#bakugou x self insert


<prev || part 14. disharmony. || next>


Then sing me a song.

→ being a famous youtuber and being a college student needs good time management, but you’re shit at that. so, fancying a boy working at the coffee shop would be out of the question, right?


a/n: next part is gonna be ️ spicy hehe and sorry for updating so late omg ‍♀️ but work has been constantly attacking me with deadlines lately and i’m just the worst at time management so i couldn’t find time to upload i tried to clump up a 2-part content into one part to kinda make it up to you for the late ass update well anyways i hope you like this part

taglist️:@thesleepysphinx@bitchykisses@blxck-hxney@the-fandoms-georgie@pasteldaze@windex-princess-ami@aomi04@devildreamers@clowning-myself@pebblesthegod@yaskna@daddy-praise-my-memes@jostusmbox@straightbeannn@incredible-walker@allhailthewxtcher@chaoticelectron@friendlytacosyumyum@killuasstars@korekob@glorious-bard@softredrobin@kenmaskittenswriting@parker-natasha@sophialucis@marshmallow12435@im-a-potato-sad-face@whoreforkatsuki@lovelykaia@duckmo212@purplesakuraa@omni-idiot-fanfics @kleeixe @thepsychicartist @nakedinthewhitehouse@whoaman6@mystiqueewrites@fandomsgotmefucked@cloudsgathering@bexbaxter@lovely-maryj@addictofsupernatural@captaincyberqueen@ygxxz@katskeigo@toxji@random-fandom-girl-24@ashitshowforalot@kotarousproperty@sunasconcert@bakugouswh0r3@givekatsukihugs@smash-styles@todomaniac@thatlonelyalto@katsus-mistress@cloudy-island@its-dat-boiii@just-that-bi-girl

Gemini Syndrome - ProHero!Bakugou x ProHero!Reader Pt.3

Link to Previous Chapter: here

Chapter Content Warnings: Alcohol Use

AN: I guess I’m on a roll? Probably gonna slow down on the updates since I got some other stuff on my plate right now. Just a quick detail that’s important for the story: The reader has an energy absorption quirk that allows kinetic energy to bounce right off her. Thats why her hero name is “Ricochet”. Writing Bakugou in a softer manner is shockingly harder than I thought LOL. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

“Uh, Dynamight… your coffee sir…” one of his employees stood anxiously watching as Bakugou over poured his midday coffee in the top floor break room. The freshly brewed brown liquid was starting to cascade down his hands, emitting a sizzling steam. He blinked and looked down. His head was anywhere but on his shoulders today and he was acting strange. Bakugou had been like this ever since he returned home from the first week of filming. Today, however, was the day the episode aired and he was in a complete daze all day. The whole situation felt somewhat hypothetical up until the weight of people actually watching the episode hit him this morning. 

He stopped pouring and hastily put down the coffee pot, “Yeah, I knew that.” 

“Are you okay, sir? You seem a bit out of it.” His employee pressed further watching as the blonde reached for napkins to wipe away his hot drink. 

“Is (y/n) in today?” He completely ignored his inquiry and countered it with his own. 

“Miss Ricochet? She’s out on patrol right now, sir. I believe she’ll be back later tonight.” 

Bakugou grunted and left his employee to stand alone in the break room. He mentally cursed his negligence. In the early hours of the morning, his brain refused to concentrate while on his own patrol. He was out with Kirishima and Sero when some idiot villain thought it would be funny to ruin everyone’s morning commute on the nearby freeway and destroy the asphalt. The guy was flinging chunks of it at the incoming cars in attempt to kill as many people as he could. Bakugou felt like his reflexes were nearly a second too slow to deal with the situation the way he should’ve. 

When the villain was finally put into custody, Kirishima had pulled him aside and asked him if he was doing alright as well. Of course Bakugou just said it was because he slept wrong or something stupid like that. Kirishima wasn’t exactly the most perceptive, but knew when Bakugou was bullshitting him easily. Luckily, he didn’t press the issue and just dropped it. Now, he sat in his office ignoring his coffee. He didn’t even want to drink it now. His phone screen lit up with a message from the class 1-A group chat that Yaoyorozu had created for all of them to stay in contact after graduation. He usually just put his phone on do not disturb and ignored the chat, but something was telling him he better open it.

Mina: GUYS! The Masked Singer airs tonight at 8. We should totally have a watch party. Me, Denki, and Jirou are judges this season so we all gotta watch it! 

Kirishima: Hey! I’m hosting what about me?

Mina: OOPS. Yeah Kirishima is there too so we should all watch to support! 

Deku: I have time tonight. Although I might be a bit late… 

Sero: I think it’s an awesome idea. I’m done with patrols for the day so send the details when you got them. 

Todoroki: Sounds fun. 

Bakugou’s eyebrow twitched, instantly deciding he wasn’t going. If he was gonna watch the episode, it was gonna be the comfort of his own home. His phone buzzed again as more people replied and his thumb moved to mute the conversation. He stopped right above the button when he saw your name brought up.

Mina: I’m actually out on patrol with (y/n) right now. She was the other judge with us. You guys remember my bestie that works at Bakugou’s? I’m including her in the plans.

Kirishima: Definitely bring her! 

Jirou: It would be kinda rude if we didn’t I feel. 

Denki: Hell yeah! We’re getting the band back together. 

Todoroki: You guys were in a band? 

Bakugou paused for a moment. He hated that anything that would be an obvious no was suddenly not so bad if you were involved. Love was so annoying. He hated not being in control of his emotions. He had to admit though, it was thanks to you that he was able to find himself in a situation where he was able to safely explore himself unfiltered. Another message made his phone buzz, but it was in another conversation. He switched to his inbox and his eyebrow shot up ever so slightly at the sight of the notification next to your name. He tentatively opened your text to read it.

From: (Y/N) 

I know it’s kinda weird since I’m technically your subordinate but we’re hosting the watch party at my place it seems now. Mina told me you barely look at the group chat but I wanted to extend the invite anyways. 

His phone buzzed again as you sent another message. 

From: (Y/N) 

No worries if you don’t want to though! 

Bakugou paused, impatiently bouncing his leg again out of habit. He quickly typed out a response. 

To: (Y/N)

Shouldn’t you be on patrol? 

A grey bubble signaling your were typing popped up a second after his message sent.

From: (Y/N)

Breaks exist you know. You should try it sometime :P 

He actually found himself chuckling under his breath a bit, careful so no one would hear. His eyes fell on the stack of reports and paperwork he had to do. The mountain of work teased him about the long hours that await him of tedious formalities. 

To: (Y/N) 

We’ll see. 

Your pink haired friend sat at your kitchen bar watching you move about in your kitchen pulling out various bowls and glasses. You practically raided the grocery store for snacks and alcohol plus whatever sweets you thought everyone would like. Every so often Mina would update you on the group chat happenings since you left your phone to charge in your bedroom. Your apartment was a bit larger than the average one bedroom. Thanks to that sweet Dynamight money and influencer deals, you were able to upgrade your cramped studio to a comfy one bedroom in a nice complex within the two years of your move from the shore. You called your parents often, they were reluctant to leave their family home and join you on your move. Mina was the closest to family you had out in Mustafu. 

“Denki wants to know if we need anything.” Mina said through chews of the cookie she stole from the desert platter. You shook your head after some thought. 

“No, I think I got everything covered. You put the address and the apartment number in the chat right?” You asked, shaking chips into a plastic bowl. 

Mina offered a drawn out “mhm” as her fingers furiously typed away on her bedazzled phone. She suddenly placed it down on the counter and lifted her hands and begun counting on her fingers. 

“So! We got Denki, Jirou, Kirishima, Sero, Todoroki, Deku, Yaomomo, Tsuyu, Ochako, and…. that’s about it.” Mina concluded holding up a final count of nine people. 

You paused your ministrations of cutting tiny fruit for a fruit salad, “And maybe Bakugou.” 

Mina raised a brow, “So you did invite him.” 

“I did. I felt like it would be rude not to you know?” You resumed your fruit salad making which made Mina click her teeth in disapproval. 

“He never shows up to our events unless Kirishima and Denki physically break into his condo and drag him out. What did he say when you asked?” 

You shrugged, “He said he’d see. Nothing more really.” 

“He said that?”

“Yeah. Wouldn’t that be what you expect?” 

Mina’s face twisted into a slight smile, “No actually. He usually says flat out no. Or he just straight up ignored us.” 

You snorted, sounded like she was describing a cat, “Okay and?”

And! Cmon (y/n) get with the program. He likes you!” Mina exclaimed. 

You bursted out laughing incredulously, “Okay, you’re on something. There is no way he does. He tolerates me like he tolerates Kirishima.”

“Kirishima still gets told no though.” 

“Maybe he’s nicer to women?”

“Ask Ochaco if he’s nicer to women. She’ll tell you.” Mina smirked while inspecting her nails. You bit the inside of your cheek. Mina had a point, she almost always did. The thought of you and Bakugou’s friendship being more than that was admittedly a bit scary. You never said it out loud, but you deeply admired Bakugou and his work. He was meticulous and crazy strong. So being friends while you worked for him seemed like farthest thing you could do to be close to him.

“I don’t know… don’t you think dating your coworker is a bit risky? Especially when he’s your boss?” You mused finally cutting the last bits of fruit for a perfectly balanced salad.

“Sure it can.” Mina shrugged, “But knowing Bakugou for as long as I have, if he likes you he ain’t never letting go. That’s why his friend group has hardly changed. He’s a creature of habit. As much as I hate to say it, he’s also fair. He wouldn’t punish you if things went south. If you’re in his agency it’s because he respects you.” 

Your conversation was cut short by the intercom buzzer ringing telling you both someone was here. You breathed a sigh of relief to let in whoever it was. Shortly after a knock sounded at your door and you let in Denki and Kirishima who were both dressed casually. You were so used to everyone in their hero suits that seeing someone out of it felt almost sacrilegious. 

“Nice place!” Denki commented while spinning to get a whole 360 view until ultimately joining Mina at the kitchen bar. It was seven exactly, so people would be coming soon. It was gonna be a full house and you were excited. You never had so many people over before. 

“Bakugou paying you well I see.” Kirishima gave you a brief hug while handing you a bottle of wine he no doubt picked up before getting here. You accepted it gladly. 

“Speak for yourself. I didn’t get to tell you while we were on set but you were phenomenal as the host. I almost forgot you didn’t do it full time!” You gushed prompting a dust of pink to grace the red head’s cheeks. 

He waved you off dopily, “Nah, it was nothing. I’m shocked I was so highly requested. When they emailed me I thought it was fake and didn’t respond until they called my agent.” 

The night continued on that way and the three who were there with you helped you set everything out on the coffee table you had in the living room. Ochako, Tsuyu, Jirou and Yaoyorozu showed twenty minutes later together followed by Sero three minutes after. It was a bit surreal for you to have majority of the top twenty in your living room. Not even a few years ago you sat in front of your tv watching these same people kick villain ass, wishing so badly it could be you too one day. 

“Ack! Great going, Pikachu. You spilled Tsu’s drink!” Mina reprimanded. Denki got too excited and moved his hand directly in the way of Tsuyu’s solo cup. The dark, bubbly liquid pooled on the table but luckily not on anything precious. 

You shot up from your seat, “That’s alright! I’ll get some paper towels.” 

You left hearing Denki profusely apologize to Tsuyu who merely offered a sympathetic look. After cleaning the mess, you moved to throw the towel away and wash your sticky hands. As you dried them the sound of the buzzer called your attention yet again.

“I got it!” You yelled and moved to buzz in whoever it was. You waited for the inevitable knock at your door. When you opened your door you half expected Todoroki for whatever reason, but was greeted with a freckled face. Deku stood nearly a foot taller than you. You’ve seen what he looked like when he graduated: a shy child with fluffy green hair. However, just like most power types, years of hard work and fights had matured his exterior. His hair was a little shorter now and the sides were shaved. His chest and shoulders had broadened and his t-shirt sleeves looked like they were a flex away from bursting. 

“U-Um, (Y/N), right?” Deku rubbed the back of his neck. He held a purple bag in his hand with a bakery name stamped in gold on the side, “Sorry I’m a bit late. I was visiting my mom since I hadn’t seen her in a long time. I stopped at the bakery and brought some pastries on the way so I wouldn’t be empty handed.” 

“O-Oh! You shouldn’t have! We have plenty already, but thank you. I’m sure they’re delicious.” You took the bag from his hand and stepped aside so he could come in. Your knees were feeling weak again. 

The number two hero and All Might’s successor is in my apartment and he bought me pastries, your brain was spiraling a bit. In concept you knew he was coming. It was different seeing him in person though. You never were on the same missions as him for obvious reasons. You always came as rescue team once he was done with the other top heroes. You’ve talked to him once or twice, but most of your info on him came from outside sources. 

Deku perked up at the sound of Ochako bellowing out from the living room, “Is that Deku?” 

“Hey guys! Sorry I’m late.” Deku wiped his hands on his pants before going straight for the living room to join the rest. You glanced at your oven clock, it was 7:45 and still no word from Bakugou. You’ve convinced yourself he wasn’t coming. You expected it to be this way, he was never one for events like these anyway. 

Todoroki showed up shortly after, cutting it close to ten minutes before the show started. All eleven of you had crammed onto the floor and couch in your living room with eyes focused on the flat screen in front of you all. You punched in the channel for The Masked Singer while everyone excitedly spoke in anticipation. The women in the room let out excited screams when the title card finally animated onto the television. 

“Wait till you guys see Kirishima in that red suit!” You laughed with a drink in your hand. 

“(Y/N) please…” The red head laughed embarrassed. The room started to holler when Kirishima was introduced on stage making great face at the camera. Kirishima hid his face in his hands while Sero sitting next him tried to pry them off his face to make him look. 

The screen suddenly showed you and the other judges. It was surreal seeing yourself on tv like this. You felt like at any moment now someone was gonna shake you awake and you had fallen asleep at your desk the whole time. 

“You guys look stunning!” Yaoyorozu commented with stars in her eyes. 

“Jirou, that deconstructed pinstripe pantsuit and safety pin combo? Perfection!” Ochako gave a dramatic chefs kiss as they introduced Jirou first. Jirou mumbled a shy thank you while twirling her ear jacks. 

A low whistle came out of Sero and Denki’s mouths as you appeared on screen. Kirishima’s introduction was almost barely heard over the audience’s applause. 

You gave a small bow in your seat, “Thank you my adoring fans!” 

“How much for you to step on me?” Mina turned to you from her seat on the ground next to your feet. 

“For you my darling? Free of charge.” You shot her a faux flirty look. The room laughed before quieting down again when the show started to usher out contestants. 

The minutes ticked by and still no sign of Bakugou. Your guests kept themselves busy drinking and throwing out guesses while those who were there for filming kept their lips sealed not to spoil the fun. It was a great time filled with laughter and singing if they knew the song. You were getting high on the vibes of the ambience and a bit warm from the alcohol, so during a commercial break you got up to get yourself some cold water. The oven clock read 8:30 when there was a hard knock at your door. The rest of the group were too busy laughing and talking over the tv to notice. You made your way to your door and looked through the peep hole first. You weren’t expecting anyone so you wanted to at least check who it was first.

All you saw was red, piercing eyes almost shrouded by blonde bangs. You nearly dropped your drink, He actually showed up?!

With trembling hands you unlocked your door and opened it to reveal Bakugou entirely. Truthfully you’ve never seen this man outside of his hero costume or sweats, so his fitted v-neck and jeans felt like an evening gown. You both looked each other for a second. It felt more like hours before you finally spoke up, “You’ve made it.” 

“I got caught up with paperwork so I had to stay late. Did I miss it?” He answered in his usual gravelly tone. You shook your head and stepped aside. 

“Come on in. Everyone’s here already.” You offered a small smile and gestured to your entry way. He didn’t move for a bit, looking like he was thinking about if he actually wanted to go in or not. He inhaled and made his way in leaving you to close the door behind him. You watched as the blonde made his way into view of the group in the living room which had caused the room to go silent. 

Kirishima shot up from his seat with one of Deku’s pastries still hanging from his mouth, “Bakugou?!” 

“What’s the big deal? I was invited. Can’t I show up?” He answered indigently, the tips of his ears burning from the embarrassment. The room was buzzing with shock that Bakugou had shown up out of his own free will. Mina looked at the blonde and then to you, invisible numbers flying in front of her face before her signature grin spread across he face. You inwardly sighed, Mina wasn’t gonna let this go for sure now. Your hand nudged Bakugou’s back, causing his muscles to stiffen at the sudden contact.

“Go take a seat! I’ll join you in a bit.” You offered him an encouraging look. He seemed so out of his element it was honestly kinda cute. He shockingly listened and took a seat on the farthest edge of the couch while everyone continued to launch questions at their explosive friend. 

“You didn’t even respond in the group chat dude. What made you show up?” Sero asked with a lazy arm resting on the couch frame. Before Bakugo could even give him a smart non-answer Mina spoke up for him.

“(Y/N) invited him.” She said coyly and then promptly took a sip of her drink. 

Kirishima made a strangled noise, clearly startled. Bakugou shot him a deadly glare commanding him to keep it together. He didn’t need anyone having proof of why he was here. Ochako looked between the three, cogs turning in her head, and leaned back into the couch side from her seat on the ground between Tsuyu and Deku, “Huh…Alright then.” 

“What?! Cmon, I can’t read stares! What’s going on?” Denki looked between everyone clearly not catching on.

“Nothing is going on you moron. I—” Bakugou barked.

“Everything alright?” Your voice interrupted the conversation. You had returned with a pitcher of water and more cups. 

Deku laughed nervously and Todoroki seemingly unbothered said, “Feels like my family dinners.” 

The tv caught everyone’s attention again, Kirishima’s face greeting everyone on screen to introduce the next contestant. 

TV Kirishima gave a signature smile and addressed the camera, “Please give a warm welcome to the Hell Hound!” 

Bakugou nearly spat out his drink that he poured for himself. He thought his performance had passed already, but obviously he was dead wrong. 

“Oh my god this is my favorite one. You gotta watch this one guys.” You said absentmindedly and took a seat next to Bakugou. You didn’t want him to feel left out. 

“I’d rather let my performance do the talking.” His modified voice echoed from the tv. The room gave a series of ‘Ohs’ just like the crowd did. The camera panned to your reaction and you were looking thirstier than you thought. 

“Pfft. She’s practically drooling.” Denki pointed with his hand holding his drink. 

“Hot and bothered!” Sero teased lightly shoving you. 

You covered your face that was starting to grow hot, “Stoooop guys!”

The situation was a bit delicate. You still weren’t sure if Bakugou was the Hell Hound. If he was, this whole experience was gonna be awkward as hell. If he wasn’t, openly guessing that it was him while simultaneously showing your attraction was dangerous territory. Surely if you think someone might be your boss, you wouldn’t be giving such sultry stares from the judges table. 

The Hound’s performance began and filled your living room just like it did on set. A few of you guys started to dance a bit in your seats, no one breaking eye contact with the tv. You spared a glance in Bakugou’s direction. He was just as invested as everyone else. His eyes bounced around looking at every inch of the screen like he was looking for something. Maybe he recognized who it was? You tapped your fingers along to the beat of the song on the glass of your wine. The performance was just as good as you remembered it. Even Todoroki’s usual neutral self was bobbing his head along. The performance came to a close and Mina let out a loud wolf whistle while Ochako made fanning motions. 

“Tell me he stays!” Ochako exclaimed. 

“Oh he’s gotta.” Sero nodded. 

TV Kirishima ushered to the judges for their guesses. You made sure to keep Bakugou’s reactions in the corner of your eye. Surely you’d know if it was him from how he would react. 

“I don’t know guys. I feel like it’s my boss, Pro Hero Dynamight.” Your tv self said followed by the crowd’s disapproval. 

“Tch.” The man in question crossed his arms next to you, “As if that would be me.” 

The rest of the room seemed to agree and began to laugh. You deflated a bit, you guess that’s all you needed huh? 

“Sorry for saying it was you.” You said apologetically. Bakugou unexpectedly smirked and then looked you squarely in the eye. 

“I’ll take the compliment, though.” His eyes flickered between your eyes and the rest of you. 

You felt the warmth return to your face and it wasn’t the alcohol this time. Was he flirting with you? 

Mina yelled at the two of you, “Hey, stop flirting you two! We still have the rest of the show to get through.”

Bakugou cut to her direction and growled, “Shut the fuck up, Pinky.” 

“I can’t even imagine that being Kacchan.” Deku looked a bit embarrassed himself. He always gave you Boy Scout vibes despite being twenty six. 

“What? You think I couldn’t?!” Bakugou immediately went on the defensive.

Deku put his hands up, “I-I didn’t say that..” 

“Boys! Boys! There’s enough of me to go around. Relax!” You cut in dramatically to diffuse the fight waiting to happen. Bakugou scoffed and backed off resuming his attention to the show.

The rest of night went along without a hitch. Somehow though, through all the shuffle, you and Bakugou were sitting close enough for your legs to be touching. His arm resting languidly behind your head on the couch frame. You somehow maintained your nonchalance as if it didn’t bother you. Even though you now think the Hound wasn’t your boss, you were almost positive he harbored some kind of feelings towards you. You weren’t stupid. He wasn’t even throwing hints he was throwing canon balls. When it came time to unmask the contestants who lost, the room was in high spirits.

“Todoroki isn’t that your dad?!” Yaoyorozu pointed at the tv when Endeavor’s face appeared underneath the Phoenix’s. 

Tsuyu also pointed, “And Hawks and Shoji!” 

Deku didn’t seem very surprised to see Gran Torino which both you and Bakugou took note of. You thought it was painfully obvious that the Green Bunny was Deku. Even his singing voice sounded like him. 

“Wow what a night!” Ochako raised her arms above her head and stretched. 

“Tell me about it,” you giggled, “I could barely sleep after all of it.” 

Everyone stayed chatting a bit before people started to leave one by one. Duty calls and everyone had early patrols in the morning. The only person who didn’t leave was Bakugou. You didn’t foresee yourself being alone with him in your apartment so you were a bit nervous. He sat casually at your kitchen bar, fiddling with the ribbon the pastry box was tied up in. 

“So, I’m happy you actually showed up. I wasn’t sure if us hanging out outside the agency was like… inappropriate or something.” You said with a nervous chuckle in your throat. 

The man in front of you simply shrugged, “I mean clearly you’re friendly with my stupid friends so.” 

“Are we friends?” You asked hopefully. This made him stop fiddling with the ribbon to look at you. You couldn’t look at away since it felt like he grabbed you with his gaze alone. 

“I’d say so, yeah.” 

You emptied the last glass in your sink with a satisfied smile. Both of you had reddened cheeks from the alcohol flush. 

“Should we get matching bracelets now or?”

“Hell no.” 

You laughed and turned on the faucet to clean out the many wine glasses. His eyes followed your motions, promptly getting up and joining you on the other side. He uttered a quiet ‘move’ and took the sponge and glass from your hands. 

“I’m the host, you know. Shouldn’t I be the one to clean up?”

He clicked his tongue, “You’ve done enough hosting all of us.” 

Your eyes softened a bit. Bakugou didn’t have the best ways of expressing himself, letting his actions do the talking. He ran his mouth endlessly with curses, but he always got things done while taking in the situation into consideration. 

Maybe it was the alcohol and the vibes of that day but you leaned on your counter and watched his large hands skillfully clean your wine glasses, “I don’t think I’ve ever said this, but I’m really grateful.” 

This made Bakugou look at your half lidded expression directly, “For what exactly?” 

“Dunno. For existing I guess? If you didn’t do everything you did up until this point I wouldn’t be here. Metaphorically and physically.” You motioned to the apartment you were both in. 

“I was in a super low point of my life. I was scared to give up my dream of being a hero. I thought I was gonna live and die in my small town. Thanks for seeing in me what I didn’t. It means a lot.” There was a pregnant silence after you finished and you wondered if you made him uncomfortable. He gave his classic huff and gently placed the wine glass in his hand on the drying rack. 

“Your effort is what got you here. All I did was tell you the truth. Ain’t nothing special.” He looked intently at the task in front of him, the slightest bit of pink dusting the back of his neck. It was silent in your apartment aside from the traffic outside and the clinks of the glasses being washed. 

“Always the humble one. I’m gonna thank you regardless.” You sighed, “It’s gonna go to your already big head, but since you deserve to hear it I’ll tell you.” 

This caught Bakugou’s attention and made him finally look at you with an expectant look.

“You’re my favorite hero, Bakugou.” You said barely forming the sentence. You were so embarrassed but the conversation was like word vomit. “I admire you a lot. Like you’re a master class in how to save lives and take down villains. Everything I take with me on the field is something I’ve observed from you and made mine.”

“Please don’t say that.” He said and it threw you off. 

“What do you mean?” It was your turn to be expectant. His red eyes seemed like they were looking right through you and you felt vulnerable. 

He promptly shut off the water, “It makes it harder for me to see you only like a coworker.” 

“Ah…” you sounded and looked down, unable to control your heart rate. You fidgeted with your hands searching for what to say next. He didn’t say anything more and it was driving you insane. You were jealous of how he maintained his composure. 

You cleared your throat and stood up straight, “Wow, it’s sure hot in here! I’ll go turn on the AC—“ 

“It’s November.” He countered plainly. 

“I run a bit warm! So I’m just—“ you moved to turn on the AC, but Bakugou’s slightly wet hand grabbed your arm. He pulled you back with incredible strength. Your sock clad feet glided back on the smooth tile back to your spot next to him. You were mere inches away from his face now. Your heart was sounding in your ears, you hadn’t expected this to take a turn like this. Two years of slightly flirtatious banter on and off the line of duty should’ve hinted to an ending like this. For some reason, you just never expected Bakugou to see you this way. He was completely uninterested in love and relationships, he said so himself many times. 

“I thought you didn’t do relationships?” You dared to ask. His eyes narrowed with his lips forming a fine line as if to say ‘I know’. His grip lowered to your hand and held it softly. 

“Am I not allowed to change my mind?” 

Your heart was swooning. You should’ve invited him over ages ago. His face inched closer to yours and you decided to give in. His breath ghosted over your senses.

Banging on your door made you both jump apart. Bakugou let out a mixture of a groan and growl, letting you get it. You walked over to your door way willing your heart to slow down. Kirishima’s apologetic face stood behind your door as you opened it. 

“I forgot my wallet on your couch.” He offered a shy smile. Your heart was still racing so you just breathlessly nodded and let him in. As Kirishima made it past the foyer into the kitchen/living room area, he stopped in surprise to see Bakugou still here. 

“You waiting for a ride or something, man? I can give you a lift!” Kirishima, ever so helpful, offered. Bakugou’s eye twitched clearly annoyed that the moment was ruined. 

“No I drove myself.” Bakugou answered with anger dripping off each letter. 

“Then why…?” Kirishima trailed off looking between the two of you. The wheels in his head turned as his brain made sense of the situation. His mouth dropped open when it finally dawned on him. You bit back your laughter opting to look elsewhere. 

“O-Oh! I see! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt. I’ll just—heh. I’ll get this and I’ll be out of your way.” Kirishima grabbed his wallet off the couch and sped walk his way back out giving Bakugou a two fingered salute. His cheeks were bright red all the way down to his neck. 

“OUT.” The blonde commanded cutting off any attempt for Kirishima to speak any more while allowing his gaze to follow him out the door. As soon as the door shut you burst from laughter. Bakugou grumbled something under his breath and violently ruffled his own hair. 

“Oh stop you couldn’t live without him.” You continued to laugh.

Bakugou offered the rare sight of a tired smile, “Unfortunately.” 

Rude Awakening (Literally)

Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader

Word Count: 745

Synopsis: You and your boyfriend were just trying to enjoy a peaceful, sleep-filled Saturday morning when suddenly someone bursts through the door, not only ruining your peace but your secret relationship as well.

A/N: OK but for anyone who’s seen jjk,, imagine this concept but with Megumi as Bakugou and Yuuji as Kaminari. Nobara is the rest of the bakusquad. you’re welcome.

Warnings: cursing, I wrote this during the late hours of the morning and it isn’t beta read so it’s a lil rough

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It was a peaceful Saturday morning during your third year at UA high school. You were currently with your boyfriend of two years in his dorm room spending the morning in and out of sleep, cuddling after you spent the night there.

The two of you began dating in the second half of your first year, and decided not to tell anyone. Not only was it not the most important thing to be talking about with all that had been going on (things had thankfully calmed down since then), but you both wanted to keep that information private.

Both being members of the Bakusquad, you didn’t want your nosy friends to annoy you or tease you. Since you and Bakugou were always close they just assumed you two were still close friends, it’s not like you did anything in public to indicate you weren’t. Of course, this closeness garnered a lot of questions about whether or not you had romantic feelings for one another, and it was always fun to deny it even though you were in a committed relationship with him.

Last night you snuck into Bakugou’s dorm room to spend the night, a frequent occurrence for you. It was a good way to spend time together away from possible prying eyes.

The cuddles were a bonus too. After all, when Bakugou is tired he gets snuggly and you wouldn’t miss seeing that for the world.

The problem on this particular night was that Bakugou was even more tired than usual, and so were you, causing the door to remain unlocked after he let you in for the night. And while you would usually set an alarm for whoever was in the other’s room to go back to their own, neither of your sleep-deprived brains had the bright idea to plug in your phones.

Now, the Bakusquad only has two modes: asleep and annoying, and this morning that was no different. It was only 8am and Kaminari and Mina had decided they wanted to play a prank on Sero, so they went to wake everyone up. (Except Bakugou, of course. They already knew how that would go).

Upon seeing that you weren’t in your room (your dumb ass also forgot to lock your door behind you last night) they freaked out. You were never awake before noon on a Saturday, so obviously you were kidnapped.

They decided they needed to search for you immediately, waking up Sero and planning to wake up Bakugou. None of them wanted to fuck with him this early in the morning, but this was an emergency.

Meanwhile, you and Bakugou were still peacefully sleeping. You ended up being the big spoon that night, latching onto his back like a koala. One would think that with your boyfriend’s insane ego he would insist on being the big spoon, but he was actually a huge softie and liked being held.

One second you were relaxed with your face buried in Bakugou’s back, him just as relaxed as you are, and the next you both were being awoken with a loud yell.


You could hear the faint crackling noises of your boyfriend’s quirk and could sense the intense glare on his face. He was pissed. Before he could make matters worse you sat up from behind him and spoke. “What the fuck are you talking about I’m right here.”

The screech that left Kaminari upon seeing you there was deafening. “BAKUBRO, YOU’RE THE LITTLE SPOON?!?!”

Bakugou let out a sound of attack and charged at him, “I’LL BEAT YOUR ASS DUNCE FACE!” Could be heard down the hall after Kaminari ran for his life.

The other members of the Bakusquad just stood there slack-jawed staring at you.

“Are you two dating?” Sero was the first to recover.

“Yeah, why?” They looked even more surprised. You figured at this point there was no use trying to hide it. Your two years of privacy in your relationship were nice but all good things come to an end.

“Sincewhen?” Kirishima asked this time.

“Like. The middle of first year.”

A chorus of “WHAT?!?!"s Sounded throughout the room.

You laid back down in your boyfriend’s bed as they started firing questions at you. You covered your head with the blankets, missing Bakugou’s warmth.

"Will you guys shut up now? it’s too early for this.”

Yes,thisis mostly inspired by that vine


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All is Fair in Love and War


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A/N:I AM ONCE AGAIN APOLOGIZING FOR TAKING SO LONG HOLY SHIT I AM SORRY anyways enjoy this chapter it’s not as chaotic but v plot heavy

Series Summary: l/n y/n is a variety youtuber and streamer who makes all kinds of content ranging from makeup tutorials to baking videos to commentary. They are a part of the wildly popular streamer house/squad UA. What happens when UA merges with their long-time friends the Bakusquad and gains 6 new members? What happens when a certain angry pomeranian is roomed next to someone with no concept of self preservation who finds joy in provoking said angry pomeranian? Love, probably.


Fun facts:

  • They did in fact pull the classic ‘lock them in a closet until they confess’ prank
  • Very basic but we can’t all be pranking geniuses like Y/N and Bakugou
  • In order to get them in there the bakuy/ns had to literally shove them in there as they were walking past
  • It took an embarassing amount of time for them to do so
  • It took exactly 2 minutes for Bakugou to cave and text Y/N back
  • He’s soft for them
  • Bakugou tried to kiss Y/N but they stopped him on the logic of not wanting their and Bakugou’s first kiss to be in a fucking closet
  • Obviously they couldn’t let the rest of ua know that their plan worked,, so stay tuned to see that play out!
  • Also please ignore the like, retweet, and comment counts they aren’t important I kinda just keyboard smashed to get them, dates aren’t important either

Taglist (urls tumblr wouldn’t let me tag are bolded):@random-ass-shit-reblogged@fucktheworlddude@zyxys1@tati-the-fangirl@insomniacwreck@sorrowfulfragmentation@the-fandoms-georgie@lunamoonbby@tanakasprayer@daydaydayz@captaincyberqueen@arashi-onannoko@mrs-bakugo-writes@simp4bakubro@bakugouswh0r3@janelanewannabe@keigotakamie@1-800-simpingcowbaby@ifilosemyselfagain@moonhere@honeykami@fandomsgotmefucked@bakubabe2993@bakukags@GabbyGibbsGirl@superhermit@marvel-love-posts@theycallme-becky@sunflowerv69@bubblegum-bixch

All is Fair in Love and War

Chapter 10- Kinda expecting a 400k slow burn ngl

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A/N: HI OMG I’M SO SORRY IT’S BEEN SO LONG AHHHHH I should know better than to start a oneshot series while I have an entire smau going on and my real life is busier than ever but here we are. Anyways this is a long ass chapter so enjoy!!!

Series Summary: l/n y/n is a variety youtuber and streamer who makes all kinds of content ranging from makeup tutorials to baking videos to commentary. They are a part of the wildly popular streamer house/squad UA. What happens when UA merges with their long-time friends the Bakusquad and gains 6 new members? What happens when a certain angry pomeranian is roomed next to someone with no concept of self preservation who finds joy in provoking said angry pomeranian? Love, probably.

Warnings: cursing

Fun Facts:

  • Everyone was so excited that the clowns finally admitted their feelings that they forgot they were dealing with pranking geniuses (unsurprising tbh)
  • Kirishima this is a direct call out. Just because Bakugou says he isn’t pranking you doesn’t mean he isn’t pranking you.
  • Surprisingly, Kaminari is the only one that’s still suspicious of y/n and Bakugou’s feelings
  • Both y/n and Bakugou had a moment of “Oh shit I really am in love” during their respective text conversations
  • But more on that in the next chapter!!
  • There might only be a few more chapters left :(
  • Also please ignore the like, retweet, and comment counts they aren’t important I kinda just keyboard smashed to get them, dates aren’t important either

Taglist (urls tumblr wouldn’t let me tag are bolded):@random-ass-shit-reblogged@fucktheworlddude@zyxys1@tati-the-fangirl@insomniacwreck@sorrowfulfragmentation@the-fandoms-georgie@lunamoonbby@tanakasprayer@daydaydayz@captaincyberqueen@arashi-onannoko@mrs-bakugo-writes@simp4bakubro@bakugouswh0r3@janelanewannabe@keigotakamie@1-800-simpingcowbaby@ifilosemyselfagain@moonhere@honeykami@fandomsgotmefucked@bakubabe2993@bakukags@gabbygibbsgirl@superhermit

All is Fair in Love and War


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A/N: IT’S OUR FAVORITE POMERANIAN’S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! also 420 ahahahahahaha

Series Summary: l/n y/n is a variety youtuber and streamer who makes all kinds of content ranging from makeup tutorials to baking videos to commentary. They are a part of the wildly popular streamer house/squad UA. What happens when UA merges with their long-time friends the Bakusquad and gains 6 new members? What happens when a certain angry pomeranian is roomed next to someone with no concept of self preservation who finds joy in provoking said angry pomeranian? Love, probably.

Warnings: cursing

Fun Facts:

  • This is not a plot relevant chapter!!! It’s an extra!!!!
  • In case the texts weren’t clear enough Y/N glitter bombed Bakugou
  • The glitter was pink, Bakugou was p i s s e d
  • There was at least one visible speck of glitter on Bakugou’s face every day for 2 entire months
  • Y/N did not hesitate to point this out
  • When Bakuhoe first received the gift he was actually really happy that it was all zip tied cause poor emotionally constipated baby wouldn’t be able to handle a genuine gift from Y/N, it would’ve been too weird and he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop blushing
  • Also please ignore the like, retweet, and comment counts they aren’t important I kinda just keyboard smashed to get them, dates aren’t important either

Taglist (urls tumblr wouldn’t let me tag are bolded):@random-ass-shit-reblogged@fucktheworlddude@zyxys1@tati-the-fangirl@insomniacwreck@sorrowfulfragmentation@the-fandoms-georgie@lunamoonbby@tanakasprayer@daydaydayz@captaincyberqueen@arashi-onannoko@mrs-bakugo-writes@simp4bakubro@bakugouswh0r3@janelanewannabe@keigotakamie@1-800-simpingcowbaby@ifilosemyselfagain@moonhere@honeykami@fandomsgotmefucked@bakubabe2993

All is Fair in Love and War

Chapter 9- Edgelord Recovery

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A/N: SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG AHHH my life literally just got 80 times busier and will be for like another month and a half so I’ll try to update once a week but that honestly might not happen

Series Summary: l/n y/n is a variety youtuber and streamer who makes all kinds of content ranging from makeup tutorials to baking videos to commentary. They are a part of the wildly popular streamer house/squad UA. What happens when UA merges with their long-time friends the Bakusquad and gains 6 new members? What happens when a certain angry pomeranian is roomed next to someone with no concept of self preservation who finds joy in provoking said angry pomeranian? Love, probably.

Warnings: cursing

Fun facts:

  • Here’s the video that Y/N sent to Bakugou at the beginning
  • People on the internet started calling Bakugou a simp
  • He is
  • The bakuy/n movement is very popular, fans are all over it
  • The lie detector test idea was inspired by OfflineTV’s video with it, so was the streamer house component of this smau I got really into them during quarantine
  • Also please ignore the like, retweet, and comment counts they aren’t important I kinda just keyboard smashed to get them, dates aren’t important either

Taglist (urls tumblr wouldn’t let me tag are bolded):@random-ass-shit-reblogged@fucktheworlddude@zyxys1@tati-the-fangirl@insomniacwreck@sorrowfulfragmentation@the-fandoms-georgie@lunamoonbby@tanakasprayer@daydaydayz@captaincyberqueen@arashi-onannoko@mrs-bakugo-writes@simp4bakubro@bakugouswh0r3@janelanewannabe@keigotakamie@1-800-simpingcowbaby@ifilosemyselfagain@moonhere@honeykami@fandomsgotmefucked@bakubabe2993
