

Heya! So I thought you guys might enjoy this. I have two Harry Potter fanfictions I wrote that start aromantic and asexual characters. They are To Have Someone (which is about Blaise and Draco) and Something New (which is about Harry and Draco). To Have Someone is technically a prequel to Something New, but they can be read completely separately. Neither involve sex or romance, though it is mentioned once or twice when a character discovers it.  Hope you enjoy!

Natasha Romanoff in the MCU is pan-demiromantic and asexual

Consider this: Chandler from Friends is (heteroromantic) demisexual 

Throughout the series people tease Chandler for being effeminate or less than masculine. He also carries around this baggage where he’s never come to terms with his gay, drag queen father. He over compensates for his masculinity by trying to flirt or have sex with women (as well as with his humor). But every time he does he shows an acute anxiety whenever he’s faced with the task of talking to women. 

We actually don’t see Chandler with a lot of women in the series, which is incorporated a lot in his self deprecating humor. But most of the women we see Chandler pursue he has known for a period of time, or wants to enter serious relationships with. Unlike many of the others who have one night stands/flings (Joey, Monica, Phoebe), or who actively pursue sex when it’s missing from their lives (Ross).

Finally, when he and Monica develop a steady relationship (after YEARS of friendship) she asks him if he misses the passion they first had in their romantic relationship and their constant sexual encounters. He tells her no, he hated that part of the relationship. It made him physically nervous, and induced anxiety and insecurities. He prefers the relationship they have now, which is sexual but also more intimate.

Those first six months were terrible, but now he’s comfortable and happy and in a relationship with someone that he loves and is emotionally comfortable with.

So, yeah, Chandler Bing is hella gray/demi
