

Story time…

So I have a little boy who is 12 yo and he is autistic. His most favorite thing in the whole world is swimming in our modest above ground pool.

Lately the wasps have returned with a vengence! Like were there ever this many

My little dude is completely petrified of them! And now he’s scared if going in the pool They are heartless bastards, you can’t change my mind don’t try. My evidence he’s (little dude) been stung 4 times. He wouldn’t hurt a bacteria! He’s the sweetest most gentle and kind little boy. He’ll hug a person he’s just met. He will shower you with kisses and hugs. He is sweet like diabetic SWEET.


Ok so what can mama bear do?

I can crochet

Mom to the rescue!

So I spent two afternoons and I came up with my own design for this super simple crochet pattern! Now I’ll have these hanging EVERYWHERE.

Wasps are bastards I know you agree but they are pollinators, so they have some redeeming qualities. This is the perfect thing to deter them and it works!!! No risky spraying (booo unnecessary chemicals) they just buzz off!

If you’d like the crochet pattern you can find it here:

All proceeds go to movie candy for the Saturday night family movie ♥️

Making the ultimate mosquito repellent

Can you hear that buzz? That’s the sound of mosquitoes waiting to ruin your summer barbecues and camping trips. With today’s mosquito repellents, we face an unfortunate choice: natural stuff that doesn’t work very well or DEET, which keeps blood-suckers at bay but might melt your swim trunks and give you a rash.

Anandasankar Ray, professor in the Entomology Department at UC Riverside, is working on new, better, safer alternatives — not by squirting thousands of random chemicals at mosquitoes, but by understanding exactly how a mosquito’s nose works.

Once Ray’s lab found how mosquitoes detect DEET, they were able to screen virtually nearly half a million chemicals to find alternatives that would act in the same way. Of the 1,000 candidates, over 100 came from fruits and plants and were already known to be safe. Instead of a harsh medicinal aroma, some of the new mosquito repellents Ray is developing smell like sandalwood or orange blossom.

Safer and cheaper mosquito repellents aren’t just great for saving your summer fun: they could have a real impact on global health.

“Nearly a billion people worldwide are affected by mosquito-borne diseases,” said Ray. “I am hopeful that this approach will lead to interventions that could be useful in the field and perhaps not only help protect us in our backyard barbeques, but also help have an impact on malaria.”

#science    #mosquito    #mosquitoes    #bug spray    #repellent    #repellant    #malaria    #uc riverside    

Aries: pen to stab a bitch who talking shit

Taurus: fuckboy repellent

Gemini: earphones

Cancer: triplus 30 pack fine liners to make the hoes jealous

Leo: phone charger

Virgo: paracetamol

Libra: ruler to smack a bitch

Scorpio: gum

Sagittarius: water to fulfil them thirsty hoes

Capricorn: coloured pencils for cheeky doodles

Aquarius: scissors to cut an annoying bitch

Pisces: pillow
