
Key Words Printable (Download Here)Features:Split sheets by topic.Add English, Arabic and Transliter

Key Words Printable (Download Here)


  • Split sheets by topic.
  • Add English, Arabic and Transliteration for each word.
  • Generous amount of space to write word meaning.

Feedback for improvements are more than welcome. More printables available HERE. 

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Weekly Planner PDF (Download Here)Features:Track daily/weekly salah. Prayers completed and missed. AWeekly Planner PDF (Download Here)Features:Track daily/weekly salah. Prayers completed and missed. AWeekly Planner PDF (Download Here)Features:Track daily/weekly salah. Prayers completed and missed. A

Weekly Planner PDF (Download Here)


  • Track daily/weekly salah. Prayers completed and missed. 
  • Acts as a substitute for university/school timetables.
  • Encourages using salah times to organise your day. 

This printable is a trial, please do let me know where improvements can be made. Baarak’Allaahu feekum. More printables available here.

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Classes for some essential books. Posted 27 Shawwal, 1437 [01/08/2016].

1) Kitaab at-Tawheed (The Book of Islaamic Monotheism)

2) Usool ath Thalaathah (The 3 Fundamental Principles)

3) Tafsir ibn Kathir

4) Imaam Nawawi 40 Hadeeth

5) Al-Aqeedat Al-Waasitiyyah

6) Kashf al-Shubuhaat (Removal of Doubts)

7) Luma'tul I'tiqaad (Sufficiency in Creed)

8) Usool us-Sittah (The Six Fundamental Principles)

9) Usool us-Sunnah (The Foundations of the Sunnah)

10) Sharh us-Sunnah (Explanation of the Creed)

11) Fiqhul Ibadaat (Understanding Worship)

May Allaah reward the students and the scholars (past and present) with much good, those who have made these classes free and accessible.

If there are any issues or errors then please do let me know, I will try my very best to rectify them. 

aqlamoon:Light reads for sisters.  1. A Piece of Advice and Admonition for the Women by Shaykh ‘Adaqlamoon:Light reads for sisters.  1. A Piece of Advice and Admonition for the Women by Shaykh ‘Adaqlamoon:Light reads for sisters.  1. A Piece of Advice and Admonition for the Women by Shaykh ‘Ad


Light reads for sisters. 

1.A Piece of Advice and Admonition for the Womenby Shaykh ‘Adb al-Razzaaq ibn ‘Abd al-Muhsin al-’Abbaad [Trans. Jameel Finch].

Book study available: lecturesandresources [Taught by Br. Jameel Finch].

2.The Role of the Woman in Rectifying the Societyby Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-’Uthaymeen [Trans. Abu Az-Zubayr Shadeed Muhammad].

Similar Lecture available:  Women And Their Role In Rectifying Society – Abu Muhammad Al-Maghribi [02:01:23]

3. A Woman’s Guide to Raising a Family by Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan.

May Allaah allow this post to be of benefit.

Updated Link to the “resources” for A Piece of Advice and Admonition for the Women [Apologies for any inconveniences caused]. 

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Try to set a weekly timetable/planner to maintain discipline and focus. Here are some options/resources:

Plan what classes to take. There are many freeauthentic lessons available online at the following sites:

Books and topics recommended by the Scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah.

Authentic literature, translated into English, can be purchased at the following sites:

Ustaadh Abul-Abbaas Moosa Richardson in Class 1 of Masaaʾil al-Jaahiliyyah (Aspects from the Days of Ignorance) briefly mentions the impermissibility of downloading PDF copies of books that are meant to be purchased [10:43m-11:15m]:

“…Do not allow yourself to download free versions of books, which is a violation of copyright laws.” [Statement taken 11:08m-11:15m].

This happens all too often with the illegal downloading and uploading of material.

If we do not have the means to legally purchase a book, other halaal measures can be taken, such as checking the libraries in local masaajid/maraakiz, asking a friend if we can have a look at their copy or even looking for a cheaper alternative of the book i.e abridged versions or used copies.  

May Allaah forgive us and make it easy for us all. 

Monthly Goals Printable - Download Here (via Google Drive)An alternative to the habit tracker allowi

Monthly Goals Printable - Download Here (via Google Drive)

An alternative to the habit tracker allowing individuals to make note of one-off goals, as opposed to repetitive tasks. 

Please, notify me of errors. 

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Ramadhaan 1437 Calendars - Download Here (via Google Drive)If the moon is sighted, then Monday, JuneRamadhaan 1437 Calendars - Download Here (via Google Drive)If the moon is sighted, then Monday, JuneRamadhaan 1437 Calendars - Download Here (via Google Drive)If the moon is sighted, then Monday, June

Ramadhaan 1437 Calendars - Download Here (via Google Drive)

If the moon is sighted, then Monday, June 6, 2016 will be the first day of Ramadhaan 1437. If the moon is not sighted, then Tuesday, June 7, 2016 will be the first day of Ramadhaan 1437 [X]. 

Two calendars have been made in advance. Both, the Hijri date and the western date are on these calendars to cater to those currently taking exams i.e. A-Levels, GCSEs, Finals etc.

May Allah allow these to be beneficial and useful. Please, do let me know of any errors and I will rectify them, inshaa’Allaah.

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Ramadhaan Printables - Download Here (from Google Drive)- Qur’aan Tracker: Actual printable is filleRamadhaan Printables - Download Here (from Google Drive)- Qur’aan Tracker: Actual printable is filleRamadhaan Printables - Download Here (from Google Drive)- Qur’aan Tracker: Actual printable is filleRamadhaan Printables - Download Here (from Google Drive)- Qur’aan Tracker: Actual printable is filleRamadhaan Printables - Download Here (from Google Drive)- Qur’aan Tracker: Actual printable is filleRamadhaan Printables - Download Here (from Google Drive)- Qur’aan Tracker: Actual printable is fille

Ramadhaan Printables - Download Here (from Google Drive)

- Qur’aan Tracker: Actual printable is filled in with the chapters. Tick off the completed chapters as well as reading the translation.

- Fast Tracker: Keep note of completed fasts, more importantly those that were missed due to menstruation or illness etc.

- Habit Tracker: Make a list of tasks/habits you wish to complete and implement them over the 30 days of Ramadhaan e.g. Salatul Duha, clean-up after iftaar/dinner, read morning/evening adhkar etc.

- Meal Tracker: Keep a log of food & water intake throughout the week (especially helpful for those who struggle with timetabled eating).

-Calendar:  Several variations of calendars are available. Salah tracker and tick boxes to record fasts.

-Monthly Goals:  An alternative to the habit tracker allowing individuals to make note of one-off goals, as opposed to repetitive tasks.

May Allah allow these to be of benefit. Do notify me of any errors and I will rectify them, inshaa’Allaah.

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بِسْـــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

This post has been created to formally announce that “aqlamoon” is no longer active. 

Alhamdulillaah, the material will remain available but nothing will be updated after 26th May 2017. I hope, by the Permission of Allaah, the little work I have done on this page has been helpful to at least some of you. 

I am leaving mainly because I have more responsibilities now and would like to discipline my time better, bi’ithnillaah.  

For any sisters who have my number/details, please do not give these to anyone. If you need to contact me, do not message this page. Email [email protected] - please be patient in waiting for a reply. 

Feel free to use and distribute the printables without crediting me but do not try to pass them off as your own or make money from them. 

I leave you with the following:

  • Start reading, keep reading. Read, read, read. It will change your life. 
  • Wash the dead. Get your own shroud measured and cut. 
  • Tend to your parents/those who raised you. Bathe them, cook for them and allow them to grow old with dignity and joy.  

Once again, thank you for accepting me into this community. t’s been a pleasure and a privilege. 


The slave of Allaah,

Umm Abdillaah al-Britaniyyaah

Sha’baan 1438/May 2017

England, UK.

Reading List Printable - Available HereFeatures:Generous space to write book title and author.Log ge

Reading List Printable - Available Here


  • Generous space to write book title and author.
  • Log general progress; when book was started, past half way mark and finished.
  • Helps visualise what books are yet to read and those that are unfinished. 

Example of use below:


 More printables available HERE.

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