
Pew Pew! Commission for @daruther​ of their character Vaaja! Thank you again for commissioning me! I

Pew Pew! Commission for @daruther​ of their character Vaaja! Thank you again for commissioning me! 

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[ Image ID : A full color illustration of Vaaja, an anthropomorphic Elephant person.  She is standing, holding a tree branch as a walking stick and pointing a ray gun that is attached to a gauntlet on her outstretched arm, at the viewer.  She is of a stalky, fat build and has scars on her long trunk and her hand.  She has hair that is tied back into a bun. She is wearing a long flowing tunic, shorts underneath, a gold breastplate and armor on her abdomen.  She has a gauntlet on her right hand with the ray gun attached to it. The ray gun has glowing components and is charging up to fire.  She has leather straps across her chest with pouches and small hand bombs in holsters attached to it.  She is wearing a leather belt with pouches on her waist and a leather mask with goggles attached to them.  She has a hand-like mechanical apparatus on the tip of her trunk and it is holding a bomb.  Image ID ends. ] 

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