#batfam social media


Hello lovelies :)

I’ve decided I won’t be posting on this page anymore :’) it’s been a long journey but it’s time for things to come to an end

1) I’m a junior in college I’m insanely busy all the time w 20 credits per semester

2) arguing with white people on this app is beyond exhausted especially as a queer blacks person. Reminder that its not my job or the job of ANY POC to educate white people on being anti-racist. Which for some reason is not something a lot of people are able to grasp

My last post had a shit ton of white people come into my inbox and messages playing victim saying “colonizer” was an offensive term. And calling Bruce a colonizer is a slur. That Damian has “a better story with his white father than his Arab side”, that the ethnic identity of Dick doesn’t matter. That Duke and Cass were forced diversity. And I’m just too old and don’t have time for that type of bigotry. And while many might say “just ignore it” non POC particularly non BIPOC will never truly understand experiencing racism from every platform and every corner of your life. So since I have control of this blog, I’m not going to be entertaining racists or allow them to create scenarios where POC are the villains and white people are the victim just because they’re uncomfortable when called out. I don’t regret a single thing I said about Dick, Damian, Duke, or Cass. (None of this is related to the conversations about Bruce being ethnically Jewish)

The fandom, like 90% of fandoms… is toxic. and DC writers without a doubt are problematic. There is no denying it and as an adult, I have to advocate for my own mental health preservation as well as define what being an ally and activist means to me, and making excuses for the fandoms bigotry at my fossils age of 20 too close to 21, is not something I can be comfortable with

3) I’ve had this blog since I was 16/17? In many ways it’s outgrown me and I’ve outgrown it.

DC and the batfam has had such a huge impact on my life and it will forever be something I love and adore but it’s time for me to part ways with bats-and-brats. Thank you to everyone who has followed, liked and rebooted me all these years and sent me supporting messages. I’m not going to delete the page but I will no longer be answering messages, requests or replies ❤️ - Les

I’m going to spend all night going through my inbox so if u wanna send me something Id love that :’)

If y’all couldn’t tell… I’m very active rn. That’s because I’m procrastinating!

Ask me any question and I will answer it :) or send in a request :)
