#artistic arteries art


Self portrait December 24 2020

So I don’t think I ever posted this but this was a very venty art that I did one night at like 1 am.

For those of you who don’t know, I suffer from classic symptoms of Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder, something that sucks me into my daydreaming world for hours at a time. I’ve tried so many things to stop myself but it’s an addiction I use to numb myself. I want to try harder to get therapy for it but because it’s not recognized in the dsm-5, many therapists don’t know what it is or how to treat it.

This is fine! (12/23/2019)So if anyone wants to use this as a profile pic, just tag me if you can

This is fine! (12/23/2019)

So if anyone wants to use this as a profile pic, just tag me if you can

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Rainbow quartz 2.0 12/23/2019I liked him so much in a very special episode I had to draw him

Rainbow quartz 2.0 12/23/2019

I liked him so much in a very special episode I had to draw him

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 A New Adventure (2019)

 A New Adventure (2019)

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