

A goofy lil idea I had for a 1950s AU where Spock is an active artist/writer/musician in the beat movement, and Kirk is from Leave it to Beaver.

Kirk is enamored with the new things that big-city Spock teaches him, and Spock adores small-town Kirk’s genuine, heartfelt hospitality.


Kirk: … Mr. Spock<3?

Spock: yes James darling.

Kirk: I um, wrote some poetry & I was wondering if you’d maybe take a look

Spock: POETRY! Why of course James!




Kirk: well? What do you think?

Spock: James… is this your first time writing poetry?

*kirk experiences despair*



Spock: JAMES! why are you crying?

Spock: your poetry may not be refined, but it is IMPORTANT. It is YOU. It is IMPORTANT BECAUSE it is YOU.

Spock: your poetry represents everything you are now James, but also everything you ever might be

Spock: it is the manifestation of your present state which makes it inherently valuable, worthwhile & beautiful. Other people’s opinions are irrelevant.

Spock: including my own

Kirk: oh. Thank you

Kirk I think… 


Mike and Nanaba as icons of beat-generation ; & jazz/bebop playlist .

I hope, you will like this drawing & playlist there is a special place in my heart for jazz please, discover some jazz for your heart too
