#belgian congo

Teddy Roosevelt on safari, Khartoum, 1910. After deciding not to run for a third term as President,

Teddy Roosevelt on safari, Khartoum, 1910.

After deciding not to run for a third term as President, Teddy his son and 250 other porters and guides went on safari throughout British East Africa, the Belgian Congo and Khartoum to collect specimens for the Smithsonian. The entire group “collected” 1,100 specimens. Teddy and his son alone bagged 512 including 17 lion, 11 elephant and 20 rhinoceros. At one point, Teddy shot a rhino that was charging at him by shooting through the beast’s neck into its heart. 

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Audrey Hepburn photographed on location in the Belgian Congo for “The Nun’s Story”, 1958.If you’ve n

Audrey Hepburn photographed on location in the Belgian Congo for “The Nun’s Story”, 1958.

If you’ve never seen The Nun’s Story, it’s a beautiful film about character, integrity and introspection. It explores that internal struggle between being the person that is expected of you and living in your own truth and recognizing your limitations. Audrey gives a brilliantly powerful and contemplative performance, which should have resulted in an Oscar win.

According to Rob Wolders, Audrey said that Sister Luke was the role she felt most connected to throughout her career. The film meant a great deal to Audrey and during production she became close friends with Kathryn Hulme, the author of The Nun’s Story. Kathryn, whom the book and movie is based on, was by Audrey’s bedside after she broke her back from a terrible horseback riding accident that resulted in a miscarriage.

The Nun’s Story is a departure from Audrey’s typical movie repertoire. She isn’t wearing Givenchy or dancing on the streets of Paris with Fred Astaire. Her poignant performance will leave you tearful. She shows her true strength as an actress. Definitely worth the watch.

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