#author rambles


current mood: what is a wip? how do i start one? what am i supposed to do, just write drabbles and one shots forever?


weird question for my followers: 

i have the start of a story, i remember being hype about it and then i remember it not working out and everyone liking those posts of the (which made me feel like it’s the right thing to do) but i just re-read it and it’s…..good?? dare i say pretty great?? 

would anyone be into reading like a bit under 3k and help me see if i’m onto something good here? 

weird question for my followers: 

i have the start of a story, i remember being hype about it and then i remember it not working out and everyone liking those posts of the (which made me feel like it’s the right thing to do) but i just re-read it and it’s…..good?? dare i say pretty great?? 

would anyone be into reading like a bit under 3k and help me see if i’m onto something good here? 

did inspiration just fall down from the heavens for flash fiction friday?? uh, yeah

is it on theme with the big feelings and oc obsessions? YUP

am i crying because this moment is so beautiful? no, i’m not crying, you’re crying. 


i think i’m going to write this thing no one asked for. you can’t stop me. it needs to be written. i’ve been inspired all day and now that’s everyone’s problem. buckle up, babes.

fuck. i forgot to bring my focus home from work. this…..this is  not going well but loads of random things ARE being started. 

i think i’m going to write this thing no one asked for. you can’t stop me. it needs to be written. i’ve been inspired all day and now that’s everyone’s problem. buckle up, babes.


sometimes i really want to just give up on posting things to tumblr dot com but then i remember that screaming things into the void is actually sometimes fine even if no one sees them or acknowledges them

I’ve had this short story I’ve meant to edit and polish and submit because I’ve always been a bit proud of it. But I just caught the website I’d found to submit it too, which I used to save to wait for the submit window to open, is now at the submit window closing at the end of the month. I don’t think I can polish the thing by then and I have all sorts of feelings about this.

I think i’ve pasted this line in here before but god what a banger 

The last time he’d looked at Mark it was seconds before impact. Seconds before the air was knocked from his lungs and rational thinking from Mark’s brain


It’s a Dahey kind of day today

i’m about to make this everyone’s problem. prepare for too many reblogs

i pray for the day that happens where how to get out of writing funk advice isn’t just “write for yourself”. it’s starting to feel like the author equivalent of do yoga and drink water to cure your depression. 

i’m AM writing for myself but you know what’s killing me??? writing by myself. 

i was thinking about work, in ways i legally can’t elaborate on, as i did my hair and like thinking about Mark for some weird reason??? (it’s been either all hank and the florirst or the dahey show in my head lately) and like the stuff he endured growing up and how he’s so dumb and pure and so just him he doesn’t see it as a hardship. he sees the good. (so, it isn’t dad abandoned us at our grandparents to go fuck half of england for years. it’s WE GOT LIVE WITH GRANDDAD AND MAMIE FOR YEARS!!! how lucky are we?!?!?! I love them!)

but it presents so different in his brothers. i don’t know why this is catching me like it is right now. I’ve had this characters for forever but I don’t think I think about Walter much is the deal? Anyway. He took all of it so much harder. Not because Mark could be an asshole to him but because of who he is as a person. So he was all the anger and fight that Mark wasn’t. He was the practical and the brainy and he is livid that fell to him. Walter has this huge chip on his shoulder for both the cards he was dealt and the fact that his brother doesn’t seem bothered.

Of course Mark is incredibly bothered. He has no idea how to voice or have those feelings and they just show in a lot of awful ways a lot of the time but he does truly believe he was lucky (a lot in that “others had it so much worse” way though)

This probably isn’t communicated as well as I want and I don’t have time to dive into the youngest brother but I having feelings about how the Hopkins boys handled their trauma this morning.

Juancho would be such a good brother to Adelita. (Girl wants a gift instead she’s getting a brother.)

Am I about to base a character’s entire personality and background on this one screenshot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe
