



Grantaire’s super-villain origin story is being rejected by Enjolras.

Enjolras just wishes he could get a normal super-villain for once.

Coufeyrac, running into the room: “En- Apollo, Big R is dangling a bus of civillians over the Seine and says he will drop them if you don’t go on a date with him.”

Enjolras, groaning and hitting his head on a table: “Again? We’ve put him to jail like five times already, can’t they just keep him there for a few weeks so that we can take a break? Can we get a normal supervillain for once? One who wants to take over the world, or something?”

Enjolras’ powers? All the things that happen to him in the Brick because Victor Hugo likes his imagery and thinks Enjolras is way too cool are literal. He shines, he controls light, and every time someone tries to hurt him, they find themselves incapable of doing it, because “it feels like killing a flower”.

Enjolras, who is aroace as fuck, isn’t really happy about it.


There is this really good, really well-written fic whose summary has Grantaire telling Enjolras that he is “using him for sex”, and I see it often when I’m looking for short fics. And now I kind of really want a story with aro!Enjolras who is in a FWB relationship with Grantaire and is reallyreally hurt by the assumption that he’s using anybody. Because he cares for Grantaire, of course he does, they’re friends! And the fun was mutual, right? … Right??
