#aph netherlands

annotated-hetalia: “A Dutch TV network has filmed border officials confiscating ham sandwiches and oannotated-hetalia: “A Dutch TV network has filmed border officials confiscating ham sandwiches and o


“A Dutch TV network has filmed border officials confiscating ham sandwiches and other foods from drivers arriving in the Netherlands from the UK, under post-Brexit rules.

Under EU rules, travellers from outside the bloc are banned from bringing in meat and dairy products. In one scene, a border official asked the driver whether several of his tin-foil wrapped sandwiches had meat in them.

When the driver said they did, the border official said: “Okay, so we take them all.”

Surprised, the driver then asked the officials if he could keep the bread, to which one replied: “No, everything will be confiscated - welcome to the Brexit, sir. I’m sorry.” “ [x][x]

(more at @annotated-hetalia)

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You can’t take seriously a minuscule country with the nickname “land of the frogs” that speaks a lan

You can’t take seriously a minuscule country with the nickname “land of the frogs” that speaks a language like dutch 

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self-indulgent nedcan comic ned lied about knowing french but he’s going to put a little heart anywa

self-indulgent nedcan comic 

ned lied about knowing french but he’s going to put a little heart anyway to make his bf happy ❤

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ROLES: Fanfiction, Headcanon
BLOG TYPE: Hetalia
WARNINGS: can be NSFW, blood, gore etc (all tagged accordingly)

NAME : @maivalkov
ROLES: Fanfiction, Fanart, Reblog
BLOG TYPE: Hetalia
WARNINGS: nsfw, strong language

ROLES: Fanfiction
BLOG TYPE: Multifandom
WARNINGS: Rarely, but if there are they are tagged accordingly

ROLES: Reblog and an ask blog for aph Netherlands!
BLOG TYPE: Hetalia mainly

Indonesia managed to escape the ghosts and he encountered a Noni Belanda!!!

Context : here in Indonesia, there is a type of astral being / ghost that takes the appearance of women from Netherlands. We called the ghost “Noni Belanda”. I remember my grandma said that “Noni” is used to address women from Netherlands in general and it’s equivalent to “nona” (EN : Miss). So the term “Noni Belanda” roughly means “Dutch Lady” or “Miss Dutch”.

Noni Belanda usually can be found in historical buildings that the Dutch built during their, uh, time, in Indonesia. Usually they are either roaming around or sometimes playfully “greet” someone.

ANYWAY, if you are wondering why Holland is wearing dress, I’ll leave that to your imagination ok? Maybe he lost a bet, maybe he lost at truth or dare, who knows. Hahaha.

NedTai Weekend

Day 3-Soulmates/Enemies to Lovers

  • Meike Janssen es una talentosa patinadora artística cuyo único problema es que es arrogante y malhumorada. Aún así siempre se esfuerza y da lo mejor de sí misma en la pista. Las demás patinadoras le tienen miedo por lo intimidante que es. Tiene el apodo de princesa de hielo. 
  • Tanto su entrenadora como su familia, están preocupados ya que sus rabietas le han causado una mala reputación, por lo tanto están planeado castigarla para que controle su soberbia. 
  • Mientras tanto, Xiao-Tang Wang es un patinador muy popular, contando con una gran cantidad de fans, lo cual no solo se debe a su talento sino que posee un carisma natural. La realidad es que Xiao-Tang es demasiado vanidoso y ama ser el centro de atención, provocando que su compañera, con quien acaba de empezar una relación, se sienta celosa. Un día, harta de sentirse ignorada, decide abandonarlo y buscar a alguien más con quien patinar. 
  • Chun-Yan, su entrenadora y hermana mayor, lo regaña porque aparte de sentirse molesta por su actitud, se acaba de enterar de su relación. Ahora está desesperada por buscarle una nueva compañera. 
  • Entonces mientras piensa en todas sus opciones, por medio de sus colegas se entera de una chica de mal carácter, y con su entrenadora, deciden juntarlos.
  • Al principio, Meike se rehúsa porque no cree necesitar un compañero. Ella piensa que puede brillar sola, pero no puede rechazar la oferta ya que al parecer podría ser una buena oportunidad para probarse a sí misma.
  • Xiao-Tang tampoco está feliz con la idea, ya que no sólo no quiere una nueva compañera sino que extraña a su ex. Sin embargo, sabe que no hay modo de que regrese. 
  • Al principio ni Xiao-Tang ni Meike se agradan. Él cree que ella es una presumida y ella cree que él es infantil. Sin embargo, ambos deciden concentrarse en su entrenamiento, ya que las demás parejas competidoras son excelentes y ellos no quieren quedarse atrás. 
  • Ambos discuten por cualquier detalle. Ella quiere usar música clásica para su rutina, pero él dice que siempre utiliza música más moderna y no aburrida. También hacen que su entretenimiento sea más difícil y tenso. 
  • En la pista se comenta mucho de la gran química que existe entre ellos. Se dice que “derriten la pista”, la realidad es que siguen odiándose. 
  • Sin embargo, conforme pasa el tiempo, ambos van aprendiendo a adaptarse a la nueva situación. Ambos reconocen el talento del otro y que seguramente podrán hacer un buen equipo. 
  • Poco a poco comienzan a trabajar en equipo y a convivir en paz, pero tratan de convencerse de que lo que sienten no es una atracción mutua. 
  • Entonces, los dos quedan en el dilema de si confesar sus sentimientos o quedarse callados. O quizá podrían confesarse después de ganar una competencia. 
  • Luego de ganar, es momento de la verdad, pero aparece la ex y de pronto empieza a pasar tiempo con ella. 
  • Meike le pide que sea feliz, pero Xiao-Tang no entiende de qué le habla. Y es que ella lo vio cuando se despedía de la otra chica con un abrazo, pensando que tal vez habían regresado, pero estaba equivocada, ya que solo habían hecho las paces y él la había felicitado.  
  • Es cuando él le dice que a quien quiere ahora es a ella y entonces ella le dice que siente lo mismo. Chun-Yan lo acepta después de todo y ambos quedan como una de las mejores parejas dentro y fuera de la pista. 

NedTai Weekend

Day 1 -Wedding/Home

Big hubby is carried by his strong tiny wife.

Happy Valentine’s Day ❣️❤️

NedTai, NyoNedTai, 2pNedTai, 2pNyoNedTai

After a lot of time, I finally finished this fic. 


When his sister told him she needed to talk to him about Mei, he didn’t expect her to be so serious. Lars blushed, she had probably noticed he was always looking at Mei, in a way it was a good thing because he wanted to talk about it with someone and could avoid the awkwardness of telling her himself, but Emma’s face didn’t look pleased. However he wasn’t expecting her question.

“Do you hate Mei?” she asked, worried. 

Lars looked at her in shock as she explained what her friend had told her.

“She says you’re always looking at her like you hate her. I can’t find a reason for this, that’s why I’m asking you.”

He was embarrassed. To tell the truth he wanted to talk to Mei, but he was so nervous that he preferred to watch her as if that way he could get her attention. It was a foolish plan. 

“I don’t hate her,” he said. 

Emma seemed a little more relieved, but was still waiting for an explanation. 

“I don’t hate her. Actually…” then he looked away as his face turned red. “I like her…” he whispered. 

“Oh…” Emma said. Then she giggled. 

“Why are you laughing?” Lars asked her.

“It’s just that if you were expecting her to notice you just by looking at her, then you got it… in a strange way, but you did it”

“Not funny, Em. I don’t want her to think I hate her”

“Then why don’t you tell her”

“No way, what am I going to tell her?”

Emma raised her eyebrow. Her brother was one the most intimidating guys in school and some students were afraid of him, but only Mei could make him nervous. It was kind of cute and worrisome at the same time, but Emma thought she deserved to know how he felt. She also had a feeling that Mei liked him too and that was why she was sad thinking he hated her. They definitely needed help. 

The next day, after school, Emma asked both Lars and Mei to meet outside the library. When they saw each other they were silent. Lars knew it was his chance to explain the misunderstanding to her, but it was harder than he thought, because she was looking at him like he was a bug or something, now he understood why she thought he hated her. 

“I’m sorry…” he whispered, thinking that it wasn’t the words he wanted to say.

“That ’s it?” she asked.

“Yes… no, I mean. I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable. It wasn’t my intention… I don’t hate you. My gaze is always like that, it makes me look as if I’m angry”

“I know, but I was wondering why you were looking at me all the time. I thought I have done something to you and that’s why you hated me” 

“I’m sorry. It’s just…”, Lars blushed up to his ears. “It’s just… I like you… a lot” he finally said. 

Mei was perplexed by that confession and by his shyness and nervousness she knew he was being honest. Although she wasn’t expecting it she was happy to hear it, she tried to act calm so she pushed her hair back and took a deep breath.

“Well, I like you too,” she told him.

Both were silent, but this time they were happy. He invited her to go for ice cream and she accepted happily. 

I can imagine them being the cutest couple in high school

Made with

Idk but I headcanon nyoTaiwan as a jock, he’s an airhead but charming with a golden heart. On the contrary, nyoNetherlands is the “older sister” type, blunt but responsible and mature.

So sometimes he’s like: why are you dating me?

Her: idk you’re handsome.

Imagine this human AU

Ned having such a big crush on Wan, but he’s too shy to do something and he prefers to observe her until she realizes she likes him too.

Wan notices that he’s always looking at her, but unfortunately his gaze is scary so she tells Bel what’s happening. “I think your brother hates me, he looks at me like I am a monster or something. I did nothing to him”.

Then Bel talks about it with him, asking him what’s going on and why he’s doing that. But he’s like “oh no, you got it wrong. I don’t hate her”.

Bel asks him to explain her why he did it. But he’s too stubborn that he prefers that she thinks he hates her than confess to her.

“No, do it. She’s my friend and I want you to be happy too”.

So he tells Wan that he doesn’t hate, that he likes her. She is surprised but accepts his apology and they go for an ice cream.
