#art inspired


Rabbits were weird little critters. At least to Jigen they were. He’d never really had a solid opinion on them, remaining rather neutral on whether he liked them or not. But at the moment that once neutral feeling towards them had quickly went to pure dislike towards the animal. The gunslinger at this moment wanted nothing more than to shoot the little monsters. And why did he want to do such a thing to such a fluffy creature?

Well to put it bluntly, a rabbit had stolen his wallet.

A white rabbit to be exact.

And come heaven or hell Jigen was going to get that wallet back even if it killed him. That had been his mindset when he’d chased the little menace in an open field, only to come to a stop at a rather large hole in the ground. Jigen glared at the large hole at the time not noting how strange it was for a small rabbit to have such a large burrow. If he hadn’t been blinded by the need to get the wallet back (it had all his money in it and it was a gift from Lupin), he would have noticed the ground giving way under his feet. But unfortunately he didn’t notice, not until the ground fell out from under him. The gunman let out a startled shout as he fell into the dark abyss that consumed him. As he fell into the dark he couldn’t help but think.

‘I hate rabbits.’


When Jigen had finally hit the ground he’d let out a pained hiss as his body absorbed the shock. Rubbing his aching hip and shoulder, the man looked up at where he’d fallen from and felt a sense of unease as he took in the sight. The hole which he’d fallen down from was now nothing more than a pin prick of light that shined down on him. The gunslinger cursed under his breath as the situation became more real.

“God damnit.”

He growled lowly not at all happy with how his day had turned out. He’d only wanted to relax and now here he was trapped and having his wallet taken from him. He briefly entertained the idea of contacting Lupin or Goemon only to quickly shut it down. Knowing how Lupin could be at times, Jigen knew that if the thief ever found out that he’d been robbed by a small rabbit and then fell into a hole chasing after it, he’d never hear the end of it. Pushing himself up more Jigen began to pick himself up off of the ground, dusting off his suit jacket and pants before looking at his surroundings.

“What the hell did I fall into?”

He asked baffled by how spacious the surrounding area was. As he looked his eyes quickly caught the sight of a flash of white racing away into a tunnel. Jigen didn’t hesitate as he began to race after the white rabbit which was steadily keeping a good distance from him as it raced away. The rabbit made a quick turn and disappeared around a corner, with Jigen in hot pursuit only to be greeted by the sight of the fluffy animal opening up a small door and rushing through it. The sound of the door’s lock clicking into place filled the room. Stunned by what he’d just witnessed Jigen stared at the small door, trying to process what he’d seen.

'It opened the door. That little fluffy bastard actually opened up a door can rabbits even do that????’

Jigen thought questioningly before deciding to dwell on the thought at a later date. Instead he had more important things to worry about such as the room he’d stepped into. Instead of dirt covered walls of a tunnel in a burrow, the room had actual walls in it. Elegant and homey like, complete with chairs and a table. A few paintings hung on the walls adding to the effect of the room. The gunslinger stared at the sight before him, eyes wide underneath his dark bangs and hat.

“What in the hell….?”

He breathed confused and suddenly very uneasy. What was before him shouldn’t be possible. It shouldn’t be possible for a dirty tunnel to have a fully furnished room in it. Stepping further into the room with cautious steps Jigen looked around for any sort of threats that could lurk within it. His hand was hovering over his hip, ready to grab the Magnum should the need arise. After a few beats of silence Jigen stepped further into the room taking note of the table that sat in it. It was a glass one, upon it sat a tray of treats and small cakes. Jigen reached to pick one up and examine it. The cake was small and cutesy, like something out of a little girls tea party. In elegant writing of white icing sat two words.

Eat Me.

Jigen furrowed his brow at the cake, mentally debating whether he should eat the sweet treat or not. After a bit of a mental argument with himself he finally decided to eat it. Probably not the wisest thing for him to do but he wasn’t one to turn down free food.

'What’s the worst that could happen?’

He thought as he took a bite out of the treat. An explosion of sweetness and creamy flavor hit his taste buds making him nearly choke on it. He wasn’t really a fan of sweets and it was quite obvious that whoever had made this cake had went all out with it. Placing the rest of it back down on the table Jigen made his way to the small door to try and get a good look at it. Crouching down he examined the door, noting that he was too big to fit through it. It was just big enough for the rabbit to get through it and he being human had no real chance of getting through it as well. With an annoyed frown Jigen went to stand up again only to realize that something was off. Eyes narrowed he looked over himself.

Had…..had he gotten bigger?

The gunman didn’t get a chance to really answer his question before his body seemed to grow instantaneously. With a loud shout of shock Jigen’s body grew bigger and bigger until he had to hunch over himself in order to fit into the room. His one foot was pressed up against the wall while the other was underneath his body to try and support himself. His head hit the ceiling and his shoulders were pressed up snugly against the wall as well. He could barely move from his position he realized in slight irritation and horror.

“I’m losing my mind what the hell is going on???”

Jigen asked his tone panicking just a bit before he forced himself to get a grip. He knew that if he completely lost his head, he’d be unable to get out of his current position. Scanning the room again to try and figure out a way to get himself out of the situation his gaze landed back onto the table. Surprisingly the delicate piece of furniture had remained unharmed during his insane growth spurt. However what was once on it’s clear surface was something completely different. The small cakes which once graced the tabletop were no longer there but rather a small glass bottle now sat in their place. With a small huff and a bit of squirming Jigen managed to grab it without breaking it in his large hand. Bringing it as close as he possibly could to his face he could finally make out a small note on the side of it.

Drink Me.

Staring at the bottle with an apprehensive look Jigen brought the bottle to his mouth careful not to accidentally swallow the bottle itself. The effect unlike with the cake was instantaneous. His body once huge and cramped in the room was suddenly shrinking rapidly. In a matter of moments he was suddenly the size of the rabbit he’d been chasing before. The table and chairs were giant now from his point of view. Playing with the rim of his hat Jigen tried not to let what had just occurred bother him. He had bigger fish to fry. With quick steps Jigen made his way to the door and grabbed the knob going to twist it open…..

Only for it to catch on the lock.

Jigen froze, his body tensing as frustration built up inside him. With a foreboding feeling his eyes went back to the table hoping that his suspicions would be wrong only to nearly scream in irritation as the familiar shape of a key looked through the glass at him.

“Oh fuck this.”

The gunslinger growled in irritation as he started to dig into his jacket pockets. There was no way in hell that he was going through that nonsense again. No Jigen was going to open this door his way or so help him there’d be hell to pay. After searching and emptying his pockets he finally found what he’d been looking for. A lock picking kit. The man didn’t waste anymore time and got to work to pick lock. After a few clicks and clangs he finally heard the lock unlocking. With a smug grin Jigen pushed the door open and with a confident stride made his way through its doorway.


When Jigen had finally stepped through to the other side he was nearly blinded by bright sunshine in his face. Blinking rapidly and pulling his hat further over his eyes Jigen took in the world around him. Sunshine and bright flowers and plants greeted him, the sounds of nature invading his ears. Mushrooms towered over him as well as grass and flowers. Jigen’s mouth opened up in a slight gap as he took it all in. He was so taken in by the insanity of it that he barely noticed the figure perched on top of one of the mushrooms.

“If you keep your mouth open like that you’re gonna catch flies!”

A chipper voice shattered the air. A familiar chipper voice, one that Jigen would know anywhere. Head snapping up his dark eyed stare landed on the person in front of him.


He asked dumbfounded by the sight of his friend. Jigen nearly let out a sound of relief at seeing a familiar face before he stiffened slightly as he took in the rest of Lupin. While his face and body were the same there were also differences on his friend.

Such as the two white rabbit ears sitting on top of his head.

Jigen let out a strained kind of noise at the sight of the rabbit ears and tried not to completely lose it.

“It’s official I must be tripping or suffering from a concussion.”

Jigen said not knowing whether he should lose it or laugh at how ridiculous Lupin looked with rabbit ears. The gunslinger then noticed that Lupin was holding something, something extremely familiar.

“My wallet-!”

Jigen hissed going to make a grab for it. Lupin or rather the white rabbit was quicker than Jigen however and evaded the swiping hands reaching for said wallet.

“Hey now that’s rather rude! Trying to grab things out of people’s hands! Haven’t you ever heard of manners?”

The rabbit asked his voice a bit huffy yet his light grey eyes were mischievous and playful.

“Manners?! You stole my wallet and I want it back Peter Cottontail!”

Jigen snapped somewhat at the Lupin look alike. Lupin just gave Jigen a raised eyebrow, his gaze still full of amusement and mischief. It was honestly unnerving how uncannily similar the white rabbit was to his Lupin. They had the same look, the same eyes, the same everything really. It was somewhat messing with Jigen’s head a bit which was making him react rather snappily.

“Peter Cottontail? That’s a new one! You’ve got a gift for nicknames huh?”

Lupin asked his tone playful. Jigen tried not to let it effect him too much given that this wasn’t actually Lupin and that none of this could be real. However it was rather difficult.

“As for your wallet I think I’ll keep it. It’s rather nice after all and I’ve been needing one myself.”

The man said with a small hum of satisfaction at his prize.

“Oi-! If you think I’m gonna let you run off with my wallet you’ve got another thing coming you little menace-”

Jigen began to spit only to be cut off by laughter. Snapping his focus on to Lupin, the other man was laughing clutching his stomach somewhat as his eyes crinkled with mirth.

“Calm down no need to get so worked up! I’ll happily give you back your wallet my dearest!”

Lupin said his tone light and full of laughter however Jigen was instantly on high alert. Lupin willingly given back what he’d stolen? That was nearly unheard of, in fact the whole thing was making Jigen tense. He knew his partner better than anyone and this whole thing was completely out there. Lupin wasn’t someone who just gave things back, not unless there was something in it for him.

“I’ll give back your wallet……after you catch me.”

Lupin said a sudden smirk on his face. Jigen barely had a chance to process it before Lupin disappeared from sight taking off leaving only a small dust cloud behind him. The gunslinger stared at the spot where Lupin had been before letting out a loud groan that echoed somewhat into the vastness of the surrounding area. A game of tag and chase where Lupin would get to have his fun and Jigen could possibly get his wallet back. This was exactly what he’d been waiting for somewhat. Jigen ran a hand over his face wondering why his mind would come up with something like this in the first place.

“Looks like I’ve got no choice.”

The gunman grumbled as he began to pursue the white menace with Lupin’s face on it. Despite the irritation at the situation Jigen was also somewhat amused by Lupin’s little game. At least he’d have something to focus on as he tried to either snap out of this weird thing he was in or if it was a real thing find a way out of it. With that in mind Jigen continued onwards after the white rabbit.


“Where the hell am I?”

Jigen muttered as he stared at the crossroads before him. Some time had passed since he continued his pursuit of the white rabbit with Lupin’s face and during this time he’d learned several things. The place he was in was apparently called Wonderland. It was a rather strange and ridiculous place where everything and everyone was either backwards or straight up full of nonsense. Nothing had any order to it and it was basically a game of Russian roulette in trying to figure out what was what. He’d also learned that his suit was no longer his suit when he’d passed by a stream of water on his journey.

His usual suit which was black with a royal purple dress shirt had been replaced with a bright white one. The shirt underneath this white ensemble was a mixture of light blue and teal. His hat was also white and the only thing that remained the same was his shoes and tie. It’d been quite a shock seeing the sudden change in his clothing yet he didn’t dwell on it. Another thing he’d learned was to never eat anything or drink anything with wording on it. After another incident involving him growing and shrinking he’d made sure to not go messing with that kind of thing. And the final thing he’d learned just recently was that signs in Wonderland were completely and utterly useless.

Which was why he was now stuck at the crossroads. The man stared at the signs, each of them saying nonsense things or things that were the complete opposite of what they should have been. It was a mess of random things and it made him grouchy somewhat when he couldn’t figure them out. Scratching at his beard mindlessly Jigen tried to figure out a plan for what he should do next when a voice spoke up, startling him.

“My, my it looks like someone’s lost.”

A voice purred in amusement. Jigen didn’t hesitate as he pulled out his gun and pointed it in the direction of where the voice came from.

“Come out and show yourself unless you want to have a face full of led.”

Jigen said his tone hard and leaving no room for argument. The voice let out a small huff not bothered by the gun before a body suddenly appeared before Jigen. A large feline of different shades of pinks and purples sat on a tree branch, it’s large fluffy tail flickering lazily. Large unfocused eyes stared straight into Jigen making the gunman’s skin break out into goosebumps.

“A face full of led doesn’t sound like a fun time, however I wouldn’t be above giving it a try.”

The cat said sounding unfazed by the threat of possibly being shot. Most people should Jigen had his gun focused on them wouldn’t be so calm and unbothered like this feline. Then again it seemed as if people of Wonderland didn’t really care about things like that. It was something that made Jigen uneasy.

“Where are you going if I may ask?”

The cat asked keeping its gaze on Jigen.

“I’m trying to find the white rabbit. Do you happen to know where he’d be at?”

The gunman asked his own gaze honed in on the feline. The cat seemed to perk up at the mention of Lupin and to Jigen’s horror a large smile grew on its face.

“Ah yes him! Let me guess he took something from you? He has a habit of doing that, in fact he’s quite famous for it. I personally don’t know where he’d be at….”

The cat said trailing off and making Jigen’s jaw tighten as he was met with what appeared to be a dead end.

“But I do know someone who knows what you want to know.”

The feline finished its large cheshire grin growing more.


Jigen asked somewhat intrigued yet weary by the information. The large feline gave a small nod in confirmation.

“In fact he’s almost as infamous as your white rabbit. If anyone can give you some answers it’d be him. Just go straight to the right and continue on the road until you see a house. That’s where you’ll find him…..supposedly.”

The cheshire cat said ominously. The gunslinger gave a tight nod wanting nothing more than to leave and not see the creature again. Without another word Jigen began to make his way to the right side of the crossroads.

“Good luck Jigen~”

The cat said with an unhinged giggle making the man stop dead in his tracks. Whipping back around Jigen was met with nothing but the sight of trees and other natural things. The cheshire cat was no longer in the trees having disappeared into thin air. Jigen’s heart was pounding in his chest and his skin broke out into a cold sweat as he practically sped away from the area rattled.

'How did it know his name?’

He had no answer.

*Yeet tis I your boy back at it again with insanity! So I’d recently came across this blog in the lupin the third fandom and y'all they make the most amazing artwork!! In fact this Wonderland AU piece was inspired by their artwork!!! @theevilemster does amazing artwork for their AU and I’m telling y'all you need to check it out ASAP. Like for real their art is amazing. I basically wrote this because I was heavily inspired by their work and once I’d started writing it rolled away from me lol. I apologize in advance if this sucks and if the characters are OOC, I tried my best with it sgdgdgg. Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!! And please check out the artist their artwork is totally worth it!!*
