#mha x gnreader


tw: smut! overstimulation, male ahegao, spit swallowing, do tell if i missed any!

does anybody else think about pro-hero hawks in there on the bed with you in the cow girl position.

you‘ve ridden him with all your might and now his hands are gripping your ass like a fucking vice. his face is blissed out after you‘ve brought out his fourth load of the night.

he‘s surely near overstimulated as he whispers your name underneath his panted breath. sweet calls of your name as he swallows the mix of yours and his saliva.

but you don‘t stop there.

you start riding him once again with your hands now on the headboard, your lust filled eyes looking at him tauntingly as his golden ones widen. there‘s a whine that leaves past his swollen lips as the hold on your ass becomes weak.

but he hasn‘t said the safe word, so you continue.

with every downward movement, his face becomes more and more dumbed out. his eyes are half lidded with hearts on the pupils, his tongue poking out more and more. an abundance of his whines growing higher in pitch with every thrust.

for such a fucked out, overstimulated baby you‘d think he‘d beg you to stop or for him to simply allow you to take over.

but he doesn‘t. it surprises you that he even is still thrusting upwards matching your speed to meet your hole even though his cock is pouring cum with every twitch.

don‘t worry though, he isn‘t broken, you haven‘t broken him in yet. because if you have, he surely would be bending himself over and spreading his own cheeks with the pleas of “please fuck me!” leaving past his lips.

Today we’re thinking about Bakugou falling in love with his polar opposite

Summary- (Oh my god this concept is so cute to me ) Headcanons / drabbles of Katsuki meeting, dating and falling in love with a s/o whose the opposite of him (Behavior and personality wise.)

Cw- Tooth rotting fluff, no smut, Black reader, no body descriptions, Gender neutral reader.

Bakugou with a shy, quiet s/o.

The first time Bakugou met you was while patrolling around your neighborhood.

You were being held up by some street slime and as the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, he had to step in. He dealt with the low life pretty easily and turned around to see if you were ok, but all he saw was a flash of brown as you made some type of speed dash away from him. Of course he followed you because who the fuck do you think you’re running away from, after he just made your life fucking easier?

“Come back here and say thank you -you little shit!” He screamed turning the corner, hot on your trail.

You were panicking and out of breath , fumbling with your keys by the time he finally caught up to you. “Hey, did you fucking -

He stopped mid sentence seeing how distraught you were, you were shaking like you had seen a ghost and he was pretty sure you were about to cry.

"Hey, Hey calm down, I -I wanted to see if you were okay” He half lied. “You also didn’t say thankyou” He added.

“Yeah -I-Um did”

For a second Katsuki’s not sure you said anything at all, You’re like a fucking church mouse.

A cute church mouse, He notes.

“No the fuck you didn’t, don’t fucking lie to me extra!” He growls.

That seems to push you over the edge, the tears you were so poorly holding back now freely streaming down.

“I- I’m sorry, I- youre-Ive never seen a pro hero so-so close and - and you trailed off, choking on the knot no doubt forming in your throat.

Now he felt like shit.

Typically Bakugou fucking hated crybaby’s, but making you cry actually made him feel as if he really fucked up.

” its fine -Just -Just be careful.“ Bakugou said, already backing away from your house.

He ran into you a lot after that since his Agency had him stationed in your neighborhood for patrols. It totally isn’t because He’s been purposely swapping patrols shift with shitty hair so he can stay close to you.

He managed to get your name out of you after like the third time he bumped into you and offered to take you out for coffee as a way to apologize for

"Being such an asshole to you before.”

He would never admit it but when you gave him a faint “Sure” his heart did that fluttering shit that he thought only happened in movies.

Since the coffee shop date apology Katsuki found himself warming up to you.

You were so fucking small. Not exactly in physical stature -but in presence. People seemed to walk over you, fuck you over, and try to pull shit on you because of how reserved you were. It also didn’t help that you were a foreigner living in a shittier part of Musutafu.

He had an urge to fucking protect you or something.

And He was thinking you were starting to at warm up to him too, instead of flinching away from him and avoiding eye contact you would greet him with a energetic “Katsuki-kun” and a friendly hug.

He kind of wished things weren’t just friendly, but he knew if he approached you dead on he would probably scare you off or some shit, so he tries to ease into it slowly.

Giving you his hoodies.

Volunteering to spend the night at your place so you could sleep without the fear of a thug breaking down your door.

Spending most of his time away from the agency with you.

You were oblivious as fuck though , which he kinda expected , so after a while he just flat out ask you.

He didn’t think it was possible for you to stutter over your words more than you already did, but he was pleased to receive a shaky “Yes of course” In response.

Katsuki thinks of himself as your protector and your boyfriend once you guys start officially dating.

He knows its probably corny as fuck, but he cant help it. The contrast between you too makes him soft. -not that he’d ever admit that to anyone.

No one tries to swindle you out of shit when He’s around, which makes things like running errands so much easier and its been months since a mugger has even looked your way.

Eventually He brings up the idea of you moving in with him, despite your cries about “Not wanting to be trouble for him.”

But he assures you that “You wouldn’t be fucking trouble and he wouldn’t have fucking asked you if he didn’t want you to.”

After you move in with him I, he tries to adjust his lifestyle for you. He attempts to take curse words out of his vocabulary, well as much as he can, and tone down his explosive attitude for your sake, to avoid any more occurrences like the first time you met.

The honeymoon phase has him floating. Both Denki and shitty hair have commented on how clear his skins gotten-which is thanks to your shae butter-and how much nicer he seems now. He cant remember the last time he’s threatened to kill someone, and he feels like hemighteven be able to do a press conference with shitty Deku without cursing him out.

ok maybe that’s stretching it-but still.

Even after the honey moon phase ends he’s still ecstatic to be with you. Its kinda confusing as to why someone so soft and gentle as yourself could put up with a thunderous son of a bitch like him, but instead of questioning it he chooses to just be thankful.

and Hes very thankful.

Notes and reblogs are always welcome babes!

Rude Awakening (Literally)

Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader

Word Count: 745

Synopsis: You and your boyfriend were just trying to enjoy a peaceful, sleep-filled Saturday morning when suddenly someone bursts through the door, not only ruining your peace but your secret relationship as well.

A/N: OK but for anyone who’s seen jjk,, imagine this concept but with Megumi as Bakugou and Yuuji as Kaminari. Nobara is the rest of the bakusquad. you’re welcome.

Warnings: cursing, I wrote this during the late hours of the morning and it isn’t beta read so it’s a lil rough

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It was a peaceful Saturday morning during your third year at UA high school. You were currently with your boyfriend of two years in his dorm room spending the morning in and out of sleep, cuddling after you spent the night there.

The two of you began dating in the second half of your first year, and decided not to tell anyone. Not only was it not the most important thing to be talking about with all that had been going on (things had thankfully calmed down since then), but you both wanted to keep that information private.

Both being members of the Bakusquad, you didn’t want your nosy friends to annoy you or tease you. Since you and Bakugou were always close they just assumed you two were still close friends, it’s not like you did anything in public to indicate you weren’t. Of course, this closeness garnered a lot of questions about whether or not you had romantic feelings for one another, and it was always fun to deny it even though you were in a committed relationship with him.

Last night you snuck into Bakugou’s dorm room to spend the night, a frequent occurrence for you. It was a good way to spend time together away from possible prying eyes.

The cuddles were a bonus too. After all, when Bakugou is tired he gets snuggly and you wouldn’t miss seeing that for the world.

The problem on this particular night was that Bakugou was even more tired than usual, and so were you, causing the door to remain unlocked after he let you in for the night. And while you would usually set an alarm for whoever was in the other’s room to go back to their own, neither of your sleep-deprived brains had the bright idea to plug in your phones.

Now, the Bakusquad only has two modes: asleep and annoying, and this morning that was no different. It was only 8am and Kaminari and Mina had decided they wanted to play a prank on Sero, so they went to wake everyone up. (Except Bakugou, of course. They already knew how that would go).

Upon seeing that you weren’t in your room (your dumb ass also forgot to lock your door behind you last night) they freaked out. You were never awake before noon on a Saturday, so obviously you were kidnapped.

They decided they needed to search for you immediately, waking up Sero and planning to wake up Bakugou. None of them wanted to fuck with him this early in the morning, but this was an emergency.

Meanwhile, you and Bakugou were still peacefully sleeping. You ended up being the big spoon that night, latching onto his back like a koala. One would think that with your boyfriend’s insane ego he would insist on being the big spoon, but he was actually a huge softie and liked being held.

One second you were relaxed with your face buried in Bakugou’s back, him just as relaxed as you are, and the next you both were being awoken with a loud yell.


You could hear the faint crackling noises of your boyfriend’s quirk and could sense the intense glare on his face. He was pissed. Before he could make matters worse you sat up from behind him and spoke. “What the fuck are you talking about I’m right here.”

The screech that left Kaminari upon seeing you there was deafening. “BAKUBRO, YOU’RE THE LITTLE SPOON?!?!”

Bakugou let out a sound of attack and charged at him, “I’LL BEAT YOUR ASS DUNCE FACE!” Could be heard down the hall after Kaminari ran for his life.

The other members of the Bakusquad just stood there slack-jawed staring at you.

“Are you two dating?” Sero was the first to recover.

“Yeah, why?” They looked even more surprised. You figured at this point there was no use trying to hide it. Your two years of privacy in your relationship were nice but all good things come to an end.

“Sincewhen?” Kirishima asked this time.

“Like. The middle of first year.”

A chorus of “WHAT?!?!"s Sounded throughout the room.

You laid back down in your boyfriend’s bed as they started firing questions at you. You covered your head with the blankets, missing Bakugou’s warmth.

"Will you guys shut up now? it’s too early for this.”

Yes,thisis mostly inspired by that vine


Taglist form


A little reminder

You’re favourite character would def be in love with you. You’re personality is just *chefs kiss* and so are your looks.

Oh you’re chubby/plus sized? That’s just more to love

You think you’re too tall/short? Your favourite character thinks that your height is perfect, just like you

You’re a different culture? That’s awesome, they want to know everything about it.

You have another insecurity that you hate? Well, you better stop hating because they love it.

Now stop crying about not being perfect because you are and you’re favourite character agrees with me too
