#bangladeshi cartoons

The final 6 of 6 :D! She was a simplified version of pencil drawing. She was supposed to be my secon

The final 6 of 6 :D! She was a simplified version of pencil drawing. She was supposed to be my second square sketchbook that i was planning on making. I still really like these designs and do still want to make things with them :)

I really like this blouse here, I should make it XD its been so long since I sewed a saree blouse.

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My entry for Copic’s Contest! This piece titled “Dark Feathers” is done entirely with copics, not ev

My entry for Copic’s Contest! This piece titled “Dark Feathers” is done entirely with copics, not even any pencils in this! I have been very interested in fairy tales. My parents were recently telling me about egrets they would see back in Bangladesh and I wanted to make a piece about them. However egret babies always have white feathers, but would they be revered the same if they had dark feathers?

There are multiple awards, and one is asocial media award, the instagram post with the most likes! I’d appreciate an likes, love support <3 <3!!!

https://www.instagram.com/8shurmmi8/  - my ig link

https://copicaward.com/work/detail/6926   - my entry on their site.

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