#assassins creed


Jeseline letting Jacob see her with her hair down quite scandalous by Victorian standards

The team was invited by UbiGabe to a VIP party for Assassin’s Creed on Friday! UbiGabe is such

The team was invited by UbiGabe to a VIP party for Assassin’s Creed on Friday! UbiGabe is such an awesome guy, and we had a BLAST! Thanks again!

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Did the #SixFanarts meme on twitter, got a lot of great suggestions

Did the #SixFanarts meme on twitter, got a lot of great suggestions

STOP! WAAAAHT! NOOOO! Bad! Bad movie peoples! So much wrong. 2 seconds of plot then pointless running action followed by 2 seconds of plot followed by pointless running action! Between this and Allied, Doge don’t think Marion Cotillard cared about movies she made this year. No likable characters. One good thing; good cinematography in past scene shots. Much weird build for sequel that won’t happen. Someday there will be a good video game movie, but this still isn’t it. 2 paws, maybe. 

STOP! WAAAAHT! NOOOO! Bad! Bad movie peoples! So much wrong. 2 seconds of plot then pointless running action followed by 2 seconds of plot followed by pointless running action! Between this and Allied, Doge don’t think Marion Cotillard cared about movies she made this year. No likable characters. One good thing; good cinematography in past scene shots. Much weird build for sequel that won’t happen. Someday there will be a good video game movie, but this still isn’t it. 2 paws, maybe. 

playing the Ezio Trilogy. havent played these games in like 10 years holy shit.

back when i absolutely LOVED Assassin’s Creed. before the stupid pirate one ruined it.


why the fuck did they kill off Lucy and Desmond again????

how dare they????????

my ship?????????????????

like, I completely forgot about it after all this time and now the rage is coming back, like wow ok.

yall really just, offed both these characters before they could reach thier full story potential.

man. the franchise really died with desmond. what was the point of training him to be the ultimate assassin if they were just gonna take him out like that? UGH.

requested crossover

What would happen if Ciri and Kassandra met?

Ever since my retirement, I’ve done an abundance of things to keep myself occupied over the years. I’ve taken up crocheting, baking, and gardening. I also enjoy going on evening walks down by the river and the occasional stroll through Stanley Park. All these things I could never do as an Assassin, because I never had the time.“

―An elderly Alana stating her post-Assassin activities, March 1924.

A portrait of former Master Assassin Alana Rose Dorian as she appeared in August of 1924.

This piece is a commissioned piece done by my wonderful friend @temeyes!!

Master Assassin Vivian Cadieux-Foden (b. February 19th, 1921), the childhood friend of fellow Master Assassin and Mentor Isabelle Allard, c. March 1960.

She was also known by her other aliases:

The Raven

The Ghost of Manchester

This piece is a commissioned piece done by my wonderful friend @temeyes!

The Iron Rose of England.

Master Assassin Alana Rose Dorian, Mentor of the British Brotherhood of Assassins, c.May 1876.

These retouches of Alana done by @temeyes look absolutely beautiful! Check out her blog if you want to see some brilliant art!

“You were like another son to me, Xavier!”

Master Assassin Alana Rose Dorian during her fight against her nephew and godson Xavier Baudin in 1903, which is in the story Glaube und Verrat, a story @temeyes and I collaborated on!

This piece is a commissioned piece done by my good friend @temeyes!

“We are nothing but pawns in a violent game of chess, where the ethics and rules of the game have been discarded in favour of bloodshed and brutality against their fellow man.”

-Isabelle Miranda Allard, Mentor of the French Brotherhood of Assassins, October 1959.

Photo on the left is her Official Military Portrait in 1950, and the one on her right is her attire as Mentor in 1960.

These pieces are commissioned pieces painted by my good friend, the wonderful @temeyes!
