#aro ace jason grace


Aroace Jason Grace

Hey that rhymes so it must be canon

I know a lot of people have pointed out queer Jason because of all the shame he feels with new rome and stuff. But I say Aroace adds another layer to it. Jason always thought he had to stay with Piper. That’s what he was suppose to do. He was suppose to fall in love and eventually start a family with her. And he always thought, why not her? I like Piper she’s super nice and funny. But he started to feel bad when he realized he didn’t love her in the way Percy and Annabeth loved eachother, cause that’s what she deserved. He’s try harder but Piper broke up with him. He was relieved. He felt bad and started looking into it. He thought something was wrong. He asked Nico. He thought Nico being gay but didn’t expect an answer. Nico really didn’t know. Nico said he understood a little bit about what he was talking about but couldn’t help him. When Jason wasn’t working on school and the temples he was researching. He started to blame himself for Piper breaking up with him. Then he found Aro ace. He was shocked. Yet so happy. He wasn’t alone. He never really go to you know, do anything with it. But he’d realized that he did in fact love Piper, just not in a romantic or sexual way. That’s why Leo also always seemed just as important as Piper did
