
a tank top with a mint greenish top a white middle and a blue bottom like the mlm pride flagALT

I took a shortcut through the clothing section at Walmart. Now you might think it’s just Pride stuff

But this was in the womens section

A gay mlm pride flag styled shirt

In the womens section

Yes clothes have no gender but like

How did this happen?

Who okayed this?

The parallels from the video Peter made durning Civil war that Homecoming opens with and him video chatting with MJ in far from home hurts

He finally got someone to share his life and secrets with and then it’s all taken away

You can drown in 3 inches of water or 300. Doesn’t matter how well you can swim you can drown either way

-Me really late at night

Nico at McDonald’s: *some dude being trash to the cashier*

Nico: you know being nice to servers is a guaranteed get out of hell free card. Hades told me himself you might need it

Kayla: whenever Will asks me to make iced tea i make it really sweet so he gets stuck in an endless cycle of adding water in it and going to the bathroom

So it’s established that in the MCU dreams are other yous in different universes

Imagine someone dreaming about you. Like you’re just chilling eating cereal and they have to watch that

Like imagine how disappointed you’d be

Bucky barnes headcanons

  • Gay, he was back in the 40’s and he is now
  • Ace, (after so long he just stopped feeling sexual attraction, it’s just gone)
  • He was flirting with Sarah to make Sam jealous
  • He has an amazing gaydar. Mostly for lesbians actually
  • He figured Sarah was bi or another m-spec identity
  • She’s Omni
  • She was going along with Bucky cause she liked him and Sam together
  • Learns languages super easily
  • He is so curious, he loves to read/hear about stuff, especially science
  • Still waiting to drive a flying car
  • Tries to repay the wakandans
  • Him and shuri vibe
  • She sends him actual paper letters about discovery’s she’s made
  • Bucky loves reading them and learning all about it and Shuri loves to talk about it
  • Bucky really gets back into reading and like a lot
  • He reads mostly fantasy because it’s the one that has the least ties to things that he doesn’t like and he honestly is a soft spot for like ROM come styled books
  • When he found out the hobbit was the movie he and Sam binged it all including the Lord of the ring series which he also loved
  • He and Sam bake all the time all
  • Does vist Wakanda every now and not as much as I feel like other people think but it’s a decent amount like every six months to year
  • He mostly just hangs out be he also gets a check up on his head and arm to make sure he’s doing good
  • He actually does go to a different therapist and gets better service
  • He does get alpine, he found him wondering around the docks and never found the owners
  • The Sam and Bucky banter is gold and they do it in a very playful and they always make sure they know each other’s feelings and actual things like that aren’t getting hurt because they’re both very sensitive people

Canon to the Mcu, dreams are your variants doing whatever

So what has my variants been up to (all dreams I can remember)

  1. A furby empire attacked an old house they where touring when they where like six
  2. They where running through a very dark woods with their two best friends
  3. They got outted at school cause a kid found their tumblr
  4. I worked at a pet saloon but only from 6-8 am and my parents had to take me in and it pissed them off
  5. My mom chocked my out with my hoodie
  6. It was a dystopian world and me and a bunch of other kids where camping out high up in a building. I was like a leader
  7. I was at a summer camp where my cabin mate had abusive parents. The cabin was yellow with lots of plants
  8. This is a long one, I was in my dads classroom before school, but it was me and girl and a guy. We convinced the girl to sing over the pa. I went outside to the parking lot and a conventionally attractive blonde opposite sex senior asked me in perverted ways if I was gonna date them next year, in real life I know this person and they would never. Next I was in a classroom and a sayter is roaming about, I lean out the window and ask, are you a sayter, ahh you didn’t call me mortal, you must be a clear sited one, pants appeared on him and he walked over, then my alarm went off
  9. I was stuck in a river for fifteen years, like a soul fish, I come out of said river and bricks and metals from the buildings come around me giving me a body. I head to my dads meat/barbecue plant. A majority of the workers are alseep, they’ve been alseep for fifteen years, not aging, some are fine with kids. We start working on getting the plant back up, I’m a bad thing to the local police force so one day when out and about with extended family we here police cars so they are trying to hide me.
  10. I’m a scientist, maybe not. But I’m part of an important experiment. Like really important. The numbers on the pages keep blurring off
  11. The world is cracking apart like ice age. We are all gonna die. I’m cussing up a storm and still being told to watch my language. My and my family had a falling out but I wanna say good bye. They are in a Greek like pavilion I’m trying to get there but the earth cracks apart. People are cheering every time it happens a bit more and enjoying their last sun set. I notice I have my dads golden watch. I see a kid from my chemistry class and through it at him and tell him to please take it to my dad. He says no he wants to watch the sunset and throughs it back


She thought everyone was super hyper sexual when she came to the 21st century. It was an exaggerated thing. She later found out it was just more talked about, and slowly realized it wasn’t a joke. This honestly stunned her. She was really confused. She didn’t really wanna talk to anyone about it. But when Nico came out she felt like cause it was her brother it be okay. So she talked to him. She would find out a little while later she was in fact ace. And she was confused a bit about the idea but okay with it. When Frank came out to her she realized that’s how she felt about romance. So her and frank look into it and she was in fact cupioromantic. It made a lot of sense to her. She didn’t like cupio being part of it because of what Cupid did to Nico but Nico said that it’s okay. Her and frank would be really happy for eachother. They would all go to pride parades with Reyna all the time. Frank and Hazel would look at more queer identities and talk to other people at New Rome who where also queer about what they should do as Preators. Theyd start a lot of celebrations and safe places for the queer people there


He honestly would have thought it was normal for years. Not because he didn’t talk about his feelings but because romance and sex makes him a little uncomfortable. He hasn’t really mever felt sexual attraction, but he feels like he could. But romance has happened a little bit. With Hazel of course but once else. It’s super rare and he never really had crushes when he was younger. Reyna would put it out there once, and he wanted to be able to support her so he looked into. He honestly took a whole dive into queer labels and stuff and found Demi ace and Demi romantic. It just felt right you know? He never realized his feelings where different but after doing a lot of reading and talking to Percy he found out it was just right for him. He obviously shared with Hazel and Reyna and both where just so happy for him. He honestly helped hazel realize her a-spec identity as well

I really loved Ms. Marvel today.

I love that Kamala is weird, she’s like us. And I love it. It’s so fun to see younger people in the Marvel universe growing up. That’s why I think Spiderman movies and shows are always so popular.

And I can’t wait to see what happens. Like everything that has been set up for the series is so exciting!

What did y’all like?

So sorry about no Ms Marvel content yet, haven’t had the chance to watch it.

Block the spoiler tags if you need

I am not alone

Because of this family

They’ve shown me love

They told me it’s fine

For all the feelings I feel

About me and others

Finally I me

Who I was supposed to be

Never a mistake

I’m finally free

No expectations given

A new Tradition

Scully:I’m not a homophobe, I’m an ally!

Rosa and Holt:


Rosa: thank you for your service

Aroace Jason Grace

Hey that rhymes so it must be canon

I know a lot of people have pointed out queer Jason because of all the shame he feels with new rome and stuff. But I say Aroace adds another layer to it. Jason always thought he had to stay with Piper. That’s what he was suppose to do. He was suppose to fall in love and eventually start a family with her. And he always thought, why not her? I like Piper she’s super nice and funny. But he started to feel bad when he realized he didn’t love her in the way Percy and Annabeth loved eachother, cause that’s what she deserved. He’s try harder but Piper broke up with him. He was relieved. He felt bad and started looking into it. He thought something was wrong. He asked Nico. He thought Nico being gay but didn’t expect an answer. Nico really didn’t know. Nico said he understood a little bit about what he was talking about but couldn’t help him. When Jason wasn’t working on school and the temples he was researching. He started to blame himself for Piper breaking up with him. Then he found Aro ace. He was shocked. Yet so happy. He wasn’t alone. He never really go to you know, do anything with it. But he’d realized that he did in fact love Piper, just not in a romantic or sexual way. That’s why Leo also always seemed just as important as Piper did
