

Sorry for not updating, I just caught up with Gotham AND IM LOSING MY MIND! JEREMIAH WTF WAS THAT CLIFF HANGER YOU BITCH ASS!

Also, do you ship Bruce and Selina?

Come close. I have to tell you something. I don’t want her to hear. I want you to know… I lovCome close. I have to tell you something. I don’t want her to hear. I want you to know… I lovCome close. I have to tell you something. I don’t want her to hear. I want you to know… I lov

Come close. I have to tell you something. I don’t want her to hear. I want you to know… I love you.

Batcat in Batman #42 by Mikel Janín

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Hi! I’ve been having a really strong brainrot since I watched The batman (2022), so I’m opening really short preorders.

This is my very first time doing a linked charm, so I don’t have any reference on my store to guide you. They will be clear with a golden heart accessory, and they will have two different designs per side. That’s why the silhouette looks a little weird! I couldn’t resist to draw Battinson without the mask.

Every charm will be about 5cmx5cm, so it might be 10cm long.

I hope you like them as much as I do :) Thanks for reading!



  • “You assume the worst in people. Maybe we’re not so different after all.”

I really wanted to revisit Zoë and try sketching her again, she has such amazing features and I tried to capture her as best I could.

illustration by me


The Batfam Trap

Chapter 1

Dick had always been aware of the hole in his family. At school, he had often seen kids his age being coddled and babied by their mothers, but only a few times had it led him to wonder where his mother was. He had seen the empty look in his father’s eyes, the one that was rarely visible, but somehow always present. At least it had been, until Selina came into the picture. She was like a movie star in the boy’s eyes. She was beautiful and confident. Selina was always good to Dick’s father, and in return Bruce loved her dearly. Dick never took time to question whether she was right for his father. At the point when he was able to truly question it, Tim was introduced into the family. The four year old had been taken from a neglectful family. He was scared and untrusting of everyone, including kind-faced Alfred. Tim had hidden in his room the first moment possible. While Bruce was swept up in Wayne Tech business, Dick slipped away from Alfred’s watchful gaze.

“Tim?” He asked, knocking on the toddlers door.

“Go away.” Came the child like reply.

Dick sighed, and wiggling the knob, coaxed the lock open. Tim shivered and crawled to the back corner of his large bed. Dick gave the boy a small smile, and sat on the moon shaped rug. He leaned against the bed and allowed his shoulders to droop, in what was hopefully read as welcoming. He heard the bed shift slightly as Tim moved.

“You don’t need to be afraid.” The movement stilled. “Dad’s going to take care of you.”

“I miss my mommy.” Tim erupted into tears.

Quickly, Dick jumped onto the bed. Dick encompassed the bawling toddler in his arms. Tim snuggled into his new brother’s arms and continued to cry. Dick did his best to sooth the child. Bruce burst into the room. Red faced, he took Tim. Tim grabbed onto Bruce’s shirt, and whaled harder. This was the kind of scene the media would love. The headlines of “single father Bruce Wayne adopts abused child” or “Can Bruce Wayne really be trusted to raise two boys?”. Either way, a photo like that would have been everywhere. But the media wasn’t there to capture the moment. The only one there was Dick Wayne, the motherless son of Gotham’s local playboy.

Tag list: @blackchessknight @shizukiryuu

Oh My God this is so good

Thankyou so much for adopting this into a story, and I’m looking forward to this fic XD


The Batman (2022) dir. Matt Reeves

samothy-wilson:maybe Tim is right. maybe I do tend to take my time chasing Catwoman.


maybe Tim is right. maybe I do tend to take my time chasing Catwoman.

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maryjanes:“I was pulled away from you. But I fought back. Ran back. To you.”maryjanes:“I was pulled away from you. But I fought back. Ran back. To you.”


“I was pulled away from you. But I fought back. Ranback.To you.”

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Wind down #TheBatman doodles. Some Robert Pattinson studies and silly batcat shenanigans ‍⬛ stylizing humans is hard
