#ayano aishi


I’m hyped for this content dump of Monsters & Mortals DLC (Yandere Simulator, Poppy Playtime & CoryXKenshin), hopefully we’ll get it soon this March.


*Ayano is running away from Fun Girl*

Ayano: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Out of my way! Out of my way! Can’t you see she’s gonna kick my butt?!

Mida Rana: Hi there, young people! It’s a nice day today!

Osoro: so, you like kicking butts, do ya’? I’ll show you, old woman! *Go beat Mida with other students*

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I realized something:

Ayano killing herself in snap mode is the same/similar thing to the mindslave. So technically we’ve always had the mechanics of snap mode, we just couldn’t do it ourselves.

Credit to the Ayano screenshot to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wyq6mzi0wFk since they did snap mode in camera mode. (Wanted a clear picture as opposed to it in red.)

Now I realize why no one said anything bad about snap mode since we’ve technically seen it in the game already.

Also my editing skills are shit since I did this using snapchat I tried using SV to edit the photo, but it was pretty bad quality.

Oh wow it’s been some time. Sorry guys, I don’t play Yandere Sim anymore and tbh I really don’t have much of an interest in it anymore. (I only really watch Let’s Plays to see if Osana has been finally implemented.) I’m currently watching the video about snap mode and honestly it wasn’t worth the 5 year wait. Also, sorry for how long this is, it’s honestly insane. 

Trigger warning: Suicide. (If other triggers need to be here, let me know, I’m tagging this as much as I can with a TW)

Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILKPRTcbjYo

If you haven’t seen the video, or don’t want to watch the video, I will sum up what happens because honestly I don’t think this should’ve been implemented as much as it is. (I also won’t use screenshots because I honestly am appalled by how this actually is.) 

Snap mode at the moment can be activated when you get an ending screen because of Senpai, after that you click snap. Everything goes red and your objective is to get a knife to kill Senpai, and then you’ll be told to kill yourself in the game with prompts screaming at you to “do it” multiple times. You have to smash the button because “it takes a lot of will power to want to kill yourself”. (His words not mine.)

If you don’t immediately kill Senpai, you are able to kill your classmates, the more you do the faster the screen goes. All your classmates just stand there and wait for their deaths.

If you waste too much time trying to kill Senpai, the cutscene will play automatically. If you don’t smash the button to kill yourself, it’ll go slowly and automatically kill your character. 

Yandere Dev also plans to have multiple snap features for other ending screens as well. 

Here’s my problems with it: And I know someone is going to say, “You’re not even interested in the game anymore, why do you care?” Because, snap mode is potentially triggering to people. I haven’t seen anyone on here, yet, talk about how bad this feature is to someone playing it. 

Say you’re using video games as a way to escape from RL, imagine that you’re someone who has mental issues and use video games as a way to not want to kill yourself. (Even if said game involves you killing people.) 

The way snap mode is presented is honestly a big issue, especially how Yandere Dev describes it. Telling someone ‘it takes a lot of willpower to kill yourself’ seems like it’s glorifying suicide. Also this whole snap mode is because Ayano is broken inside because Senpai won’t love her. It’s telling the players that if no one loves you to just kill yourself. 

If this came out years ago, I honestly can’t say if this game would’ve worsened my mental health or not. I’ve seen 13RW, and the Heathers Reboot and both of those shows made me worse since I was going through mental heath shit back then. 

I’ve seen everyone praising snap mode for finally being here, but they all went after Yandere Dev when he wanted us to kill a kitten. Where are you guys now when this is an actual issue? We don’t need games glorifying suicide, ESPECIALLY, when we have a pandemic going on and a shit ton of those people are stuck at home and CAN’T leave their house as a distraction. There were other ways to implement this mode without triggering anyone who’s suicidal or hell even self harm. 

“Omg it’s just a game, you’re triggered for no reason.” 

Anything can be a trigger, and harmful to your mental health. Especially when you have no warning about what it is. 

If anyone agrees or disagrees, feel free to reply, but keep it civil and not hateful.

This is a continuation of: https://akademihighsnapchats.tumblr.com/post/165406243011/my-reaction-to-the-yakuza-part-3-ethics 

I’m combining Hostages/1980’s Mode since they were so short.

Again: Akira is a fake name I came up with for The Yakuza. (Since some people may read this first, there’s no specific order these have to be read; they just go in the order of the video.)


…so kids are going to wait till half the student population dies/goes missing to leave? If students started going missing left and right, you can bet your ass I’d leave that school immediately. Maybe ¼th of the school, I can see. (If the school has 100, so 25 would be a good number.) Since the school is so high class, they’d sweep everything under the rug and claim to their students that those students are only out sick.

No one would believe them, because if half their friend group is gone without any contact they’d get worried. Of course the school would close if student don’t come, but Ayano could just stalk Senpai and go to his school. I think most people would transfer to the same school if there’s another one close by. (I know that’s how it was when I went to high school. Most of us went to the same one.)

Each week his price goes up even if we chose not to use Akira. It shouldn’t go as high if we chose no to use him. It should go up, but it shouldn’t be the same price if we use him vs if we don’t use him. Since the first one is free, the second time we use him should be the same regardless of when we use him. (Except for the final rival, it should be slightly higher.)

Many people, including myself, talked about not even using Akira because of what he does is wrong. Dev said that he would change this by just having Akira kidnap the victims and then release them. The implication is that the victim would go back to school after Akira got his ransom. I’m sorry but on what fucking earth is he living on thinking that the victim would go straight back to school after this? I would think they’d drop out and leave because of the trauma. They wouldn’t want to leave their house in fear of being kidnapped again. Things couldn’t go back to where they were before.

Not everyone is happy with Akira, not everyone will want to use him. I’m honestly getting annoyed with Yandere Dev trying to please every single one of the people who play the game. You can’t make everyone happy. And just because someone doesn’t want to use a feature in your game, doesn’t make it ‘wrong’. They just don’t want to use it. I get he’s excited about this idea, that much is clear, but trying to /force/ us to use it by all these changes is kind of annoying. I actually don’t know if I would use it or not, I’m still undecided. I personally find it to be too much for this game. It’s a neat idea, but I just don’t feel it’s right for this game.

Historical Accuracy/1980’s Mode:

“Despite the differences between Info-Chan and the Yakuza, a lot of people have expressed that these two characters are still too similar in functionality and that they can’t co-exist.” There are more similarities between them, than differences. The only difference is that Akira can go further than Info-Chan to the point where she’s useless if Akira could do all the work himself.

People apparently mentioned that the Yakuza’s have been in decline for the past decade. I don’t see why people are complaining about that. It’s a video game, what does it matter if in real life there aren’t as many. Also, who’s been saying so? I haven’t see anyone complaining about the 'historical accuracy’ of Yakuzas with this game.

Also side note: Take a shot everytime Dev says, “I have a solution!”

Dev has had the idea of 1980’s mode since 2014, and couldn’t find a way to mention it until now. Really? There was no other way to mention this mode until something you want to implement is on the fence with so many people? Only mentioning the mode because you want to fit the Yakuza in.

For those who don’t know what 1980’s mode is: It’s where you’re playing as Ayano’s mother and trying to get Senpai in that time. You are limited to what’s around in that era; so no smartphones, no social media, etc.

“The reason I bring it up is that the Yakuza were much more powerful in the 1980s.” And there it is. The whole reason Dev finallymentions this mode. Just as a way to convince more people to want the Yakuza. If your intention to mention a major game mode is to convince us for another game feature, maybe you should rethink how you go about it. From the way I saw it, Dev seemed desperate to get the Yakuza thing to work. Not everyone is going to agree, and shoving it down our throats with more 'evidence’ of how it can work, won’t change people’s minds. Dev said that Akira could just be limited to 1980’s mode because there’s no Info-chan.

Dev brought up how the delinquents should look vs how they looked in the old days. As well as how they may not even be in the 1980’s mode because the school was much more strict. It’s a video game, I really don’t think you have to be accurate on every single detail. I thought they looked fine with dark hair, and if they have bleach blond it just looks out of place.

If the delinquents were out of 1980’s mode all together, that just makes it harder to find Akira and get him to do stuff since he wouldn’t have a younger brother that’s a delinquent there. (I would say just have one of the students be their older brother, that’s probably a good route to go if Dev is doing it this way.)

My Conclusion:

In conclusion to all of these points I talked about, honestly I feel it’s just toomuch for this game. I actually did a blind reaction this time, I didn’t go to any of the blogs I follow and see other’s opinion on this video because I didn’t want to base my views on someone else.

If this was a whole different game, then I’d be thrilled about it. Like you as the player have to change how the delinquents at your school are to gain the favor of a Yakuza. Then in turn he’d help you out with something. Maybe a whole different game or something so it’s not how Yandere Sim is.

I personally feel Dev is trying to get us to like the idea and use it because he has an idea for everything people disagree with. The way it seems, he can’t take when someone doesn’t like his ideas. He finds someway to do it anyway. It feels if he does this so often, he’ll drive those who want to play the game away because of his attitude.

On the other hand, it is his game. He should implement what he wants. If he’s telling people what it is, he has to expect people to disagree with it. I’ve said this before, he can’t make every single player happy no matter how hard he tries. He’s going to burn out before he makes every single person happy.

As I said in my Part 1 when The Yakuza was originally talked about, if you disagree with anything I said feel free to comment or message me. (I may message back if I can’t tag in chat or anything. I just figured out you can tag in chat lol.)

Sorry for 3 posts about this, I didn’t want to make any of them super long so I separated. Whenever I get the chance, I’ll resume snapchats.

First off, sorry for not posting any snapchats in awhile, I do have some I made, just haven’t posted. (Kinda forgot this was a thing tbh.) Been in college for a couple weeks, so that’s been eating up my time. (Oh who am I kidding about that eating up my time, I sit at home and do nothing lol.)

Anyway back to business. Yandere Dev posted a new video with Osana Progress and more information on the Yakuza. (I actually waited till I was on my laptop to see the Yakuza part so I could type my thoughts after I watch segments.)

Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5Vmuwg8k30

PS: In a couple paragraphs, I name the Yakuza so he’s easier to talk about. This is not his canon name. (And if it does become his canon name, it’s the first name to come up when you google, “badass Japanese boy names”, but some credit would be nice.)


Why am I not surprised that there’s some tragic backstory over why the Yakuza is a Yakuza? Not every bad thing you become stems from bad parents. I actually would’ve thought of it being a better story if the Yakuza and the delinquent had good parents. There would be more development on why they turned out like this, if they were brought up pretty well. (Kind of like Lars from Steven Universe. His parents are good parents to him, but Lars is kind of a problem, angsty teenager.)

Like I get YanDev is trying to make us feel sorry for the Yakuza, at least that’s what it seems to me. He wants us to feel bad for him, so we have more of a reason to work for him.

Look I’m all for Akira, let’s call him that for simplicity because that’s a badass Japanese name, raising his kid brother. (Kinda remind me of Big Hero 6, since Tadashi helped raise Hiro since their parents died at a young age.) That’s actually interesting, and kind of how he went into crime because he needed the money. (That actually seems to be a common trope in stuff, have a character commit a crime for money. I used that trope myself with a OC I have in a different fandom.) I’m also all for Akira not wanting his brother to turn out like he did. (I still want to know why the delinquent we help is a guy, and can’t be a girl.)

Now we’re going to be having another option of ‘changing the delinquents’ instead of giving Akira bodies. I’m questioning if going through all that work will be worth it. This is ultimately a game where you try and stop your rival from confessing in numerous ways, but then there’s all these side things you can do to help prevent that.

If we’re reforming the delinquents, are we reforming ALL of them? Like the girls as well, Dev only showed the boys. (It would probably be easier if Akira had a younger sister, but not the point.) I know this is a video game, but I honestly don’t think that a high school girl could change a whole group of delinquents. Just because she did them one favor, or multiple favors, I doubt they’d take her opinions into consideration. You’d have to join them for them to actually value what you have to say.

Wouldn’t they talk to Osoro even if she wasn’t in school? I would think things would change beforeshe came to school. Since she’s their leader and all. Wouldn’t someonemention about Ayano? I would think if Ayano is trying to be a delinquent and doing favors they would tell their boss.

When Dev was talking about how high class the school was, I honestly just thought it was a private school. You know with the uniforms and all. (Altho I guess that would be high class now that I think about it. I went to private catholic school for 13 years, never thought of it as high class.) "If it’s so prestigious why would it tolerate delinquents?“ Because not everyone in high class schools are perfect little angels? I never questioned it once. The school probably shoves what they do under the rug, so the rich and fancy still bring their children there. (I would know my high school did just that whenever shit happened, but that’s a whole different rant I won’t get into.) Also if it’s so prestigious how is Kokona a student? On a scholarship perhaps. (Like Haruhi from OHSHC.) Prestigious schools like that cost a shit ton of money, at least in America. (Just last year my dad spent over 7K just for my Senior Year alone.)

I’d really love to hear Dev’s explanation on why the delinquents are there. Based on stuff I’ve see so far, I don’t think it’ll be as good as I hope. Also Dev thought about Ayano reforming the delinquents before he thought of Akira? No offense, but not everyone needs to be reformed.

This got pretty long, so i’ll make a Part 3 for the 'Ethics’ part of the video. (And maybe a Part 4 if there’s a 3rd segment.)

If Ayano is Jesus we’re all fucked.Also anyone else having problems uploading photos via the

If Ayano is Jesus we’re all fucked.

Also anyone else having problems uploading photos via the app? It’s pissing me of sooo much.

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Now back to our regularly scheduled Snapchats Ps: this actually is Ayano, I didn’t realize she

Now back to our regularly scheduled Snapchats

Ps: this actually is Ayano, I didn’t realize she has red eyes until I was doing my thang.

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I’m going to reply in a post since it’s easier to see than in the post. (Hope you don&rs

I’m going to reply in a post since it’s easier to see than in the post. (Hope you don’t mind!)

Thank you. I try not to jump down people’s throats if they have a different opinion. It’s dumb when people go after one another for an opinion when they can’t prove it right or wrong. You can validate your point with facts and evidence, but you can’t prove it right. If you could prove it right, it would be a hypothesis. (I think?)

Thanks for your opinion on it. :) I do agree with you that if it were to be implemented, it should be after Dev is done with the rivals. The rivals should be the main priority, besides the stuff that’s required for them to be in. This isn’t required.

Hm, countering your DLC suggestion. Maybe like in bigger games you could have certain perks be DLC and certain be free and acquired through the gameplay. But there should be a limit so everything isn’t done by Yakuza himself.  

(As I said before, I’ll continue doing this type of thing if people wish it.)

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I know this isn’t a snapchat, but I hope you guys read this post anyway. (Maybe I may do more reactions if people want me to, but ultimately this will be a snapchat blog.)

For those of you who haven’t seen Yandere Dev’s recent video. He talked about adding a character he calls “Yakuza” who is the older brother of a delinquent. Once you do an unpayable debt for one of them, they’ll give you a way to contact Yakuza. Yakuza will do what you want for free to pay back what you did for his sibling. Once the freebie is done, you’ll have to pay for more favors by doing certain tasks. The tasks can range from kidnapping a girl to give Yakuza for Human Trafficking, organs, etc. Apparently the payment gets heavier the more you use him, and will be gigantic if you do it for Megami.

I actually don’t know how to feel about this if it were to be implemented into the game. Throughout the video I was questioning if it fits in the game. Dev said it would be optional if implemented. Is it really necessary though? It feels like Dev is just try to start up more hype with an idea like this. Most of the fanbase was like, “Oh my god he’s hot” and probably don’t understand what they do. I also saw a comment saying, “Omg I ship Yakuza and Ayano.” …. Ffs.

When I was looking at the poll this morning, I saw a crap ton of people vote to have him in the game. The votes went up as I looked at the poll.

I actually went back to the video and looked at the comments. Most of the top comments are his fans saying, “Yakuza is hot”, “Replace Yakuza with Senpai”, “Can you make it so Yakuza is the endgoal instead of Senpai?” Ffs.

As of now about 150K people are in love with the idea. That’s 87% of the poll. Like I get this game is supposed to be dark. I get it. But are that many people really going to buy the game when it comes out? (Or if it ever comes out with the way Osana is being dealt with.) Most of the votes are probably people younger than 13. Those kids shouldn’t even be exposed to the kind of stuff Yakuza does.

Yandere Chan is the type of girl who wants things done herself, she wants her rivals eliminated so she can get Senpai. Sure she gets help from Info-Chan, but that’s a provider/client relationship. Why would Ayano rely on another person to help her do her work? I mean it can help so Senpai doesn’t ever figure out its her, but still.

I’m kind of all over the place with this to be honest. (I voted ‘meh’ on the poll if anyone was wondering.) If you were working with someone that powerful, wouldn’t you think that they could go behind your back? You did their task, but hey they don’t want to do yours. *Boom dead* Someone like that can’t be trustworthy.

“He can acquire illegal weapons and hard drugs.” Cigarettes aren’t enough to get your rival expelled these days? And killing someone with something at school doesn’t suit well? Hell I can take a knife from home, sneak it to school, and kill someone. And it’s free. (Note: I am not going to do that, just giving an example.)

Maybe I’m looking too much into this, I don’t know. Feel free to give me your opinions on this. If you don’t feel the same way I do, let me know and explain why. Please don’t just be like, “This is the best idea, you’re wrong.” No one is wrong or right. We have different opinions.

Tbh, a lot of my opinions on this were somewhat influenced on what other people were saying. That’s why I’m mostly in between on the idea of Yakuza. Don’t know if I could be swayed to favor or hate it if I’m being honest.

If anyone wants me to do more 'reactions’ to new stuff Dev wants to add, let me know and i’ll try to do a blind reaction before looking to see what others think.

PS: If anyone is wondering just how old I am, I’m 18. Just had to say that before anyone thought I was younger, nope.

Hopefully 3rd time is the charm. My phone is being a little crap so I’m uploading from my lapt

Hopefully 3rd time is the charm. My phone is being a little crap so I’m uploading from my laptop. (I swear to god if this doesn’t post I will send Yan Chan after them.)

The nurse model has been changed. I think Yandere Dev just changed it to be the original nurse instead of Muja. But if it is Muja, she looks way to much like Mida and it’s weird. I really liked the pink hair.

#BringBackThePinkHair #PinkHair2K17

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Oh my god, I love Osana so much. I hope she dates me. /Ps: this is what happens when you can mess wi

Oh my god, I love Osana so much. I hope she dates me.

/Ps: this is what happens when you can mess with the Json files and turn Senpai into a girl./

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Also apparently you can still spawn Saki even when you killed the entire school, it doesn’t glitch o

Also apparently you can still spawn Saki even when you killed the entire school, it doesn’t glitch out and no one is in the school.

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“could i have a moodboard for an ayano who was rejected by senpai but can’t bring herself to kill him or herself?”

Yes you may. I’m sorry to hear about that, Ayano, but I sincerely hope you’re doing well in this life.

-Mod Adrien

Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all!OG Yansim fans may recognize Ayano’s uniform, and that’s because both aHappy Valentine’s Day, y’all!OG Yansim fans may recognize Ayano’s uniform, and that’s because both a

Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all!

OG Yansim fans may recognize Ayano’s uniform, and that’s because both are inspired by Monsterette’s “Love Simulator” mod from 2017. I altered Ryoba’s uniform color palette since it was too similar to Ayano’s in the mod tho.

While I did send out the full version, I also wanted to feature them into their own separate artwork.

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