

New game! Mha characters as pics in my Reaction Images folder on my phone.

Gonna start off with the 1A ladies :3







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Deku x Reader

A/N + Summary: This might be long, and it might be two parts. Most notably, this is simply a vent. My Maladaptive Daydreaming keeps bringing this thought back to me. I hate it, it keeps reminding me of truths I wish weren’t truths. But, you didn’t really come here to hear about that. 

This fiction encompasses my own hatred of my failure to fit into societal norms. 

I am(if not already apparent) fully and completely aware of the fact that only a driblet of people experience this sort of insecurity, and despite me calling the reader one, I myself am a weirdo. I understand that this is quite possibly the least relatable thing I will ever write. But, since adding this small portion to this blog, I’ve stopped thinking about this as much, which is a win win for me. 

A proper summary would go something like this: 

Uraraka had always been the type of girl who didn’t realize how amazing she was. How beautiful she was. How normal she was. Normal, compared to society’s standards. Somehow though, she’d found herself threatened by you. In the least aggressive way you can take that word, anyway. You, despite knowing your shortcomings(meaning, your likelihood of ending up with him), flirted with Deku on the regular. She didn’t know your feelings for him, and assumed you didn’t have any (seeing as you hadn’t made any moves, despite your obvious flirting), so she found herself frustrated by you leading the poor boy on. After the feelings welled up, she decided she’d confront you, though it didn’t go well at all.


ATR (About the Reader)

Reader is AFAB

Reader is taller than average(about 6ft+)

Reader has a muscular build(Like Mirko, ya know?)

Reader’s physical strength rival’s that of Bakugo

Reader prefers to be dominant in all aspects of a relationship

Reader might have depression

Reader wishes they were normal


The evening had been calm.

Currently, you were in the kitchen, preparing your meal for the next day. Excitedly you had done so, as Midoriya and Todoroki had come back with fresh groceries and some of the best snacks you could have asked for. Most if not everyone was getting ready for bed. Of course, there were exceptions like the night owls, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Jirou, and Ashido. You hadn’t expected Uraraka to be awake, though. Even more so you hadn’t expected her to approach you at such a time. It was late, the two of you weren’t exactly the best of friends, and you knew very well that the two of you shared a crush(whether or not she was aware of this fact was something you hadn’t known), to put it bluntly, it didn’t make for the best combo.

“L/N?” She began. Her voice was small, as if it had been caught in her own throat whilst trying to escape “Can I ask you something?” Subconsciously your hand sped up, packing your lunch slightly faster than before. 

“Yeah, what’s up?” followed by silence. Had she forgotten what she wanted to ask you? How awkward, though you can admit most guys would have found her shyness adorable. Had you already added that to the list? Metaphorical list, you hadn’t actually made a list of the things she had that you only wished you did. 

“Um, I just wanted to ask you,” she’d shaken you from your thoughts, thank goodness, you were seconds away from spiraling “Do you…have feelings for Deku? It’s- It’s alright if you don’t want to…answer. I-I was just wondering! B-because…”

“Why do you ask?” Seemingly annoyed, you cut her off. Instead of sending you spiraling, Uraraka had managed to fire right into the one topic you hated thinking about. Not that it was her fault in any way. Your triggers aren’t her problem. “I’m not sure that’s much of your concern..” somehow, you’d managed to bring yourself back down, cooling off just as fast as you’d managed to heat up. 

“You flirt with him quite a bit. I was just wondering since you never actually asked him out…to my knowledge, anyway…” Up till now, Uraraka had fixated her gaze to the floor, holding her hand to her chest. She‘d willed herself not to look at you “So I assumed you had feelings for him.”

“And if you’re wrong?” It was a bad response, what you should have said was ‘What if you’re right?’ 

No idea what willed you to say that shit. Weirdo. 

“Then…” her hand fell, now finding refuge at her side. It had now been clenched tighter than before, her frustration building “..you’re just cruel. You shouldn’t lead him on like that, and you know it.” 

You’re lunch was done by now, perfectly packed and neat despite your inner turmoil. With a sigh, you closed up your lunch box and turned to leave. Uraraka wasn’t having any of that “That’s not fair to him, L/N! You know what you’re doing is wrong!” And she was right. At least from her own list of assumptions. If they had been correct, she’d be completely in her right to tell you off. But the things she clung to as facts, they weren’t. They were nothing more than assumptions that didn’t have enough backing to be taken to court. And for her to treat them as if they could have been, when she knew next to nothing about you..

It was somewhat annoying.

You, however, didn’t really want to dwell on this much longer. 

“You don’t know anything about it. So you shouldn’t speak on it.” 

An attempt to cut things short. 


“I don’t mean any disrespect, L/N, but if you keep treating his feelings like they don’t matter…”

You stopped walking, mildly intrigued. And she continued.

“I’ll have to stop you by force.”

It was interesting, given the circumstances. Uraraka had to know her chances were low. She stood just over 5′1 as compared to your 6+ feet, and her build wasn’t much to write home about strength wise. If you were making a doujin, however, she’d probably beat you out. This wasn’t a hentai, though, and your physical strength alone could have easily put her down for the count. A bit of Gunhead Martial Arts wasn’t going to change that fact so easily.

“Sure. Whatever you say.”


To make a long story short, you’d paid her warning no mind. Despite knowing it was futile, you couldn’t help but indulge yourself in praising Izuku Midoriya as always. He’d walked into class and you once again followed a routine you had begun a few days prior.

“Hey, Deku! You look so beautiful today.” 

You called it out from your seat, and watched in amusement and adoration as he burst into flames, despite you having complimented him in a similar way before. He sputtered in that cute way he always did, mumbling and falling over his words. Poor thing still wasn’t used to being told that he was gorgeous. 

Eventually, he’d managed a frail ”T-t-thank you…y-yo-you t-too!” before rushing to his seat. He’d covered his head with his arms, blushing furiously as he greedily allowed himself to drown in the compliment.

You really had fallen for the boy. He was far too cute. But not just that, he had the kindest soul you’d ever had the pleasure of being friends with. You knew, however, that he’d never feel the same. Not with the way you were. Not with the way you’d chosen to be.

Uraraka, who had walked in with Deku along with Iida, was none too pleased with this statement. Maybe, if she’d known that it was genuine she wouldn’t have minded. She would have simply watched with that soft gaze of hers. Staring on, allowing Deku to find happiness with whomever he’d chosen. She would have buried her feelings, held her tongue, closed her mouth, had she known that you truly loved Midoriya.

But she didn’t.

Instead she believed that you had no feelings at all. Found some sick pleasure in toying with his emotions. She very well could have left it alone. Closed her mouth while the one she loved was pulled by a string that would surely lead him off a cliff. Cut so easily and without a care. She couldn’t allow it. She wouldn’t let you play with him like that.


As it had happened many days before, All Might found his way to Midoriya during lunch. The two had left right as lunch began, the first two to leave. The first two to miss it. 

Aoyama, who sat back in class to eat(the food hurt his tummy) had no intention of getting up, though many of the students began to make their way out of the class. The majority of them stopped, though, when Uraraka spoke up. Her annoyance had built up far too much. 

“Do you really think any of this is funny, L/N?”

As opposed to the day before, her voice was clear. It rang throughout the room with confidence. It reached the ears of classmates who had already made it outside of the classroom. They’d made it a point to look back, rerouting in order to witness the commotion about to ensue(though, they had no idea this was the case, of course).

You had been on your way out of the room, and turned around to face her. You’d almost forgotten the conversation you had the night before. Forced it out of your mind so as to not send yourself into another episode of “How Much Do I Hate Myself Today?”. A game show you’d always found yourself the winner of. 

Youwere the only player, though..

“You really are treating this like a joke. It’s just some game to you, isn’t it?” A scoff found its way to the brunette’s eardrum. “You know nothing about it.” a repetition of the phrases spoken the night before “So you can’t speak on-” 

THAT’S ENOUGH!” As if a new found fire had been lit under her, she picked her head up, staring into your eyes with determination that rivaled that of the Sports Festival. “I won’t… I won’t stand by and let you keep this awful act up, L/N! If you really care about him at all, you’ll stop!” 

A single foot was propped up on her desk, like she was readying herself to jump, to leap over the desks separating her from you. To sock you in your face. To knock you out, to do something. Uraraka couldn’t help but wonder though, was this the right choice? Was she doing the right thing? She couldn’t have known. All she did know was that she couldn’t stop herself. Not anymore. And especially not with you egging her on like you were.

“Stop me, then.” 

That was as much as it took. She was fast, leaping from desk to desk. She’d only used one foot to change direction each time, which allowed for almost no time to think. Quickly you’d pushed Jirou out of the way, kicking up a chair to use as defense. Ochako gripped onto the legs of the chair, protecting herself as she shoved you with her foot, pulled the chair away and threw it to the opposite side of the room.

Wait, who was in the right again?

It didn’t take long for Kirishima and Ashido to run out of the classroom. 

All Might, he’d fix everything. He’d stop this. He had to. He was All Might, after all. They’d found him in his lounge with Deku as normal. He seemed all too calm before he’d seen the panicked looks on his students’ faces “All Might, Deku! Come quick!” the two cried.

Tch, snitches.

By now, the room was a mess, desks thrown on their side and not a single student stopping the two brawling in the middle. A few phones came out. For evidence, of course. 

You’d barely taken a scratch as opposed to Uraraka who’d been covered in bruises. Her fire failed to subside, and she took her opportunity to grasp the upper hand when you stepped back, tripping over a pencil so carelessly left on the ground(it was likely, however, that you’d knocked it down when the two of you were throwing desks). 

A simple stumble was all it took for her to be on you. Uraraka leaped forward, hands placed firmly on your shoulders as you toppled over.

You hit the ground.

It was now you could clearly see the rage on her features. Her hair was disheveled, her lip was bleeding and tears formed at the corner of her eyelids. 

“You’re nothing more than a coward! A spineless, coward!” 

She was wrong.

“How dare you even for a moment pretend like his feelings don’t matter! How dare you treat him like he’s everything, yet feel nothing?!”

It wasn’t true.

“You…! Why you..!” she’d raised her fist, and for a moment you considered letting her beat you senseless. Wasn’t it what you deserved? You’d let her believe you didn’t care about Deku at all. If you’d just been honest, this could have been avoided.

But you’re not nice enough to let her pummel you just to blow off some steam. If she didn’t understand, you’d just have to explain. 

Uraraka slammed her fist forward. You even gritted your teeth, ready to counter. This blow never came though, as a familiar hand gripped onto the wrist of the girl above you, pulling her back. 

Speak of the Deku.

“Uraraka,stop it! Calm down!!” A familiar voice, along with a face to match emerged. Not that you really cared though. Swiftly, you jetted upwards, rage pumping through your veins. Your intention had been to fire back. To hit her in some way though, your attack had been intercepted as well. Two large hands(likely larger than your face) wrapped around your own forearms. You made an attempt to fight against them, but it was futile. “Calm down, Young Lass, there’s no need for violence.” But you didn’t hear him. Uraraka didn’t either, her assault continued



“Wickedwench! You can’t do anything but toy with the emotions of those around-”

It was your foot. Luckily, she’d been in range so the toe of your sneaker could properly clobber her from below. The sound had rang out clearly, along with her own grunt at the impact.

“Keep your mouth shut!!”

Suddenly it was your turn to speak.

“You know nothing about it!! Who are you to tell me how I feel?! You have no idea how lucky you are! You have no idea how beautiful you are! You have no idea…how normal you are!!” 

It was silent for a bit. 

“I would give anything to be like you! To be shy, easily flustered. To be short and cute. To be so…wanted.” They started to flow. The oceans pent up by the dam of your own pride. They’d spilled over at that one word. It was all you’d ever wanted. For someone to want you. “I can’t believe you ever felt even the slightest bit threatened by me. It’s comical you ever believed that I even so much as stood a chance with him! Nothing I say to him matters and it never will because he’ll never look at me the way he looks at you. I’ll never be the perfect girl the guy can save when she’s in trouble. I’ll never be the girl who fits so well into society’s standards! I’ll never be the submissive girlfriend that every guy wants!! You shouldn’t even so much as glance at me because I’ll never be as perfect as you are!!” 

All Might’s grip on your wrists loosened as his face softened. Deku stared at you with those round pools of green you’d fallen in love with so long ago. A concerned look that would have stabbed you straight through the heart had you been paying him any attention.

You weren’t though, instead you locked eyes with Ochako, who’s eyes had been wide with shock and a hint of sadness.

“Ido love him, Uraraka. But none of that will ever matter,”

With that your arms were set free, along with the waterfalls now streaming down your cheeks.

“Because no matter how hard I try, I’ll only ever be me. I’ll never be like you.”

You kept your head down, grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder. 

You trudged out of the classroom, silently.

No, you’d never be like her.


Here’s my Mina redesign! Her name is Alien Queen because that’s cool why isn’t that her hero name!?!

(Details under the cut)

[please consider rebloging it really helps!]

I wanted to keep her color palette mostly the same bc I actually really like it I think it fits her character and is some fun variation compared to the other characters! BUT she should be wearing clothes fit for combat, so I made it just a tank top and gave her some tactical pants and a belt! I really like the design and function of her boots so I applied that to the gloves I gave her, because why isn’t she wearing gloves cmon guys.

I gave her goggles, bc she’s working with acid all the time and that’s just asking for a problem. I also gave her knee and elbow pads bc I really like the skating she does with her acid.

I also made her more alien like, so she has bright blue freckles and blood, fangs, and bigger horns. 
