#autistic merch


Hey hey hey!

Yall really liked my autistic bat posts and I gush over every single one of yall who shared my enthusiasm. I want to make some autistic bat stickers So let me know which one(s) looks best!

Image says: Autistic Bat #1 and is a plain black symbol that combines the neurodiversity loop with a bat silhouette.
Image says: Autistic Bat #2 and is a plain black symbol that combines the neurodiversity loop with a bat silhouette.
Image says: Autistic Bat #3 and is a plain black symbol that combines the neurodiversity loop with a bat silhouette.

alt text added

Honestly, though I am not above making multiple versions if people vibe with the idea enough…

(also I have a redbubble but I’m game for more suggestions of places to make stickers!)
