#athrun zala

Athrun feeding the baby at 3am. Cagalli’s asleep in their bedroom (he told her to go back to sleep)

Athrun feeding the baby at 3am. Cagalli’s asleep in their bedroom (he told her to go back to sleep) ‘cause it’s tough being a head of state and a mom at the same time.

By the way, I imagine Cagalli is the one who snores in this relationship. Which is why it’s even more ridiculous she tried to marry Seiran. I mean, you have to sleep next to that person for many days for the rest of your life even if they snore loudly in your face and still love them enough to not want to kick them off the bed. Athrun probably sleeps very quietly and I’m sure he won’t mind Cagalli snoring (probably finds it cute anyway), but Yuna Seiran’s sleeping face is honestly something I wish I can unsee.

Imagine tho Athrun plays with his sleek sunglasses, putting it on and off the baby confusing the little one lol

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/rewatched Gundam SEED and GSD/looks like writers left a lot of clues for happy AsuCaga ending/but never wrote a clear closure/so here I write my own/

“Going so soon?” Lunamaria asks.

“Yeah. There’s plenty of work waiting for me back in Orb.” Athrun says with a smile. Back home… He picks up his luggage. They were at the spaceport, him, Shinn, Lunamaria, and Meyrin, after dropping off Kira with Lacus at the PLANT Supreme Council Building. How strange; PLANT was his home, and still is, but now… “What about you guys? What are you doing after this?”

“Debriefing.” Lunamaria shrugs with exasperation. “With Commander Joule, once he’s finished with the meeting at the Supreme Council. We are to wait until he’s free.” She adds with a note of annoyance.

“If he’d heard you, you’ll be in trouble.” A familiar voice joins them from their left. Dearka approaches in his black ZAFT uniform and salutes Athrun. “Sorry, Athrun. He couldn’t make it, because of the meeting and all…”

“I’m sure he didn’t want to see my face anyway.” Athrun shrugs it off jokingly. Dearka laughs, and then they shake hands, one Orb uniform to one ZAFT uniform. Athrun turns back to the other three, also clad in their ZAFT uniforms, and salutes them. As he turns to board the shuttle, Meyrin finally speaks up.

“A-Athrun-san!” She calls. He turns back. “Um… Don’t forget to drop by, if you come back… Come visit us, once in a while?”

“Meyrin…” Lunamaria whispers, watching her sister. She puts a hand on Meyrin’s shoulder. Athrun watches and breaks into a small smile; this is what he wanted to see: Meyrin reuniting with her older sister. He felt guilty for dragging Meyrin into the mess when he had to escape from ZAFT, all because of his own mistaken decisions, and had made something of an internal promise to return the girl to her family. He felt a responsibility to watch over her, almost like she was his own littler sister.

“Sure.” He says, nodding. It is perhaps finally truly possible, the days when citizens from Earth and PLANT can visit each other frequently in peace rather than in war, in space shuttles rather than in Mobile Suits. With Lacus and Kira leading PLANT, and Cagalli leading Orb, he is confident those days will come. He waves them goodbye, and settles in for the flight back home.

Though the wars are finally over, the military hardly has time to rest. Humanitarian efforts come first; finding shelter for displaced refugees, taking care of disabled veterans, rebuilding lost homes. Then comes the cleanup effort; on Earth, the large amount of debris, sunken Mobile Suits, toxic nuclear cores, and remaining fallout from the Junius-7 drop; on PLANT, the remains of destroyed colonies Januarius and December, the vast belts of floating debris, and the remains of both superweapons Genesis and Requiem. Then comes the disarmament agreements; disposing weapons, warheads, cannons; decommissioning ships, fleets, Gundams, Zakus, Skygraspers. Orb has taken on the lead as Earth’s chief negotiator in handling the aftermath of the war, drafting treaties between PLANT and the Earth Alliance and conducting war crime trials. That means pretty much he and Cagalli has no time for each other. For two years after the second war ended Athrun served in the Orb military, helping with the postwar efforts, and had not once seen Cagalli personally outside of work-related duties. It is driving him nuts, however uncharacteristic it is for him to lose his cool.

Finally in the third year, when the government begins to decommission parts of the military itself, he is transferred into the astronautical branch and given charge of the engineering department; they task him with redeveloping surplus military equipment into devices of various purposes: from warships to explorer spaceships, from skygraspers to shuttles, from zakus to haulers, and from gundams to constructors. When he received the transfer order, he knew it was Cagalli who handpicked the job for him. She knows of his proficiency in robotics, and of course would come up with the idea of deconstructing weapons of destruction into instruments of construction.

He decides to pay her a visit that evening, waiting outside the Administrative Office in his car. He briefly wonders if it was a good idea, coming without any warning, without even trying to make an appointment, when he sees her escorted out of the building. He gets out of the car, and salutes silently. Cagalli is shocked, as are the Emirs around her still trying to discuss whatever issue they have just been discussing after the adjourned meeting. Cagalli excuses herself from their company and heads toward Athrun. Her bodyguards object initially, but she convinces them that Athrun is fully capable of protecting her; he is a Commander in the military, after all.

Athrun drives them toward the beach by the old shelter where Lacus and Kira have stayed before when Junius-7 was dropped. Neither of them says a word in the car; Cagalli steals a glance at him. His navy blue hair is whipped backwards by the wind, the moonlight dancing off his emerald green eyes. His face is serious, whether in deep thought or in concentration she does not know.

They stand side by side at the beach, Cagalli taking off the distinctive purple jacket of her Orb Representative uniform. She is the first to break the silence.

“So, what brought this on, all of a sudden?” She tries with a lighthearted tone.

“I got the transfer order today.” He answers.

“Oh, yeah, that.” She smiles. “I figured… you’re good with machines. It was just right. We were discussing what to do with all that surplus equipment. You didn’t hear what they were saying in the meeting. Some came up with the stupidest ideas! It’s like no one ever imagined a different use for gundams other than warfare! So I yelled at them, ‘You idiots! We put them into constructiveuse!’”

Athrun, amused, breaks into a small laugh. Seeing this, Cagalli feels a little relieved. She doesn’t want to admit it, but she was slightly avoiding Athrun after the war, using her busy schedule as an excuse. She wasn’t sure how to handle herself as Orb’s Chief Representative and wanting to be with him at the same time.

“But really, why didn’t everyone come up with the idea earlier?” She says quietly, staring at the horizon into the distance. Then perhaps, there would be less sacrifices, fewer lives lost…

“Cagalli…” Athrun wraps an arm around her shoulder, and she leans into his. It feels so natural, and those years apart suddenly disappear. “Thank you, Cagalli.”

“Hm?” She looks up at him.

“For the transfer. I agree with you, and…” He hesitates. “I think it’ll free up some of my time… for you, if you wanna…”

She blushes deeply. “That’s… not why I transferred you, you know!”

It is most bemusing to Athrun, but he patiently nods, “I know.”

Something stirs inside Cagalli; the patient, loving look on his face is one of the things she loves about this man standing before her, holding her in his arms, the man named Athrun Zala. She nods meekly, and reaches up for a kiss, the first one since they’ve been back in Orb. He notices, through half-lidded eyes, that underneath her white shirt she is wearing the ring he gave her in a necklace. So she still has it, this whole time…

It doesn’t take long for them to grow back to how close they were before the second war. Some nights he’d spend the night at her mansion, some nights she sneaks off to the military base to stay in his quarters; some nights she wakes up screaming for her father and he’s right there next to her, to comfort her; some nights they stay up talking about the future they want to build for Orb. Hearing about the things Athrun have done during the two years of rebuilding Orb has convinced her that this is indeed the man most suitable to be her husband, both for personal and political reasons. But it took a long time to convince the Council of Emirs of this. Almost according to expectation, their reception of her announcement that she will be engaged to Athrun Zala is nearly unanimously negative. It is clear that the end of violent conflict didn’t resolve some of their deep-seated sentiments about people from PLANT, particularly soldiers who have served in ZAFT. Both Athrun and Kisaka have to repeatedly remind Cagalli to stay patient, as antagonizing the Council over the matter will only weaken the stability of her position as head of state.

Slowly they address the challenges one by one: on the matter of his previous enlistment in ZAFT, the fact that he defected twice to join and protect Orb; on the matter of his heritage as Patrick Zala’s son, the fact that he nearly risked his life to stop his own father’s plans to destroy Earth. The revelation that Athrun is the war hero who destroyed both superweapons Genesis and Requiem, thus saving everyone on Earth twice, is the turning point in the debate. Some of the oldest Emirs, who served for a long time alongside her father Uzumi, actually begin to agree. The only one time Cagalli got really mad and Kisaka didn’t stop her is when the issue of Athrun’s race is brought up. Learning to hold back her tears despite being on the brink of an angry outburst, she firmly repeats the ideologies of her father: in Orb, people are welcome to live in peaceful coexistence regardless of their genetic backgrounds, whether they are a Natural or a Coordinator. To reject Athrun because he is a Coordinator and Cagalli is a Natural is to violate the very foundation upon which Orb champions Her independence, freedom, and love of peace.

To this end, Lacus Clyne publicly announces her support for Cagalli. She takes this opportunity to expose a serious problem that has been plaguing third-generation Coordinators: declining birthrates due to genetic incompatibility as a result of excessive genetic manipulation. Following in the footsteps of her father Siegel Clyne, Lacus is of the belief that a “return to Natural” is essential to the survival of Coordinators as a race. In fact, Coordinators are at a point where they can no longer afford to consider the concept a taboo. “Let their union be an example, a declaration,” she proclaims, “That we will strive to create a world where all people are accepted, where none are shunned because of what genes they carry, where we embrace our differences with love and open arms; where we see each other for who we truly are, and not be defined by the heritage we receive from our parents, however proud we may feel about it.”

To their pleasant surprise, the population of Orb is far more accepting of Athrun than the Council. Public opinion of Coordinators in Orb and in countries of the Earth Alliance has already turned for the better towards the end of the second war. Having Lacus Clyne’s public support proves crucial. More importantly, many are beginning to question the efficacy of arranged political marriages altogether, seeing as they did nothing to prevent wars. But what ultimately contributes the most is Athrun’s active service in the postwar restoration efforts - his face is well-known in the general population because they have seen and worked directly with his company in rebuilding their nation. The people see it far clearer, who is really there for them when their land is ravaged by war, who is truly the one protecting their country.

So in the end, they have the blessing of the Council to wed. And just in time, because Lacus is secretly growing impatient with having to delay her own wedding to Kira (they promised to officiate each other’s wedding); Lacus is the sweetest person Cagalli knows, but for some reason she wasn’t sure she ever wanted to see the pink-haired soon-to-be-sister-in-law angry. So first Cagalli and Athrun travel to PLANT, Cagalli as Chief Representative Athha of Orb to officiate her own brother’s wedding, and Athrun as Kira’s best man. Two weeks later their roles are flipped: Lacus and Kira travel to Orb so that Lacus can officiate Cagalli’s and Athrun’s wedding as PLANT’s Supreme Chairwoman, with Kira as the bride’s brother and Athrun’s best man. Their weddings are not only huge spectacles with more attendees than one can imagine, but are also official symbols of international alliance, a vow for peace that shall last for years to come, because that is the answer they have found after suffering through years of unimaginable pain and war, the future that they choose to build together.

 アスラン・ザラ No.1 husbando


No.1 husbando

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 STREAM DONE, thank you!! I have the politest Twitch audience, always. Y'all are the best. Here&rsqu

STREAM DONE, thank you!! I have the politest Twitch audience, always. Y'all are the best. Here’s today’s sketches!

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Love comes and goes, but mecha pilots are forever ❤️(or how Gundam Seed still has its claws into me Love comes and goes, but mecha pilots are forever ❤️(or how Gundam Seed still has its claws into me Love comes and goes, but mecha pilots are forever ❤️(or how Gundam Seed still has its claws into me

Love comes and goes, but mecha pilots are forever ❤️

(or how Gundam Seed still has its claws into me fifteen years later)

With the incomparable @technoranma as Athrun Zala. Cagalli is by me.

Photosby KMP Photography 

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when the seed blooms … -animesukiforum

when the seed blooms …


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