

Dinocorn? Unisaur?

I’m getting the best color combo requests for these rawr-some cuties, the black ✨sparkles✨! There’s nothing more satisfying than putting a majestic rainbow mane on a Trex dinosaur!

*Update* Rainbow Poncho

Y'all I have found my new favorite yarn!

100% cotton rainbow dyed ❤️

Still finding time between commission pieces to work on something for me to wear. Not easy to carve out time everyday but I am making progress!

Can’t wait to wear this to Grandma Party Bazaar in December!

I finished my ghost doily! Done with size 10 thread and a 7 steel hook. I think it pairs perfectly with my haunted house snow globe

Story time…

So I have a little boy who is 12 yo and he is autistic. His most favorite thing in the whole world is swimming in our modest above ground pool.

Lately the wasps have returned with a vengence! Like were there ever this many

My little dude is completely petrified of them! And now he’s scared if going in the pool They are heartless bastards, you can’t change my mind don’t try. My evidence he’s (little dude) been stung 4 times. He wouldn’t hurt a bacteria! He’s the sweetest most gentle and kind little boy. He’ll hug a person he’s just met. He will shower you with kisses and hugs. He is sweet like diabetic SWEET.


Ok so what can mama bear do?

I can crochet

Mom to the rescue!

So I spent two afternoons and I came up with my own design for this super simple crochet pattern! Now I’ll have these hanging EVERYWHERE.

Wasps are bastards I know you agree but they are pollinators, so they have some redeeming qualities. This is the perfect thing to deter them and it works!!! No risky spraying (booo unnecessary chemicals) they just buzz off!

If you’d like the crochet pattern you can find it here:

All proceeds go to movie candy for the Saturday night family movie ♥️

Marley and his rainbow cat mat!

Super comfy, great spot for watching birdies and butterflies ♥️

Happy National Crochet Month!

March is National Crochet Month. For 18 years, CGOA has led events to celebrate March as National Crochet Month. The goal is to promote the art of crochet and engage enthusiasts and master crocheters alike.
