#bean dip


The Golden Girls
Season 3
Episode 12Charlie’s Buddy



Actual Conversation - Food for Thought

This exchange happened at a truck stop during a recent car trip with @zoyogrl on our way back up to Washington.

Her: “Ugh. I need something with protein, but there’s like, no good options without gluten.”

Me: “What about a jar of peanut butter and a spoon?”

Her: “Oh! Good idea babe! And I can dip other things in it too.”

Me: “You know…”

Her: “Your face is making me worried.”

Me: “So you know how peanuts are neither a pea, nor a nut? They’re a legume? Like a bean.”


Me: “So technically, peanut butter is a bean dip!”



Her: “No! Why do you do this to me?! I can’t unthink that!”

Me: “Come on, it’s not so bad.”


Me: “Want me to get you a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup?”

Her: “Ooo! Yes please!”

Me: “Yeah, I love chocolate covered bean dip too.”


Chocolate comes from beans, too, so it’s bean dip coated in bean dip

Hey@zoyogrl!! Guess what @cannotwynn just taught me!

Actual Conversation - Food for Thought

This exchange happened at a truck stop during a recent car trip with @zoyogrl on our way back up to Washington.

Her: “Ugh. I need something with protein, but there’s like, no good options without gluten.”

Me: “What about a jar of peanut butter and a spoon?”

Her: “Oh! Good idea babe! And I can dip other things in it too.”

Me: “You know…”

Her: “Your face is making me worried.”

Me: “So you know how peanuts are neither a pea, nor a nut? They’re a legume? Like a bean.”


Me: “So technically, peanut butter is a bean dip!”



Her: “No! Why do you do this to me?! I can’t unthink that!”

Me: “Come on, it’s not so bad.”


Me: “Want me to get you a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup?”

Her: “Ooo! Yes please!”

Me: “Yeah, I love chocolate covered bean dip too.”

