#aziraphale cosplay


Angel & Demon

(the ineffable husbands)

New costest : Crowley (I got hyped by my friend - who’s gonna be my Aziraphale- so I tried Crowley)

“ Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a treeful of monkeys on nitrous oxide. ”

I was bored, I didn’t know what to do on my birthday (I’m 23 today yaaay) so I decided to try a new makeup : Aziraphale from Good Omens!

What do you think?

Yeah, in the show they have similar wings but making them look a little different and matching theirYeah, in the show they have similar wings but making them look a little different and matching theirYeah, in the show they have similar wings but making them look a little different and matching their

Yeah, in the show they have similar wings but making them look a little different and matching their personality will be funnier!

I wanted the shape to stay in touch with their general aesthetic while putting more nuances in the feathers: Aziraphale’s aren’t immaculate, even if it stays in positive-looking golden shades range. He’s not irreproachable but aims for what he thinks is the righteous. Crowley’s aren’t all black. The parts that are the closest to his body are lighter: even if he tries to show-off his Dark Side™ to fool Hell he’s a deeply nice person (and try to hide it).

A huge thank you to TheCrookedFeather whose work is to create this type of articulated wings, her help is priceless. Go have a look at what she has created: https://www.thecrookedfeather.com/ 

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Driving a flaming Bentley down West Maryland Street, blaring Queen, as you do.

The Breakup

Getting into cosplay! Feel free to send us any asks that you want answered in character as Zira and Crow! We’re thinking of starting with an early relationship sort of thing, right after they’ve gotten together

Back on our bullshit! Feel free to send us asks for us to answer in character tomorrow in gif form!

Back on our bullshit! Feel free to send us asks for us to answer in character tomorrow in gif form!

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Back on our bullshit! Feel free to send us asks for us to answer in character tomorrow in gif form!

Back on our bullshit! Feel free to send us asks for us to answer in character tomorrow in gif form!

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Once upon a time, this was a Sherlock ask blog. Then it was kinda a general couple cosplay blog. And now? We are back on our bullshit and flying high in fine form. With……… *drumroll* Good Omens! We’re gonna be posting pics and are gonna try to make some gifs tomorrow! If you wanna send us asks go ahead

@neil-gaiman started them off as one character before Terry Pratchett split them into two, therefore allow me to try splitting myself into the duo we all adore wholeheartedly

Aziraphale and Crowley cosplay by yours truly!

IG : phinaphin
