

We only have a week left before election day in Philippines. If you are a Filipino and a registered voter, please dedicate your time to do research on who to vote for. Our economy is in the hands of our future president for the coming years. This shouldn’t be about your personal interest, this is about the lives of 112 million Filipinos.

Look at their accomplishments, have they kept their promises as a public servant in the past? Their track records, achievements and educational attainment are one of the factors that can qualify a President, not their “surnames”. Are they corrupt? Do they pay their taxes? It’s not too late to change your mind. Vote wisely.

May 8, 2022

Making sure my son knows the truth. Time to teach the next generation so that this never happens again

 Will the real apl.de.ap please stand up, please stand up? Shout out to Eminem. Alin, alin, alin a

Will the real apl.de.ap please stand up, please stand up? Shout out to Eminem.

Alin, alin, alin ang naiba?

Dun tayo sa totoo, #LeniKiko2022!!

Wag sa japeyks. #NeverAgain #NeverForget #NoToAnotherMarcos #NoToAnotherDuterte ♥️

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Ililikas ko na kayo sa cesspool that we once called Pilipinas



Hindi ako sigurado kung paano ito makakatulong sa inyo pero kahit man sana sa munting paraan na ito, alam niyong may pag-asa pa kayo sa mundo na ‘to.

Your future doesn’t have to end just because willfully ignorant people elected equally willfully ignorant candidates.

Not to get political but If you see Filipino mutuals posting about how fucked their elections turned out please let them be / send comfort if you can because it sucks. To make things short, it’s a corrupt system, the “results” are likened to if Germany were to elect Adolf Hitler Jr.

Here’s a good run down thread of the situation + context.

All the marcos supporters have to say is that they’re happy to see the opposition cry as if the tears are more important than the state of the country.

Statements of “leave the country if it bothers you haha” are annoying too. Some people don’t have the means to do so or have relatives that can’t be moved, it’s always the ppl with privilege saying this shit and rubbing it in ppl’s faces when they know NOTHING of what it’s like

Anyway @ bbm supporters TANGINA NIYO lahat bawal kayo dito you don’t even care about the country except just winning over Leni / don’t understand how privileged you are compared to the rest of the citizens. Leche kayo.


To the Filipinos messaging me today over the ongoing election results (and for the foreigners to be aware of our political situation),

I feel you — this is humiliating, painful, and devastating. A legacy of dictatorship back on the seat of power, over hundreds of reported bribery and cheating cases with evidence, an election committee with their own preferred people, actors and abusers over human rights lawyers, history forgotten and rewritten.

But let’s never forget that we’re on the right side of history. My first vote was for someone with the best possible credentials and character, along with a colorful senatorial team with great campaigns.

We’ll grieve this time around, but let grief turn to anger and let anger turn to hope for a better future.

I’ll always remember how every university banded together for her; how professionals and celebrities chose her and her team. I’ll never forget the flash mobs singing peace hymns in malls, markets, and streets; the house-to-house campaigns where my friends ventured to the most unreachable places; the sports games where everyone wore pink instead of their school colors; the crowded rallies where food and water were passed around, and not a single wallet was stolen.

We turned a political campaign into a movement for change and love — and I’ll always be proud of that. We made the right choices. We did what we can. That, in itself, shows promise for our future.

For brighter futures, laban lang, Pilipinas! fighting!

“Bayan, pumili ka.”

On Monday—9th of May, 2022—I am voting for Leni Robredo to be the next President of the Republic of the Philippines, and for Kiko Pangilinan to be her Vice President.

This is genuinely the first time I don’t feel like I’m supporting and settling for a “lesser evil” candidate.

I believe—with my whole dang heart—Leni and Kiko are the very best of the candidates. By far.

They are—honest-to-god, hand on heart—genuinepublic servants.

So I’m going to the voting precinct on Monday not only with a clear conscience, but also teeming with hope.

And whoever you’re voting for on Monday, I do hope you’re able to vote with as much certainty in your choice of candidates, and the ideals they stand for.
