

Do you play DnD?

What do you think about my character art?

I will do commissions if asked

Line up of a current Dnd party! It’s been loads of fun playing with these guys (In order left to rig

Line up of a current Dnd party! It’s been loads of fun playing with these guys (In order left to right: Aurelia, Natsu, Nocturne, Colette, Otto, Immerel)

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A new DnD babby! This is Immerel, an Avariel Ranger who’s trying their best to stay incognito&hellipA new DnD babby! This is Immerel, an Avariel Ranger who’s trying their best to stay incognito&hellipA new DnD babby! This is Immerel, an Avariel Ranger who’s trying their best to stay incognito&hellip

A new DnD babby! This is Immerel, an Avariel Ranger who’s trying their best to stay incognito… It’s been working so far for them

Commission me!

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