#authors life


First sentence of the new project I started this week:

He walked into class like he didn’t know he was special.

Another round of revisions of Co-Star done. (That ‘fake boyfriend because we made a sex-tape’ story). Publishing date hopefully this summer…

Listening to Bad Karma by Ida Maria makes me want to write some messed up magic/voodoo revenge story, but I’m starting my new job tomorrow, so it’ll have to wait.

First review forPhilophobia was online on amazon today. It’s lovely. There is hoping it won’t be the last one. In any case I’m gonna ride this happiness high for the whole weekend :) because like any writer I love hearing someone liked my story.


i hope all my friends know that their ocs and them talking about their ocs and all their oc content bring me so much joy


big gay shoutout to the writers who’ve invested actual years of their lives in telling one story, whose “notes” document is longer than their actual WIP draft, who’ve been slaving away at research for what feels like forever, who feel like the world they’ve created has become their second home. fingers crossed for all of us that we’ll finish writing one day and it’ll all be worth it in the end 



Yes I re-read my own fics because I wrote them for ME

Wish that bitch would update though.
