#asian giant hornet


Story time…

So I have a little boy who is 12 yo and he is autistic. His most favorite thing in the whole world is swimming in our modest above ground pool.

Lately the wasps have returned with a vengence! Like were there ever this many

My little dude is completely petrified of them! And now he’s scared if going in the pool They are heartless bastards, you can’t change my mind don’t try. My evidence he’s (little dude) been stung 4 times. He wouldn’t hurt a bacteria! He’s the sweetest most gentle and kind little boy. He’ll hug a person he’s just met. He will shower you with kisses and hugs. He is sweet like diabetic SWEET.


Ok so what can mama bear do?

I can crochet

Mom to the rescue!

So I spent two afternoons and I came up with my own design for this super simple crochet pattern! Now I’ll have these hanging EVERYWHERE.

Wasps are bastards I know you agree but they are pollinators, so they have some redeeming qualities. This is the perfect thing to deter them and it works!!! No risky spraying (booo unnecessary chemicals) they just buzz off!

If you’d like the crochet pattern you can find it here:

All proceeds go to movie candy for the Saturday night family movie ♥️

Japanese honeybee. (Apis cerana japonica) Bees are freaking awesome. Everyone already knows how awes

Japanese honeybee. (Apis cerana japonica)

Bees are freaking awesome. Everyone already knows how awesome they are,right?


Take everything you thought you knew about the extent of bee’s rad-ness and throw it out the window because it’s time for the japanese honeybee and I promise you - you aren’t ready.

One of this bee’s main threats is the Asian giant hornet. Usually, a single hornet will arrive at the honeybee nest, scout it out, and then return later with a full blown gang of around 30 others to attack the nest.

Considering that Asian giant hornets can be almost three times the size of the Japanese honeybee, you’d assume that they’re pretty much screwed the second a hornet shows up… right?


The first time a hornet approaches the hive, the bees will disappear just inside the entrance, luring the hornet in. Then- BAM. OVER FIVE HUNDRED BEES SWARM OUT OF THE HIVE AND SURROUND THE HORNET, BEATING THEIR WINGS LIKE A MAD MAN TO RAISE THE TEMPERATURE AROUND THE HORNET TO 47°C (117°F), LITERALLY BAKING THEIR ATTACKER TO DEATH.




Image: Satoshi Kamitani

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