#go with the flow


Polish my pearl

Deep sea diver

Wet your whistle

Whilst whetting

Synced appetites

Gild the lily

Plucking petals prettily

I’ve taken a shine to you

Making me feel all shimmery

Aglow with the flow

From you to me seamlessly

You see, eye to eye

Mind to mind we connect

My heart thumps faster

At the mere thought of you

My body can’t help but react…

And I’m beyond pleased by that

Challenge 142: Lifebook Magazine-Issue #67-“Random”: Meditative DoodlingFor this challenge I wanted Challenge 142: Lifebook Magazine-Issue #67-“Random”: Meditative DoodlingFor this challenge I wanted

Challenge 142: Lifebook Magazine-Issue #67-“Random”: Meditative Doodling

For this challenge I wanted to take you on a journey in my sketchbook where I just draw anything that seems to flow onto paper until I fill up the whole page. For me it’s a great form of meditation and a way for me to relax after a crazy week.  Many of the elements for my pattern designs and ideas come from my random doodles and thoughts in just letting my pencil do its own thing and not thinking too much about the end result. 

Usually while I’m doodling I have a movie on in the background that sometimes influences the feel of whatever is coming through on paper. Having just watched Wolfwalkers, Song of the Sea, Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, and The Secret of the Kells. Can you feel this influence as your eyes wander around the page?


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Been a while since I’ve uploaded something, but that’s what happens when life gets in the way. But hBeen a while since I’ve uploaded something, but that’s what happens when life gets in the way. But h

Been a while since I’ve uploaded something, but that’s what happens when life gets in the way. But hey got some time to mess around in photoshop.

These are titled Intent.


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