes: the fact that you guys saw a snippet of this in like late feb/early march and yet i’m just now posting it should tell you guys that life got hard for me - of which i am sorry. first i had to change the tenses because i absolutely hate writing in present tense and then i struggled with if i even liked it, you can thank my beta (and darling sibling) who read this over and was like please post it because without them, i’d just be struggling over if i liked it or not forever. I have so  many fics that still have never seen the light of day because of that! And a whole host of other bull showed up so     very late in posting this!

I do hope you guys enjoy, despite my struggling feelings towards this, I actually really really like this story and I would love it if you guys did too! This was written for the fic.tober ‘21, the first prompt: I need you If you wish to prompt me anything from that list, you absolutely can! Additional notes at the bottom like always!


       “Don’t you realize it already?” Nikolaj said, the world quiet as the stars hung as gentle lights dotted against the black backdrop of the night sky. “I need you – I love you.”

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bookworm555: It’s my birthday today, so I only had time to quickly color a very scrawly traditional


It’s my birthday today, so I only had time to quickly color a very scrawly traditional sketch I did earlier in the week. 

It was fun drawing (and coloring) some canon outfits that I barely draw these three in. (Except I messed Ed’s up, oops. I realized after I inked that his outfit in the Nyotalia episode was a blazer, not a sweater, X’D)

…Also, sorry, Raivis, I messed up his hair as well 0__0. And Liet’s hair is a little too short, oops.

Despite all of this, I do somewhat like how it looks as a colored sketch? 

Under the cut are the usual extras (the trio’s original anime eye colors, as well as Raivis w/ purple eyes):

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Baltic trio with liquors which names are based on their capital cities!

Estonia : Vana Tallinn 50%

Lithuania : Vilniaus Džinas (Vilnius Gin)

Latvia : Riga Black Balsam Cherry


Guys shut up it’s them

bookworm555: I always draw these three looking sad, so I decided to try drawing them with happier ex


I always draw these three looking sad, so I decided to try drawing them with happier expressions. (Because they deserve everything good ksdhfjsdf)

I know when I traditionally draw lineart, it’s not as clean and polished as my digital lineart, but I feel like I can draw expressions better. (Same with hair; I for some reason, the hair always turns out better when I draw it traditionally.)

And since I already had the lineart sketched out, once I scanned it, I had more energy to focus on coloring. (Digital coloring is so much fun!)

I had a lot of fun with their outfits! Each one was loosely (some more than others) based off of one of their alternate canon outfits (which I will add under the cut).

Other stuff under the cut will be the usual alternate versions (Liet with fluffier hair, these three’s Seasons 1-4 anime eye colors, and Raivis w/ purple eyes, like he was shown with in older artwork).

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one day I’ll think of a better way to add backgrounds to my art I promise




Me rn

Sorry for not posting for a long time…

Exams are really stressing me out…



commission by @ironicorange

bookworm555: I have been feeling very frustrated with my art for awhile (specifically my digital lin


I have been feeling very frustrated with my art for awhile (specifically my digital lineart), so I decided to try something different: draw the lineart traditionally, then color it digitally.

I used to do this all the time when I was in university, but after I didn’t have access to a scanner regularly, I switched to drawing my linearts digitally. (Now that I have my own scanner at my new job, I can scan traditional lineart more frequently!)

While I don’t see too much of a difference (though I do like how I drew the clothing folds better traditionally), I like how I draw hair better traditionally. For some reason, I can add more details to it easier, and it doesn’t look weird. (Which is why the lineart I draw digitally seems a bit more simple, which frustrates me.)

Does anyone have an opinion? (Like do people like the traditional lineart better than the digital, or vice-versa?)

Some bonuses under the cut (aka, messed with Liet’s hair as usual, used the original anime eye colors, and gave Raivis purple eyes. …I am very indecisive with how I color these three sometimes, so I include all the alternate versions I have, in case someone likes one of those better):

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