#beginner spells


In general, cannot be manipulated:

If your problem pertains to a specific person I recommend using something that will banish them.


  • Acorn
  • White Candle
  • Black Candle
  • Dragon’s Blood (Incense)
  • Amethyst
  • Quartz
  • Black Salt


  1. Set up your altar with all the items in any way you please.
  2. Light the incense and the white candle; say something along the lines of “I am (name). I have a voice, no one speaks for me. I use my brain, no one thinks for me. I make my decisions, no one decides for me. I cannot be manipulated!”
  3. Hold the acorn, amethyst and quartz in your NON-dominant hand. Light the black candle and sprinkle a circle of black salt around it; say  “I am (name). I have a voice, no one speaks for me. I use my brain, no one thinks for me. I make my decisions, no one decides for me. I cannot be manipulated!” Repeat as many times as needed until it feels right.
  4. leave the black candle burning until it burns out on its own, as well as the incense. Blow out the white candle. cleanse your stones. Clean the black salt up AFTERthe black candle burns out.
  5. Carry the acorn with you in a pouch, in your pocket, as a charm, etc… to insure you will not be manipulated.


Low-effort witchy things to do

-bless your morning tea/coffee every day. Set an intention like, “I am confident and happy, and I love myself” whilst stirring it, then tap the spoon on the mug 3 times to seal it.

-look at your crystals and pick one that matches your needs. Tell the crystal what you’d like to attain from it. Carry it around!

-bless your water before you drink it. Just say “blessed be” and imagine a purifying light shining through it.

-when my friends are sad, I like to send a blessing in my head towards them. “may X have protection and feel loved today”. Obviously you should also try and talk to them if you can, but this is a nice option too.

-make crystal elixirs by sticking a crystal into a jar of water overnight (or for a couple of hours). You can intensify your intention by putting a sigil onto the jar as well. Remember to research the crystals to make sure they’re safe in water first!

-do you spend a lot of time on your phone? Try to put it down for 5 minutes before bed time and just BE. It’s technically meditating but call it whatever you want! Put some selenite in your hand to help purify your energy even more.

-speaking of meditating, when you’re travelling somewhere, try to look around you and find bits of natural life to look at. Quiet your mind and try to focus on those things.

-when you shower, visualise the water washing off all of the bad energies, and sending them down the drain!

-drink herbal tea that corresponds to your intentions.

-open your window at least once a day to cleanse the room and make it feel lighter!

-practise self-care in any form if you are able. Self care truly is witchcraft.

Remember, nobody except you can define your craft. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re doing it wrong!
