#bayan pumili ka


“Bayan, pumili ka.”

On Monday—9th of May, 2022—I am voting for Leni Robredo to be the next President of the Republic of the Philippines, and for Kiko Pangilinan to be her Vice President.

This is genuinely the first time I don’t feel like I’m supporting and settling for a “lesser evil” candidate.

I believe—with my whole dang heart—Leni and Kiko are the very best of the candidates. By far.

They are—honest-to-god, hand on heart—genuinepublic servants.

So I’m going to the voting precinct on Monday not only with a clear conscience, but also teeming with hope.

And whoever you’re voting for on Monday, I do hope you’re able to vote with as much certainty in your choice of candidates, and the ideals they stand for.
